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Everything posted by Zox

  1. gud gang
  2. Happy birthday
  3. @Flex said in Your Favorite Series or Movie!: @Bozi said in Your Favorite Series or Movie!: @Flex said in Your Favorite Series or Movie!: What is this? A serie where Aida took part in looks unworked
  4. peaky blinders
  5. @Thing said in Use of Trainers: @Zox said in Use of Trainers: @Thing said in Use of Trainers: @Odorian said in Use of Trainers: @Thing said in Use of Trainers: And who cares about dislikes and what does that even say about a person lol. I guess that someone has been searching for every thc post out of almost 70 now to upvote it for some unknown reason Stay on topic. You didnt.You talked about dislike's I think you need some reading glasses and should read Clar's post again. i think you need to shut the fuck up first.
  6. @Thing said in Use of Trainers: @Odorian said in Use of Trainers: @Thing said in Use of Trainers: And who cares about dislikes and what does that even say about a person lol. I guess that someone has been searching for every thc post out of almost 70 now to upvote it for some unknown reason Stay on topic. You didnt.You talked about dislike's
  7. @ClaR said in Use of Trainers: @Swiggity said in Use of Trainers: Someone said attention? https://saesrpg.uk/topic/5131/bad-life-never-dies?page=1 You shouldn't allow yourself to compare the game and the real life in order to hurt/roast a certain person. This is what sets you all apart from the whole community and makes you look pathetic. Then you shoudn't be surprised about the prejudiced attitude of others towards you and your organization. P.S yea keep disliking my posts, it'll make you look even worse. let him grow up a little bit he might understand things better in future
  8. can any admin lock this topic already too many bullshit and non-sense conversations are going on here
  9. @Swiggity said in Use of Trainers: Someone said attention? https://saesrpg.uk/topic/5131/bad-life-never-dies?page=1 you might have never heard a gunshot in whole your life, and think that its funny.I suggest you to cut the bullshit.
  10. @Kybali0n said in Use of Trainers: At least, we don't close the gAng for trifles and cries of a self-conscious girl, we fix the problems in the right way, even with punishment but with stealth. thug
  11. +1 sounds cool
  12. @Pozmester said in WILD ANGELS XMAS PROMO VIDEO: I thought it was a promo video of strip club HAHAHAAH MAN YOU MADE MY DAY
  13. who tf is drot lmao
  14. Robbing the bank located in the city of Las Venturas
  15. Turfs wars. Once again the map is in reds. ::: :::
  16. gz (suck my dick nobody)
  17. @Ramos said in Clan Chat Chating (each level): what about leve 0 and level 1 organizations? and also other groups without spawn on the server. Chat in game is fast to use, but chatting via discord takes more time. /createparty pretty easy right?
  18. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G8gMDfxzEbg
  19. ,,
  20. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ixkoVwKQaJg&index=4&list=LLTaYk4W5ObWvl0U3PaXUHNA&t=0s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kKGuDQi4ixQ&index=6&list=LLTaYk4W5ObWvl0U3PaXUHNA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UKiUwS3NQYY&list=LLTaYk4W5ObWvl0U3PaXUHNA&index=7
  21. @felix holy shit good one Like that meme ehehehe will keep it
  22. @zoom-in said in Official Quote Wall: i bet he didnt understand what is aids
  23. third
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