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Everything posted by KUKOG

  1. Ingame name: KUKOG Username: KUKOG Country of Residence and Nationality: United Kingdom/ British Spoken Languages: English Age: 17 Date of the beginning of your SAES Career: Some what around last week of October Previous organisations and the reason why you left or got kicked out: N.A Write an introduction about yourself personally and your in-game character of 150 to 200 words: Hello my real name is Tom Thomas and I am 17 years old. I am from the Uk and I am a very open person no matter what and have full respect to everyone [if they are not toxic]. Other than playing GTA MTA saes I play other games such as Pubg, LOL, Arma 2 and 3 [But stopped couple weeks ago] and other games. Overall I am in my point of view kind, loyal, friendly, helpful and there for anyone at there time of need. Before joining Saes I used to play on SAMP and played on servers like Roleplay and Freeroam. But after meeting someone on an server couple months ago he told me about MTA. After installing I played on normal free-roam server and other Role playing servers Also an dayz server. When I joined Saes I was with one other person but after he said the server was bad he had left. But not following him I stayed and started working diffrent types of jobs. But the thing was I did not play everyday when I started at that time as I had school work to focus on. Last week and this week is the most time I played on Saes, roaming around to killing people to short time teaming I had gotten used to the server rules and game play overall and was hooked. After an SR I had met a member of The Company [not going to say is name as I have not asked permission to that person if I can add his name or not] and he had asked me if he wanted to join [ThC] and after thinking I had said sure. That person had took me to the base where I was given a tour and I was told by that person too hang around with other ThC members and then after I feel ready then apply. So from the 17th till today I started hanging out with most of the ThC members. They had shown me all the aspects of the server through another eye, from pvp and SR, BR, VIP and many more. I was given tips, helped with money. Getting used to playing with other members I have formed a close bond with a few as they have given me alot of advice and overall help me. From playing with members of The Company such as Poodlyz, Hatefull, Griffin, Vex, Goldmine, Mim, Adistar, Siper and others I have learned and gained new tips from each single person. They have taught me how to be like an ThC [Through game play and socialising] and put me under there wing to guild me through out this week. I hope that we can be as one in the future and thank you to everyone from The Company for showing me what behold through the team. Thank you. Tom AKA KUKOG.
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