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Renting Service-SA || Official Topic
RentingServiceSA replied to RentingServiceSA's topic in Groups - ARCHIVE
RENTING SERVICE SAN ANDREAS DOCUMENT NUMBER #2 Date: 22.11.2019 Dear @figmash ~[PASSED]~(lime) - You have passed all in-game tests, welcome in our team! Welcome Aboard, we wish you the best costumer's in future! -
Renting Service San Andreas Discord https://discord.gg/5Z3cKDj
Renting Service-SA || Official Topic
RentingServiceSA replied to RentingServiceSA's topic in Groups - ARCHIVE
::: @figmash said in Renting Service-SA || Official Topic: Personal Info Section In-Game name: 'Figmash' or 'Fig' Username: figmash Account name: figmash Age: 13 Gender: Male Nationality: Indian Languages: English, French In-Game Experience Section How long you play SAES/RPG: Since 2016 How long you play MTA: Since 2016 How long you play every day: 2-3 hours How much in-game hours do you have: 502 hours The Name of your current Squad/Gang/Company: The Company [ThC] The Name of your current groups: GXT, G&C, VT In-Game Skills Section English Skills (1-10): 9/10 RP Skills (1-10): 9/10 Driving Skills (1-10): 8/10 Community Skills (1-10): 8/10 Business Skills (1-10): 9/10 Theoretical Section Explain in your own words what is our Roleplay: Your roleplay is to serve customers with rental vehicles. Our job is to deliver/issue rental vehicles, Explain what you understand under Renting Service: This means that a particular item has been bought by someone for a limited period of time from someone. In this case, vehicles have been mentioned as the object which is to be borrowed by or issued to. Explain 2 Staff Members rules: A customer should be asked if they want any vehicle to be delivered to them or may it be collected by them. Asking for promotion in the group may result in the member being kicked out of the group or be punished. Also, the higher ranked members should be respected. Explain 3 Customer rules: A Customer can only apply for a vehicle rental if they can afford the price. The car which is rented should not be tuned or have the colour changed. Why do you want to join us: I would firstly like to join y'all due to the unique concept and I'm sure I will make an efficient contribution to the group. I believe that I am good at RPs and with customers. I would like to be a part of a community of Business. Why should we accept you: You should accept me due to my RP skills and interaction skills with customers. San Andreas Renting Service Section Do you have at least 3 vehicles in our offer list? Yes Do you have at least 2 motorcycle in our offer list? Yes [NRG-500, FCR-900] What you understand about our payments? I understand that the payment that the customer has to make to the group is a certain percentage of the real price of the vehicle in the stores. What do you understand about Renting Donation? It is a way of renting a vehicle after signing an application where the customer gets a vehicle delivered to their private property. If a customer wants to rent a car what should you ask him? I would ask them about the vehicle that they would like to rent, I would ask them if they want it delivered and would even ask them if they want it as a donation vehicle. Whatever they would like to rent, I would provide them a link to the forums where they can apply for a rental vehicle. How many vehicles do you have in our offer (Minimum 3)? [Shamal(donation), Turismo, NRG-500] How many motocycle do you have in our offer (Minimum 3)? [NRG-500, FCR-900, Freeway] Tell us the names of your vehicles? Shamal, Turismo, Stretch, Burrito, Custom Sandking, Hermes. Tell us the names of your motorcycle? NRG-500, FCR-900, Freeway ::: RENTING SERVICE SAN ANDREAS DOCUMENT NUMBER #1 Date: 20.11.2019 Dear @figmash ~[ACEPPTED]~(lime)- You have been accepted by RENTING SERVICE AGENCY. Find a HQ or Higher rank member for the in game test. ( Look the roster to find one HQ or higher rank members ) -
