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Everything posted by Alilo

  1. Display Name: [SM]Russel Username: alilo17 Link to ALL Donation Topics: Total number of Donation Points: 30
  2. @Twister bb
  3. Number of the event: #64 Type: sumine from sharks Prize: 1.500.000$ Winner: Blackout LWS: Garcia Screenshots:
  4. Taw3na good luck <3
  5. Number of the event: #63 Type: last man standing Prize: 1m$ Winner: Team LWS: Garcia Screenshots:
  6. Number of the event: 60 Type: drivers VS runners Prize: 1500000 Winner:drivers LWS : Garcia Screenshot:
  7. lay lay rip
  8. ~[Number of the event: 57]~(Bfaa8c) ~[Type: AVD]~(Bfaa8c) ~[Prize: 2.000.000$]~(Bfaa8c) ~[LWS : Garcia]~(Bfaa8c) ~[Screenshot:]~(Bfaa8c) ~[Number of the event: #58]~(Bfaa8c) ~[Type: AVD]~(Bfaa8c) ~[Prize: 2.000.000$]~(Bfaa8c) ~[LWS : Garcia]~(Bfaa8c) ~[Screenshot:]~(Bfaa8c)
  9. Good luck
  10. Vehicle Type: Stratum wrap (camo3) Vehicle Colour: i can do that later Specify any upgrades: i can do that later Usernames to lock: (your username first, followed by all other usernames) alilo17 Where you want it placed: LS prop Mullholland villa 3 Vehicle Type: Sgt wrap (camo3) Vehicle Colour: / Specify any upgrades: / Usernames to lock: (your username first, followed by all other usernames) alilo17 Where you want it placed: LS prop Mullholland villa 3
  11. TXN ID: N/A Donation Amount: 30.00 GBP Requested Awards: Please edit this topic with your requested rewards. For vehicles please follow the format below Vehicle Type: Vehicle Colour: Specify any upgrades: Usernames to lock: (your username first, followed by all other usernames)alilo17, @Brophy sorted by @Getskillz Where you want it placed: For any help with rewards, please check this topic.
  12. Good Luck <3
  13. Address: San Fierro Downtown store Account name: blister10 Last seen: 29th August 2020 Screenshots:
  14. Nickname: TeTe& Nationality: Algeria Age: 18 Your Korean name: Bruce lee What's your current organization: Lunas Current other groups: N/A Who are we?: koreans who defend their stores against the cops and army and special cops from roofs What do we do?: Mentioned above. Put a picture of a Rooftop Korean in a spoiler : ::: :::
  15. Address: Manchap Building Account name: barryb Last seen: 24 june 2020 SS:https://imgur.com/gIakzrt https://imgur.com/s5FcL1m
  16. Address: What Was The Name Of This Building Again Account name: barryb Last seen: 24 june 2020 SS: https://imgur.com/5dBruly https://imgur.com/7boAKxJ
  17. Address: Ls Uber Orange Home Account name: jom Last seen: 10th May 2020 Screenshots:
  18. Goodluck
  19. Ingame name: Alilo Username: alilo17 Country of Residence and Nationality: Algerian Spoken Languages: Arabic and little bit of english Age: 18 Date of the beginning of your SAES career: I have joined the game like just 3 months or 4 before, my friend told me about the server and i joined it and enjoyed it Previous organisations and the reason why you left or got kicked out: I have never been in any g/s before Write an introduction about yourself personally and your in-game character of 150 to 200 words: Well, i am still kind new in this server so i can't wrtite that numbers of words, but i will make sure to introduce my self in a short way, my name is alilo i am 18 year old, i live in algerian i have many algerians friend ingame, my in real life friend is twister he told me about the server and the company so i am trying to join it, i have been hanging around with many members they teach me some basic things about the server and i think that i am kinda ready to be a member of thc, i am not looking for gang's level i am looking for a great family that i can enjoy the rest of my gameplay, and yeah last thing my english is bad dont take this application as my english skills and thanks.
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