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Everything posted by Freddy7372

  1. My Application Personal Information Name:Victor Manuel Santa Username:Freddy7372 In-game name:Freddy7372 Age:16 Nationality:Mixed (50% Puerto Rican & 50% Black) Capability to speak English:10 (main language) 2. In-Game Information How long do I play:It all depends on my Schedule, I can't be on 24/7 simply because I want to make good grades. Other gangs: Nope, I haven't been in a single one, hopefully this will be my first Discord and working mic: Yes to both How many HRS do you play a week:Depends on schedule, not only that, but I will get my own gaming PC on Christmas, so i will not be on for a long time till Christmas Strength/Weaknesses: Strength=Strong determination,never give up, Never leave anyone behind, extremely Loyal. Weaknesses=Rager, aim is pretty trash sometimes, schedule Gang and Random Q's What made you want to join: It all started with a bank robbery when a blood member that goes by the name of Tuemack made a great first impression on me. He was very friendly and even offered me a ride to the criminal base to turn in all the sweet sweet cash. We then shared some friendly words and he gave me an offer to join the Bloodz, which I humbly accept. I hope that this appilcation will be good enough Describe bloodz: Bloodz is a group of people who have been though tough times, but those though times made them stronger and more skilled, and now it's time for them to show all the people what those skillz can do! Can you bring anything specific to your gang:Yes, I can bring glory, for when there is a blood in need, I will be there indeed. I can be an example, for when there is a person that is new to the server, I can do what Tumack did for me, and make a good impression. and finally, I can increase the relationship between others, for when we shoot down all those nasty cripz and pigs, I will have your back, front, and your side, you are not alone. Blue=bad?: YESSS ALL THE YESSS'S in the WORLD 4. More questions that aren't labeled What is roleplay:When you act as another person in things such as games, plays, etc What is our gang motto: Hit 'em hard, and hit 'em fast Who is the bloodz leader: Makaveli? What do you do when you get DM: screenshot and report, if he or she is new, i will tell him myself What do you do if you see someone break the rules: screenshot and report, if he or she is new, i will tell him myself Tell us something about yourself: Im only 16 and i've already been though a lot, depression, bullying, you name it. though all of that, i've gained a lot of experience with people, its almost as if I can get inside their head. I've went to a ghetto school, witnessed fights, been in fights, but still made good grades,I didn't let anything drag me down. so now i offer all my experience and wisdom to this gang. but before you think about accepting or rejecting my application, ask yourself this. what makes you age? Dates, numbers, the day you were born? or? What you have been though, the things you have seen as a human being? -Victor
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