Welcome to Radio San Andreas Application / Topic page :studio_microphone: link to the radio : https://y0b.net/rsa/ ROSTER Founder - lean Leader - Potato HQ Team - DJ's Zaza MrTheBank Blue Note Flex Chasin VIP Siddman Haveer Shaun **Best DJ of the Month:** - May/2018 : Santa - June/2018 : MrTheBank How to Join Recruitment is now -=(lime)OPENED=- APPLICATION Ingame Name: Username: Age: How long have you been playing SAES: Any past history with DJing: Do you have a microphone (good quality): Type of DJ / Broadcasting program: Tell us about yourself: Why are you interested in joining Radio San Andreas: Genre's of music you really enjoy: Post a picture of a microhpone to be considered (in a spoiler):