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Everything posted by Murek1

  1. Ingame name: 215|Murek Ingame username:Pokica Previous organizations and leaving causes: ICE: I left beacuse they didnt speak english properly,and I was the only one posting. FBI: I left,no reason. SAFP: I got into an argument with niceez and he kicked me. SAPA: I left beacuse i couldnt go out of the base without any SAPA or any official squad member/s. ETF: I left beacuse i got bored. NSWC: Deleted/closed. TMH: I left,no reason. BBMC: Deleted/closed. RDMC: Deleted/closed. HRMC: Deleted/closed. BLOODZ: I left mainly beacuse they were just afk-ing and werent so active.I didnt have fun durung my membership in BloodZ. RR: Deleted/closed. Define Underground Empire: Underground Empire was found on june 23,1866 (1 year and 1 day after the American Civil War) A dew sodiers couldnt find a job beacuse their families were killed by Union Soldiers. by 3 people. John Dixon,Edward McFarlane and Judah Davis,they were former confederate soldiers.Dixon came from war with his hand blown off,McDarlane had PTSD-Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a mental health condition that's triggered by a terrifying event either experiencing it or witnessing it and Davis was sick of living.They decided to get rich.Their criminal activities began with politicians.Some of them wanted someone killed so only of them would get the job done. 1888: In that year they met a polish bussiness man who came to america to get even richer than he alredy was.His name was Richard Kowalski.he was a famous for running rackets in Poland. 1901: Daniel Callahan found oil underground.Some of the bandits and outplaws wanted to steal his oil and some of them wanted to kill him as well.His wife drove to an old city called Rio Bravo and asked for help from UE-Underground Empire.And they agreed.While they were protecting the oil Dixon got killed,but in return Callahan joined Underground Empire.He was the rop earner. 1907: McFarlane was on a rampage on his enemies and went out of hands (beacuse of his PTSD.) He got caught by US marshall and Sheriffs,They hanged him the next day. 1909: In this year Davis died of Heart attack. 1912: Callahan recruted some soldiers to protect his business.He met Salvatore Petrucelli,he was an itaial immigrant.He wanted to get rich and he didnt care how. 1955: Basically all of the UE'S businesses were in Liberty City (LC). 1692: In 1692 UE's had war with other local,official squads. 40% of all properties were destroyed 55% of the members were killed 10% were in prison. 1973: Underground Empire (UE) was attacked again. 1974: It was officially announced dead/inactive by the goverment. 1997: Dino Zee met a few old Underground Empire (UE) members in prison. 2000: Dino Zee was realesed from the jail. 2001: there were so rumors of reviving the Liberty City (LC). 2004: Some sort of secret and unknown gang wipes most of the Vice City (VC) gangsters and they took their businesses. 2013: Officially announced alive by FBI. Allehedly revived by Dino Zee and Mr.siegal. They had taken a loan shard with the money they got - Michael. What binds you with Underground Empire: I like that you dont have limits, I also saw that you have some high society members who on the ground are known as businessmen,politicians and some more. I see that you have a lot of experienced players. I myself would like to improve/extend mycombat skills and some other's too,so I think im a great fit for this gang.RP role binds me the most from everything,espcecially the weapon trafficking and drug trafficking,others are cool as as well.Underground Empire (UE) is an well organized gang.There is a lot of respectfull,thruthfull,mature,active and experinced members in this gang.I also like that there's some different type of playing and petience showed towards the new players. What do you know about organized crime: Organized crime is a category of transnational, national, or local groupings of highly centralized enterprises run by criminals to engage in illegal activity, most commonly for profit. Some criminal organizations, such as terrorist groups, are politically motivated.Some of the organitazions force people to do business with them, such as when a gang extors money from shopkeepers for pretection.Gangs maybe be disciplined enough to be considered organized.A crminal organization can also be called mafia,mob or syndicate.
  2. A nice building can be used as a base or a werehouse.Starting bid is 10mil. https://imgur.com/ZgwCdZS The first SS https://imgur.com/Zlj7DNq The second SS https://imgur.com/525tgZQ The third SS
  3. The starting bid is 12mil. https://imgur.com/ZgwCdZS The first SS https://imgur.com/Zlj7DNq The second SS https://imgur.com/525tgZQ The third SS
  4. @Vennelle thanks
  5. The starting bid is 12mil. alt text alt text alt text https://imgur.com/525tgZQ The last SS https://imgur.com/Zlj7DNq The second SS https://imgur.com/ZgwCdZS The first SS
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