Renting Service-SA || Official Topic
RentingServiceSA replied to RentingServiceSA's topic in Groups - ARCHIVE
Thank you we will try our best! -
This is our Media archive here you can find our Roleplay,Activity and events! I will give Formats here you need only to copy and past it and also of course fill it up! ROLEPLAY FORMAT ::: Roleplay #Number: Rented Car Name: Participants: Story: Screenshots: ::: ACTIVITY FORMAT ::: Activity #Number: Members: Screenshots: ::: EVENT FORMAT ::: Event #Number: Event Type: Lws/G6: Price: Winner: Screenshots: :::
Renting Service-SA || Official Topic
RentingServiceSA replied to RentingServiceSA's topic in Groups - ARCHIVE
A Renting Service hire agency is a company that rents automobiles,bikes,planes and boats for short periods of time, generally ranging from a few hours to a few weeks. Renting Service agency primarily serve people who require a temporary vehicle for example, those who do not own their own car, travelers who are out of town, or owners of damaged or destroyed vehicles who are awaiting repair or insurance compensation. Renting Service agency may also serve the self-moving industry needs, by renting vans or trucks, and in also other types of vehicles such as motorcycles,planes or boats may also be offered. We try to make something new in SAES server so i hope you like it and enjoy it! Back to year 2007 the brand new company has opened with the name Renting Service, the company open first in Europe it was the biggest company in Europe for renting a vehicles or aircrafts. The earliest known example of cars being offered for rent dates to 2006. The American company renting service was established in 2008 with three cars for rent. Jack Smith started with only one borrowed Model T Ford in 2010, but by 2011, his Ford Livery Company was renting out 18 Model at 20 cents per mile. The company name became Renting Service. By 2015, Renting Service had expanded to 56 cities. Renting Service company was bought by James & Sam in 2017. In Year 2018 we decided to open the renting service company in San Andreas. Mr. James & Sam decided to add into the Renting Service company vehicles,aircrafts,bikes and boats. San Andreas Renting Service Roleplay is: Going around SA and try to rent vehicles,airplanes,boats,bikes to customers. Help every Customer with the rented vehicle or aircraft. Delivery rented vehicles to the customers Property/Airport. (Donation Vehicles Group Name: Renting Service San Andreas Date of Creation: 12/11/2018 Founder: Sam and James Group Tags: [RSSA] or [RS]Nick>rank Group Members: 2 Group Spawn ID: 240 (Link: https://imgur.com/7qKRmX3 ) 187 (Link: https://imgur.com/8ZlAw05 ) Group Motto: ~[Why buy if you can rent!]~(lime) Group Color Code: #000000 Here you can find our Media Archive for Role Play, Activities and events! https://saesrpg.uk/topic/13012/renting-service-sa-media-archive Don't apply for Donation Section if its not Available Don't Spam the topic with the Donation Application if its not Available Always RP with our staff about the rented car Apply only if you can afford it Do not color our rented cars (especially PINK) and any other changes in the tuning shop! ~[IF YOU DON'T GO BY THE RULES WE MUST BE ABLE TO BLOCK YOU OR BAN YOU FROM OUR GROUP.]~(red) Follow always the Server Rules ( F1 ) Respect always the higher ranks and HQs Don't forget your role and RP it is very IMPORTANT Use Always [RSSA] or [RS] Tag while doing a RS/RP or going around in SA as RS Respect everyone in SAES server and especially the Admins and Customers This group is a Serious group so be Serious Always rent the vehicles,boats or motocykle from the list above SECTION RENTAL OFFERS Only High ranks can answer to rental donation application in this Topic Always ask a customer if he want to pick up the car or to delivery the car Always RP with the customer about his rented car Never ask for