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Everything posted by Pothead

  1. Date: 14.09.2019 Screenshot(s):
  2. Date: 12.09.2019 Screenshot(s):
  3. Date: 11.09.2019 Screenshot(s):
  4. Date: 07.09.2019 Midnight Activity Screenshot(s):
  5. Date: 04.09.2019 afternoon Screenshot(s):
  6. Date: 03.09.2019 Screenshot(s):
  7. Watch out! FBI is near!
  8. 13/05 Patryin' at lv cross + providing music to three events made by lws
  9. Name: potato Username: impacto Rank before kick/leave: pc How long have you been in sapa: not sure, that was a while ago Who kicked you: n/a Date of kick/leave: around 2014/2015 Reason for kick/leave: left to join a squad What happened from your side/why did you leave? : as stated above, joining a squad Why do you want back in? : i been looking for something interesting, and i thought of sapa What have you learned from this? : nothing since i left on my own accord Who do you want to apologize to? : n/a Why should we give you a second chance?: im active and up for anything related with policing
  10. Recruitment is ~[OPEN!]~(lime)
  11. Radio San Andreas is the most successful radio station around with genuine hits, brand new songs, first class entertainment and one of the most popular radios in SAES. It is also a broadcasting server wide that was established in 2016 and been running till today. It is also a 24/7 online radio supported with an Auto DJ (this allows for a 24/7 stream to be always playing content even when no one is streaming). We host gang/squad level acceptance parties/birthday parties in-game upon request so feel free to let us know whenever you wish to have a party hosted! We also air gang/squad adverts via our stations. Website: https://radiosa.work/ Forums: https://saesrpg.uk/clubs/44-radio-sa/ Discord: https://discord.gg/gQybyd8dtJ ~[FAQ]~ How to stream ? First, you need to download/buy a broadcasting software, get our server credentials and copy paste them within the encoders. Once you are invited to Radio SA you will get your DJ account from an HQ, start that encoder and play the music you want. What is the best broadcasting software? If you are looking for a free one: Mixxx & Butt are the best choices and are very advanced open-source DJ softwares. Not a fan of free softwares? SAM Broadcaster easy to use and you have access to multiple mixing decks and control in the same time. Serato DJ has a good mixing desk to use. Any other questions regarding our radio should be posted here
  12. applications goes here now https://saesrpg.uk/category/244/radio-sa #locked
  13. @Thing Welcome to the team! check out our private forums for the credentials
  14. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-45586492?intlink_from_url=https://www.bbc.com/news/topics/cvenzmgywd2t/netherlands&link_location=live-reporting-story that? I am deeply saddened by this loss, rip
  15. 16/09
  16. Here goes our activities, events and listeners statics! FORMAT: **Radio Station:** **DJ:** **Broadcasted on:** YY/XX/XXXX **Duration:** **Screenshots:**
  17. @thing said in Radio SA Page: Is Haveer still part of the HQ team? @Potato No he has been moved to VIP aka honorary members, also that rule about no ex-ALTFMs in RadioSA no more exists, everyone can join our radio :radio:
  18. @alliances said in Radio SA Page: @potato said in Radio SA Page: I don't really recall someone with that nick in RadioSA, however i'm reopening the recruitment for a short time, you may apply Thanks for opening the recruitments again! I'll apply afternoon this post. And it might be that's you knew cityside or Aaran since that was my Nick in-game round that time. Oh I do remember you Aaran, we are happy to see you again :) PM me for the new credentials
  19. Recruitment has now been -=(lime)OPENED!=- Use the application format on the cover page.
  20. I don't really recall someone with that nick in RadioSA, however i'm reopening the recruitment for a short time, you may apply
  21. We have set up a new website where you can listen to Radio San Andreas when you are not in game, link : https://y0b.net/rsa/ (works on smartphones too)
  22. Recruitment is closed for now.
  23. @Note Accepted @ziad and @Soapy, I'd like to see you streaming on our private broadcast before getting on-air (message me on Discord)
  24. @Blu Accepted (Contact me on discord for instructions) Others are denied as we don't think you are ready for the job.
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