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  1. Team Name : Spin Diesel Amount : 5m
  2. My tears fell while I was reading. [redacted]. you will always remain in our hearts my brother, May God have mercy on your pure soul and mercy on the soul of Nick and all the martyrs انا لله و انا الیه راجعون
  3. .
  4. 05/08/2023 Type of Activity: SR Members Online: @scooter @Dovahkiin@Mistigun @SkidRow
  5. Events: Date: 05/08/2023 Type: LMS LWS/G6: @Colobria Prize: 1.000.000$ Winner: @christmas Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/4Niuoel
  6. 05/08/2023 01:12 Type of Activty: Patroling Members Online: @SheraP@Fraann15X_ Screenshoots:
  7. Events: Date: 04/08/2023 Type: LMS LWS/G6: @Karmen Prize: 1.000.000$ Winner: @Doom Screenshots:
  8. ~[Activity number]~(maroon,maroon,maroon) : (21) ~[Activity Type :]~(maroon,black,maroon,maroon) ~[4 Active Players]~(black,red,red,black): ::: ~[Screenshot :]~(maroon,maroon) :::
  9. Roleplay Number:(43) -~[ Participants]~(black,maroon,maroon): @me @flappy ~[Story :Yesterday evening I met with a friend in organization zero. this gang known as selling motorcycles of all kinds . we got an agreement between us to exchange the goods according to the conditions. We handed them some weapons and drugs in exchange for handing over dozens of motorcycles. Then we took motorcycles from them and transferred them to our base by a large truck and then handed him his goods consisting of 20 kg of weeds and 60 different types of weapons. he put them into their headquarters]~(maroon,black,black,black,black,red,black,black,black,black) Screenshots : ::: :::
  10. ~[Roleplay Number]~(maroon,maroon,maroon,maroon,black,black) : (42) @ZaBaLiTo said in Cartel Da Sinaloa ~ Media Archive: Roleplay Number: #124 Title: Selling Stolen Weapons Participants: @flappy + @Mistigun special thanks Participants:Cartel Da Sinaloa & Organization Zero & Pirus Story:After the big deal of arms,I took the title "~[One of The Big Drugs Dealers In]~(red) <SA> " :) , Because i have the best quality of arms and with good price. So my criminals of <SA> called me about big quantity of arms As well as drugs (Including Pirus).In the same time I no longer have weapons enough .So i decide to theft a big quantity from other gangs and sell it to the pirus. So i sat thinking in the base about the plan of the theft.After 1 hour i decide to theft Organization zero. So i got my car and i went to the base of Organization zero.i open my trunk and i got my shodgun and i took big quantity of guns and i put it in my car,and i returned to the base.Thank god all is done i have enough arms for thiss deal .So i got my phone and i called my client and we agreed about the price and the place of selling and In particular about the quality.When i arrived i sat talking with the customer .In the end this Deal is Done with good price too and all members of pirus thanked me . Fortunately Flappy Was Unable To Stop Me From Stealing Weapons :) Screenshots: ::: https://imgur.com/a/74hBkQR :::
  11. ~[Activity Number: (19) Activity Type: 4 Pirus Members Active (16.06.2019)]~(red,black) Screenshots : (https://imgur.com/PeA2W0Z)
  12. ~[Event Number]~(red,red,black,black,red,black,red,red,red,red): 11 ~[Event Type :]~(red,black) Chicken Shooter ~[Event Price]~(red,red,red,black,black) : 1.000.000$ ~[Lws/G6]~(red,black,gray,black,black) : @Hotfire ~[Event winner]~(red,black): @Melou ~[Screenshots]~(red,black) : ::: :::
  13. Happy birthday :=))
  14. ~[Role Play Number]~(red,maroon,maroon,silver) 36 : ~[Story]~(black,maroon,sienna) On June 10, the two most powerful drug and arms dealers in San Andreas organized a raid on a secret headquarters where the goods were hidden. The operation began at 5 pm, when the members of the "Pirus" entered the store carrying arms, then attacked the guards and fired at them. They were killed and with the strict guardians of the "cartel-da-sinaloa", the two gangs managed to share a significant amount of 30 kg of cocaine and 20 weapons of various kinds. Twenty minutes after the end of the one-and-a-half hour operation, Pirus and cartel-da-sinaloa left to their headquarters Carrying with them Goods. ScreenShots: Participants : @khalil @ZaBaLiTo @jaster @HaMeier @Netro @Ritta ::: Pictures : :::
  15. User : l34n last seen : 21 april 2019 Screenshots : (https://imgur.com/OcPHzKn) https://imgur.com/PshmXyy
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