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Everything posted by Tantawy

  1. Nickname: Tantawy Age: 20 Country: Egypt Languages spoken: English / Arabic From 0 to 10, how would you rate your english proficiency? (?/10): I would say 8/10 How long have you been playing on SAES: I'm playing since 2014 In a quick and short summary, tell us who are Arms Assassins and their roleplay: Arms Assassins is not like every other criminal organization, Its kinda special. They're selling the best quality of weapons with the objective of gaining pecuniary benefits or other advantage for himself.its a very important factor to make these deal successfully. Previous clans on the server (include the reasons for leaving): Black Syndicate:- I closed the gang Previous bans on the server and reasons for them: N/A Name 3 BR rules: You are allowed to kill anyone in your Bankrob / Marker kill is not allowed / Only 2 bankrobs per day Name 3 GR rules: Don't use grenades / CLO-DE assistance is forbidden / Cops are permitted to arrest Name 3 Turf rules: Don't use your properties, spawn at base or hospital / You are allowed to get health from shop / Don't use animations What is Roleplay?: Acting like real life. What is Deathmatching?: Killing someone for no reason Someone DMs you. What do you do?: I will take ss and report him without taking any reaction revenge or damage You're passing by one or several cops, who do not attempt to arrest you. What shall you do?: I will keep going Do you know anyone from the gang, or have made connections with anyone inside the gang, before you applied?: yes i have few friends in Arms Assassins. Application text (tell us something about yourself or anything you want to try to convince us): Well i'm 20 years old, i live in Egypt , Ismailia, i study business administration in suez canal unversity and i want to be accountant in future I started playing MTA in 2011, i found out about SAES in 2014, my first gang was Black Syndicate and decided to complete my criminal career with it. after 5 years, BS came to an end so i decided to close it and here i'm now applying for Arms Assassins hoping to proceed my criminal career.
  2. @Thing said in goodbye, Black Syndicate: @Mohamed-Mostafa said in goodbye, Black Syndicate: You are weak players BS, you gave up and you didn't try to do the best for your family Rest In Peace. This is the most disrespectful and dumb comment I have seen on this topic. Let me be really honest with you Tamsouh, you have achieved absolutely nothing on this server so you should not even dare to say anything to these guys who have kept this gang stable for years. The only person who is weak is you since you are not even able to stay loyal to one organisation. Anyways, my comment on this. Loved BS at the start with the Croatian boys. Had a bit of beef with them in the end but never disliked you guys in any way. Sad to see you go but every gang has its end and yours has come. Better to close it than letting it die slowly with demotions etc. thanks thing <3 , you already answered this nub instead of me :)
  3. https://saesrpg.uk/topic/6059/goodbye-black-syndicate R.I.P , goodbye
  4. Well, here we are after few years, we all know that everything has to come to an end and here is ours. Black Syndicate was founded back in 2014. on November 19. by group of few friends. We didn't had any plans of becoming anything official nor long lasting as we did. This way we would like to thank everyone who was a part of our organisation and who was with us on this journey. Also this includes our friends and rivals, thank you for great times and good fights through this few years. We hope that every Black Syndicate member will find his place in other organisation and continue to have a great time playing on the server. There, at last, once again thanks to everyone and have a good one. Black Syndicate :smiley:
  5. "WE MAKE GANG ROBS", Fake xd. BS isn't even in Gang robs xd
  6. @Oreten said in Black Syndicate || Official Topic: Nickname: Orten Ingame username: bouhsina Nationality & Age : Tunisia/14 Previous Punishments : N/A Previous organizations you've been in and reason why you left them : -Tuga_Thugs: I'm Kicked Because i took ban -The_Blood_Brothers_MC: I Left BBMC Because Died And i decide To join Organization Zero. -Organization Zero: Z Have 73 Members And Inactive. -T~~AR: Gang Died. -SA: Gang Closed. -ICE Police: i left it Because i decide to Join BS. Explain us our role in your own words : Black Syndicate Is A Mafia,Selling Drugs And Arms, Like transporting Drug trafficking and arm trafficking.And BS is engaged in illegal business. Why would you like to join BS and how can you benefit us? : I Would Like To Join BS Because it is the best gang in SAES by me,I have many friends in BS and will help the gang with RolePlays,Events,etc. . I Have A Lot Experiance's And i'm active Trust me.The Members Of BS Are Polite And will do my best to join Black Syndicate. Thank you for your interests on applying for Black Syndicate, I'm sad to announce for you that your application is currently ~[DENIED]~(red). don't re apply again.
  7. Evening Activity: 19.12.2018
  8. Night Activity: 18.12.2018
  9. Night Activity : 09.12.2018
  10. Evening Activity : 08.12.2018 ~[~ 8 Members online ~]~(lime)
  11. Night Activity : 07.12.2018
  12. Night Activity: 08.10.2018
  13. Night Activity: 02.08.2018
  14. Night Activity: 25.08.2018
  15. LS BR 8/8 #692
  16. SF BR 8/8 #691
  17. Evening Activity: 06.08.2018
  18. Night Activity: 01.08.2018
  19. Night Activity: 25.07.2018
  20. Evening Activity: 19.07.2018
  21. SF BR 8/8 #672
  22. LV BR 8/8 #671
  23. Evening Activity: 10.07.2018
  24. Application Format is -=(lime)BACK=- again! Nickname : Ingame username : Nationality & Age : Previous Punishments : Previous organizations youve been in and reason why you left them : Explain us our role in your own words : Why would you like to join BS and how can you benefit us? :
  25. Night Activity: 03.07.2018
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