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Everything posted by Jaka

  1. GXT Members: @Jaka Time Taken: 30 minutes Vehicles Fixed: 15 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/BeCpD1q
  2. Event Type: Roadtrain Park Kill Prize: $2.000.000 LWS: @Colo Winner: @ChickenBoi ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/Irx0HXm
  3. Address: Windmill Shack Account name: kristofer14 Last seen: 7/5/2020 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/5sFdiHw
  4. Address: Bait Shop Caravan Account name: tox7xp69 Last seen: 2/5/2020 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/WLeb6LY
  5. Event: Land on my Roadtrain Rewards: 2 rounds 500.000$ Winners: @Moley @Immortal Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/Fxi3n4D
  6. GXT Members: @Jaka Time Taken: 30 minutes Deliveries: Refueling stations In LS/LV Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/omoBG9n
  7. GXT Members: @Jaka Time Taken: 30 minutes Vehicles Fixed: 15 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/NBkymcO
  8. Address: 3 Angel Pine Avenue Account name: strr3t Last seen: 22th March 2020 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/Rpcvsjp
  9. Address: Basin View Account name: Teressa100 Last seen: 16th March 2020 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/RI072LU
  10. Mechanical Activity GXT Members: @Jaka Time Taken: 30 minutes Vehicles Fixed: 25 Vehicles Fixed Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/InSg5a6
  11. TRUCKING ACTIVITY GXT Members: @Jaka Time Taken: 20 min Deliveries: 10 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/O25XELd
  12. TRUCKING ACTIVITY GXT Members: @Jaka Time Taken: 20 min Deliveries: 10 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/5EMB3Er
  13. TRUCKING ACTIVITY GXT Members: @Jaka Time Taken: 40 min Deliveries: 17 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/aajKpIM
  14. TRUCKING ACTIVITY GXT Members: Jake Time Taken: 20 Deliveries: 2 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/wYfDeFd
  15. Members: Jake Time Taken: 30 minutes Deliveries: 3 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/ayNr9JV
  16. 1. Personal Information Name: Jaka Username: JakaBest Ingame Name: Jake Age: 14 Nationality: Slovene Capability to talk english (1-10): 8 2. In-Game information How long do you play on SAESRPG?: 3 years What other gangs/squads/companies have you been in, and have you been kicked?: OC (will tell more information ingame) Do you have Discord and a working microphone?: Yes How many hours a week do you play?: 20 What are your strengths and weaknesses?: Strengths: driving, shooting / Weaknesses: RP, cracking 3. Gang and random questions. What made you want to join BloodZ?: Skilled and active gang with talkative and nice members. Also the rule fits me. Describe in your own words what is BloodZ: Street gang that kills all the crabz and sells drugs. Can you bring anything specific to our gang?: loyal, active, kind. Which set would you like to join ( listed under RP section) ?: Gangster Killer BloodZ Do you agree that Blue color is strictly forbidden in our gang?: Definetely 4. Answer the following as good as you can: What is Roleplay? Roleplay is pretending like it's real life. What is our Gang RP and Motto?: Motto: Hit 'em hard and him 'em fast. Rp: drug dealing and kidnapping. Who is BloodZ's leader? Makaveli . What do you do if you get deathmatched?: Screenshot and report. What do you do if you see someone else breaking a rule?: Warn or report them if they do it again. Tell us something about yourself: I'm a 14 year old from Slovenia. I practice football, but i like most sports in general. I love to play video games like CS:GO and MTA:SA.
  17. Personal Information Name: Jaka Username: JakaBest Ingame Name: Jaka Age: 14 Nationality: Slovenian Capability to talk english (1-10): 7 In-Game information How long do you play on SAESRPG?: I started in 2015, with my friends. What other gangs/squads/companies have you been in, and have you been kicked?: N/A Do you have Discord and a working microphone?: Yes. How many hours a week do you play?: 25. What are your strengths and weaknesses?: Strenghts: Shooting and driving. Dont have any weakneses. Gang and random questions. What made you want to join BloodZ?: I like this gang and friends recomended me to join. Can you bring anything specific to our gang?: Im a good gangmate and I dont like blue colour. Answer the following as good as you can: What is Roleplay? Roleplay is acting like in real life. What is our Gang RP and Motto?: our Motto is Hit em' up and Hit em' fast. We are deling with drugs. Who is BloodZ's leader? Makaveli. What do you do if you get deathmatched?: Report. What do you do if you see someone else breaking a rule?: Report. Tell us something about yourself: My name is Jaka. I am 16 years old. I love hanging with gang members and I like to play GTA San Andreas.
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