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  1. Ingame name: Gnza/Azong Ingame Username: Gonzalo1313 Previous organizations and leaving causes: Undisputed Command (the clan died ) and Navy Malistrip (they ran me for inactive) ponele Define Underground Empire: It seems the spiciest clan of saes, which has the best players in the world: Venom, Hari, Stay, zK98 and Luis the best of all time ponele. What binds you with Underground Empire: Everyone in UE seems cultured people. I have been interested in UE since first i joined SAES. My friends from Undisputed command are in the EU and I would like to play with them as they are good people and I love them very much. I want to help them defend the turf and kill the cops What do you know about organized crime: Look, friend, I am Argentine and here that is more common than the air that is breathed with the mafia that we have of politicians who took countless victims, the best known here is Nisman rest in peace and the attack on the A.M.I.A. that all the fagots covered it up.
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