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Everything posted by Adde33333

  1. In game name: Ferpen5 Username:TJOBOBKATT Country of Residence and Nationality: My Timezoe is CEST, and i'm from Sweden. Spoken Languages: My home language is Swedish but i'm pretty good at English, and i also Speak Spanish and Finnish. Age: 15 And a Half Date of the beginning of your SAES career: I have been Playing about 3 Days. Previous organisations and the reason why you left or got kicked out: I have never been in any organisations> Write an introduction about yourself personally and your in-game character of 150 to 200 words: Hello! Is you probably Think what am i? i'm an Guy, and that's facts. I would say that my personel is Kinda Fun, I'm a nice Guy and i'm Always Happy, so yea. I have been Playing on PC for almost 2 and a half Year now? And it's one of the best things i now to do on my free-Time. I'm mostly Playing Arma 3 and yea, i'm Playing Roblox... don't bully me. I have been Playing GTA on my PS3 And PS4 "GTA V" So i have some things that i know. I have been Playing Sand Andreas for 6-7 that's like a Week. And i love that Game so much, it's making me Happy. I want to Join the Company becuase first of all i need an Gang, and i want to go to Comapny because they aren't like Speeds. I have been talking to other Gangs, and some of them are acting like Speeds. And i Think i probably have an change to Company, so i can be a part of them also. And i'm from Sweden, and i live with my Brother, Sister, Dad and my Mom, and it's very good at Home. I'm Always searving the Rules in SAES, so that's not an Problem. This Gang has the best Members in SAES, that's why i'm giving it an Bless, and i love to Help people, and i also like when People is Helpin me, for some reason. If i forgot to tell something, DM me please. / Discord Name Bajskot1#4955.
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