promotion asking for promoten will go to punishment or event kick from the group Leader > L The leader is the head of Rental Service, He look after all his Members in this group. Vice Leader > VL The Vice leader is the right hand of the Leader and will help him with the same responsibility Headquarter > HQ < VERY HIGH CLASS These people will manage the group and look after all the lower ranks, they are also able to answer to applications. Pro Businessman > PBM5 < HIGH CLASS These people are professional Members they know how to communicate and how to rent our Products to clients. He also can help and command the lower ranks Gold Businessman > GBM4 <MIDDLE/HIGH CLASS These people are something special in his job they only learn it from the best members Silver Businessman > SBM3 < MIDDLE CLASS These people are good in his job but he need still to learn more. Bronze Businessman > BBM2 < LOW/MIDDLE CLASS These people are not bad in his job they need to work more harder. Businessman > BM1 < LOW CLASS These people are still new but they learning now the basics Probationary > P < VERY LOW CLASS These people are new and they need to help,watch and learn FOUNDER'S Sam & James LEADER > L James VICE LEADER > VL Sam HEADQUARTER > HQ ~[PRO BUSINESSMAN]~(blueviolet) > PBM5 < HIGH CLASS ~[GOLD BUSINESSMAN]~(#d4b737) > GBM4 <MIDDLE/HIGH CLASS ~[SILVER BUSINESSMAN]~(silver) > SBM3 < MIDDLE CLASS ~[BRONZE BUSINESSMAN]~(sienna) > BBM2 < LOW/MIDDLE CLASS BUSINESSMAN > BM1 < LOW CLASS PROBATIONARY > P < VERY LOW CLASS Figmash INFO: Here we have offers to rent a Donation Vehicle or Aircraft. You need to Apply for it in our Donation Application format Section. Apply only if its ~[AVAILABLE]~(lime) . You will ask why the prices from the donation offer are so high we make it on perpous so not everybody can afford it its better for you to have your own donation vehicle or aircraft. And also if you don't want to lose a lot of money feel free to DONATE FOR SAES and claim your rewards. You have to RP with the following requested aircraft or vehicle if you fail to rp it we will not rent it to you. REQUEST DONATION AT YOUR PROPERTY INFO If you wish to request a donation to your own property or any location you need to rent the car for minimum 1 Month. Take in mind the Price will go more higher since we will delivery your car to your property. ~[IMPORTANT! You are only allowed to Apply for it for Minimum 1 Months, since it must be requested per month. You are allowed to apply max for 3 people include with you in total 3 persons. Example Property Price: If you rent a vehicle and you have 2 another friends and you want it rent for 1 Month at your own property. It will cost you and your friends together 5.000.000 $]~(red) Aircraft (Planes) ID NAME TYPE STANDARD COLOR KM/H PRICE PER WEEK FOR 1 PERSON PRICE PER MONTH FOR 3 PERSON [Donation at Property] LOCATION AVAILABLE 1 Shamal Private jet White 240 300.000 $ 4.000.000$ LV Airport ~[YES]~(lime) Emergency ID NAME TYPE STANDARD COLOR KM/H PRICE PER WEEK FOR 1 PERSON PRICE PER MONTH FOR 3 PERSON [Donation at Property] LOCATION AVAILABLE 1 LV Police Car Emergency White 340 200.000 $ 5.000.000 LS Police station ~[YES]~(lime) 2 LV Police Car Emergency White 340 200.000 $ 5.000.000 LS Police station ~[YES]~(lime) Use this application format if you want to rent a donation offer. Please before you do that read the Customer rules. Apply only if the aircraft or vehicle is available! [COUNTS ONLY FOR MONTH RENT]If you have some friends with you and they want to rent it with you you will need to fill up person 1 section and person 2 section. ~[IMPORTANT: If you want to have your own donation car at your property you need also to fill up the Month Donation Offer Application. And take in mind you are allowed to rent it minimum 1 Month. That counts for Rented donation at your won property.]