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Everything posted by striker
Agents Of Shield / CLOSED
striker replied to FastYounq's topic in Territorial Support Group (TSG) - ARCHIVE
PART I Personal Information - Name: Houssem Nickname: Striker Age: 17 years old Sex: male Nationality: Algeria Tell us a little bit about yourself: my real life name is houssem alioua i like fotball and so much playing vidio games How long have you been playing on SAES:RPG? 1 years ago Have you ever been banned or adminjailed before? If so, why? Nope Please list your previous squad/gang history: The-Pirus BF BMF ICE TST Please list your current group memberships on the server: N/A What are your strengths? shooting / driveing / arreting What are your weaknesses? low fps sometime Whats your average ping? 70 Do you have access to the PC spawns? nope How many hours do you have in-game? 120 hours PART II RP Skills (out of 10): 7.5 /7 Arresting Skills (out of 10): 8/10 English Skills (out of 10): 8/10 Driving Skills (out of 10):9/10 Gun Skills (out of 10): 7/10 PART III Explain Roleplay(RP) Means: Role play is acting the real life like cops following his job and arresting crims also there is a anims can be used like /wash /talk also there is a chat /me , also cop always on a duty, and crims on purist and raid sr's etc... Explain Teamwork Means: Teamwork hence the name suggest which consist of working with a team where each member have a precise work to do and everyone needs to rely on each other Explain Deathmatch(DM) Means: deathmatch is meaning a killing someone do not reason Explain Marker Arrest Mean: when arresting player when he enter any marker bank..... -
@anwar20 You honored us when you made the application in Narcos-Cartel. Thank you very much. You are acceptable and welcome to our small family
James have a money
@Duff Thanks for helper BF
@Whitelock Sir can you dont posting again in Bloverdy-Family before Closed and you NB
@Hassantt When @Dodoo returns from his vacation you will see what this gang has been achieving is not Bandidos_Mc
--1 - Personal Information-- Nick :Striker Account Striker2019 Age:16 Nationality: algrien --2 - General Knowledge-- Previous G/S/C:N/A Languages Spoken: Arabica and english Have you ever been banned or adminjailed?:N/A Why did you wanted to join Boulevard~Families?:Because I liked it and drew my attention to its good praises as Dodoo good friend of mine and the rest of the members and I will be under control Rate your english out of (10/?):8/10 Why should we accept you?:Because I am a good player and will not slip this opportunity to get good members and this is not proud of myself, but my game and I, God willing, I will be in good leader
Global National Team
striker replied to striker's topic in Crews, Groups, Criminal Gangs & Civilian Companies - ARCHIVE
I hope you will interact with me and wait for inspiration -
1 - Personal Information- Nick : Real Name: Account Name: Age: Nationality: -2 - General Knowledge- Previous G/S/C: Languages Spoken: Have you ever been banned or adminjailed?: Why did you wanted to join Boulevard~Families?: Rate your english out of (10/?): Why should we accept you?: Throw out some gang signs: list item
Nickname: Striker Accountname:Striker2019 Real name: Houssem Timezone: GMT-2 Nationality: Algerian How old are you?: 17 years old What languages do you speak?: English and arabic and frensh What is your English proficiency?(0-10): 7 How long have you played MTA?: 2017 How long have you played on SAES?: 2012 Have you ever been banned?N/A What organizations have you been in and why have you left these organizations?:ICE-BMF-BF-TST-The-Pirus State 2 of the store robbery rules: Dont DM Dont sell arms/drugss outside from SR What is deathmatching?: kill some 1 with no reason State 2 of the bank robbery rules: Dont DM officer allowed to arrest What is avoiding an arrest?: death when cop try to arrest u State 2 of the turfing rules: u can spawn at base or hospital u cant spawn at ur home What would you do if someone insulted you?: call admin State 2 of the gang robbery rules: Dont use grenads Dont spawn police to help ur gang Describe your weaknesses: lag Describe your strengths: drifting Why do you want to be one of us?: to help bmc with my activity and i have freinds at bmc Tell us a little about yourself: I am Hossam Eliwa. I love the game of Dream League and video games a lot, especially MTA. Any additional information we may need to know?: N/A
https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/643903003585413123/644525717308047372/APPLICATION.png. Personal Informations (I): Name: Houssem Acc-name:striker2019 Age:17 Nationality: Algeria Languages knowledge: Arabic/English Your strengths: Sniping and [M4] and [Sniper] and [Combat] How much in-game hours do you have:100 hours Ingame Informations (II): Previous Gang(s)/Squad(s):ICE and tst and i left because i love play as crim Why did you leave/kicked: Why you are interested in Gladiators MC?: I like Gladiators Mc and I am good players I am Crim and [Sup78] Houssem my name in server Describe deathmatch: Killing someone without reason Did you read ingame rules on f1>Rules? Yes/ Of Course
Personal Informations (I): Name: Houssem Acc-name: houssem Age: 17 Nationality: algerien Languages knowledge: Good English,arabica and abit of france. Ingame Informations (II): Previous Gang(s)/Squad(s): TST, , ICE, BF,HHMC.CDS. Why did you leave/kicked: N/A Why you are interested in Gladiators MC?: Because it drew Ndri and there are members inside wonderful Did you read ingame rules on f1>Rules? Yes, i have read the rules
Username: striker2019 Ingame nickname: Houssem Date of birth: 10.3.2002 Define TBD rp role in your own words: A gang that illegally trades drugs Why are you willing to join our family: Because I consider it my family and the best gangs I witnessed in kind Why we should accept you: I am a good player and you will be the bestwanna be a part of it to improve everything's in my Saes life and I wanna make a friendship with them and be a part of this family which really gonna change me player and I speak English a lot and I have great friends help me to join you and spread God you will find me under good faith
I hope elevation of applications to join the high-end gang BF
Delatestrikethrough text
--1 - Personal Information-- Nick :Houssem Account Name:striker2019 Age:17 Nationality: algrien --2 - General Knowledge-- Previous G/S/C:N/A Languages Spoken: Arabica and english.frensh Have you ever been banned or adminjailed?:N/A Why did you wanted to join boulevard~family:The main reason I admired them so much and the second is where I have seen the finest in-kind players in my life Rate your english out of (10/?):7/10 Why should we accept you?:Because I am very active in the game and you need such as these members and this gang is good and beginner, but when you embark on. The job you'll find her top job is to take officiel gang and I hope that I will be in your good