~(red) ~[ANY SCAM OR JOKE APPLICATION WILL GET YOU BANNED FROM ALL OUR SERVICES]~(red) ~[Week Donation Offer Application:]~(black) **Week Donation Offer Application** - **Personal Info Section** In-Game Name: Username: Account Name: Age: **Donation Offer Section** What you want to rent [Aircraft/Emergency/Vehicles/Boats]: The Name of the Model: The ID Number [See above in donation offer]: Number of Weeks for rent: Rented by [RS Staff Name]: Month Donation Offer Application: **Month Donation Offer Application** - **Personal Info Section** In-Game Name: Username: Account Name: Age: **Donation Offer Section** What you want to rent [Aircraft/Emergency/Vehicles/Boats]: The Name of the Model: Number of Months for rent [Minimum 1 Month]: Rented by [RS Staff Name]: **Person 1 Information:** In-game name: Username: **Person 2 Information:** In-game name: Username: **Property Details Section** - Rent Donation at your own Property? Address: City: Screenshot: Here is our offers for vehicles,aircrafts,boats and bikes! This cars are rented from my spawn disk or our staff members spawn disk! You can write me or our staff a PM what car do you want and we will able to deliver you the following rented car. (For our offer look below in the table) The price of these cars are PER SPAWN! And also if you get delivered the car don't forget to rp! You can also speak with our staff if you want to pick up the car at the following location. ~[IMPORTANT Do not Change color (especially PINK color) and any other things from the tuning shop from rented cars. If you don't follow this rules you will get banned and blacklisted and you will be never able to rent a vehicle,motocykle or aircraft from us!]~(red) What we offer: Catalog to order or to look link: Coming Soon If you want to get the vehicle delivery you must pay 500 $ more. (DELIVERY FEE) Vehicles (Cars) | NAME | TYPE | TUNING | COLOR | KM/H Original / V8 | ~[PRICE PER SPAWN]~(lime) | |:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:| | Super GT | Sport,Luxury (2 door) | V8/All wheels drive/Nitro | Black/White Lines | 240/280 | ~[9.500 $]~(lime) | 500 $ | Turismo (Lamborghini) | Sport,Luxury (2 door) | V8/All wheels drive/Nitro | Red | 240/270 | ~[8.500 $]~(lime) | Alpha (Mustang GT) | Sport (2 door) | V8/All wheels drive/Nitro| Blue | 230/270 | ~[7.000 $]~(lime) | 500 $ | Hotring Racer 2 (BMW M3) | Sport (2 door) | V8/All wheels drive/Nitro | Black | 250/300 | ~[7.500 $]~(lime) | | Cheetah (Ferrari) | Sport Cabrio (2 door) | Nitro | Brown | 240/270 | ~[6500 $]~(lime) | 500 | Tampa | Muscle Car (2 door) | V8/All wheels drive/Nitro | Light Brown | 220/260 | ~[7.000 $]~(lime) | 500 $ | Club | Coupe (2 door) | V8/All wheels drive/Nitro | Black | 180/220 | ~[5.000 $]~(lime) | | Elegant | Compact (4 door) | V8/All wheels drive/Nitro | Blue | 200/240 | ~[5.500 $]~(lime) | | Stretch | Limousine (4 door) | Nitro | White | 170/210 | ~[3.000 $]~(lime) | | Roadtrain | Truck (2 door) | V8/All wheels drive/Nitro | Red | 180/220 | ~[6.000 $]~(lime) | | Towtruck | Towtruck (2 door) | Nitro | White | 170/210 | ~[3.500 $]~(lime) Motorcycle (Motorbikes) NAME Type Color KM/H ~[PRICE PER SPAWN]~(lime) NRG-500 Sport Black/Grey 220 ~[7.000 $]~(lime) FCR - 900 Classic Grey 180 ~[6.500 $]~(lime) Sanchez Enduro Red 150 ~[5.000 $]~(lime) Freeway Cruiser Grey 170 ~[6.000 $]~(lime) BF - 400 Adventure Black 170 ~[6.000 $]~(lime) Wayfarer Tourer White 150 ~[5.000 $]~(lime) !BOATS COMING SOON! Payments Section is for our staff they will get payed per Rented car to a customer in %. [See list below] Every Class has his own Percentage so that means from very low class to high class. The payment will be only active if you really Rent the car without any abuse, and aslo if the customer write your staff name into the Donation Application section under "Rented by [RS Staff Name]:" ~[Example of a Payment: Staff rent a vehicle or aircraft to a customer for 1 Month with the Price 5.000.000 $. His staff rank is LOW/MIDDLE CLASS with 20% so he will get from the rented vehicle or Aircraft 1.000.000 $ Paid. ]~(red) | RANKS |RENTED % PAYMENT| |:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:| | HIGH CLASS | 50% | | MIDDLE/HIGH CLASS | 40% | | MIDDLES CLASS | 30% | | LOW/MIDDLE CLASS | 20% | | LOW CLASS | 15% | | VERY LOW CLASS | 5% | Here you can apply for San Andreas Renting Service, Before you apply make shore you know all the f1 rules and group rules and also some knowledge's how to rp in-game. RECRUITMENT: ~[OPEN]~(green) STAFF MEMBER APPLICATION **Personal Info Section** **In-Game name:** **Username**: **Account name:** **Age**: **Gender**: **Nationality:** **Languages:** **In-Game Experience Section** **How long you play SAES/RPG:** **How long you play MTA:** **How long you play every day:** **How much in-game hours do you have:** **The Name of your current Squad/Gang/Company:** **The Name of your current groups:** **In-Game Skills Section** **English Skills (1-10):** **RP Skills (1-10):** **Driving Skills (1-10):** **Community Skills (1-10):** **Business Skills (1-10):** **Theoretical Section** **Explain in your own words what is our Roleplay:** **Explain what you understand under Renting Service:** **Explain 2 Staff Members rules:** **Explain 3 Customer rules:** **Why do you want to join us:** **Why should we accept you:** **Do you have Discord:** **San Andreas Renting Service Section** **Do you have at least 3 vehicles in our offer list?** **Do you have at least 2 motorcycle in our offer list?** **What you understand about staff payments?** **What do you understand about Renting Donation?** **If a customer want to rent a car what should you ask him?** **How many vehicles do you have in our offer (Minimum 3)?** **How many motocykle do you have in our offer (Minimum 3)?** **Tell us the names of your vehicles?** **Tell us the names of your motorcycle?** To get ~[PASSED]~(lime) status you need to pass testing stage in-game. We made the application and testing procedure in-game so we can see that you respect this group and also for experience. This group is a Serious group so it will be not easy for you to apply. The following tests are: -> The applicant must show us one RP with a customer you will try to sell him a Car. -> The applicant must show us his driving skills. (You need this skills very important because when one customer want to rent a car and get it delivered you must bring him the car with NO DAMAGE!) -> The applicant must be able to answer all the questions in-game. (This is to prove if you know the server and group rules and also your english skills) -> The applicant must proof us the vehicles what he said in his application format This is a application status section! ~[ACEPPTED]~(lime)- You have been accepted by the Group. Find a HQ or Higher rank member for the in game tests. ( Look the roster to find one HQ or higher rank members ) ~[RENT ACCEPTED]~(green) - Your application to rent a aircraft or vehicle has been accepted. Find me in-game to sort it out! ~[PASSED]~(#00ff77) - You have passed all in-game tests, welcome in our team! ~[DENIED]~(red) - Your application for staff has been Denied, feel free to re-apply again in 2 weeks. ~[RENT DENIED]~(red) - The aircraft or vehicle is not available, please have passion and wait until it is available.You can look in our rental donation offer table if its available or not. If you apply again if its not available you will get the status Blocked! ~[FAILED]~(red) - Your test in-game has failed, fell free to apply again in 3 weeks! ~[BLOCKED]~(orange) - You applied many times for a donation offer with the status NOT AVAILABLE. You have been blocked for 1 week don't apply for any vehicle or aircraft within the 1 week. If you ignore it you will get banned and blacklisted. ~[BANNED/BLACKLISTED]~(maroon) - You have been banned and blacklisted, never apply here again not even for a aircraft or airplane we will not rent it to you!