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Everything posted by Vixigaming

  1. Hello I have a suggestion for the server when a criminal has more than 5 stars if he kills the criminal, the policeman earns part of the money
  2. MIT - Application Form Username: redaytp58 Account name: vixigaming Age: 16 years old Nationality: French Languages: French English skills (1-10): 3 Do you have Discord: yes How long you play SAES/RPG: between 3 and 6 hours How much in-game hours do you have: 650 hours Do you have Procop Diploma: No Previous Gang/Squad/Company: No Have ever been banned before: never banned Read the rules and explain them in detail: Explain Rule 3: I must not patrol alone but to favor group patrols Explain Rule 4: I can not neutralize a criminal of less than 5 stars but I must arrest the most dangerous and allow a time of 5 seconds to reenter our character more to realize Explain Rule 6: It is forbidden to kill a person with his vehicle or to restrict movement it is forbidden to arrest or kill a person who has just left, re-entered or during the robbery of a bank Explain Rule 8: You must not stop people who are in front of the hospital or who are in an event. Then you must leave the hospital immediately Why do you want to join us ?: I want to join because on the one hand you guide me well personally I am French, I would love to join a `` French '' squad and also to arrest criminals in groups with MIT
  3. hello I want to create gang
  4. * SECTION A * 1- Name: my real name Reda 2- name in games: My nickname is vixigameur 3- Age: 16 years old 4- Gender: Male 5- mastery in English: I know a little spoke English 6- other tongue: My Mother tongue is French 7- Other languages: I also speak English 8- Do you have a Pro Cop diploma ?: No, I don't have it 9- When did you start playing SAES / MTA ?: I started playing on Mta at 6 months and on SAES 2 months ago 10- Total gameplay (hours): I played 150 hours 11- Approximate daily gameplay (hours): I play 7 hours a day 12- Average FPS: 45 FPS 13- Average ping: 40 PING 14- Previous organizations and reasons for leaving: I have never had an organization before 15- Are you an active user of Discord ?: yes, I am an active user * SECTION B * A. Define our role (FOX): The role of Fox and to defend the San andreas nation against (terrorist attack and threats). To help the victim and help the local police then against outside espionage B. Define the marker stop: C. Minimum level of arrest: the level to arrest a criminal and 10 wanted, except in exceptional cases D. Soulignez et dfinissez 4 rgles principales du serveur: Not to kill a person (criminal or police) with his car Not to kill anyone without good reason not to pretend to be another player You must speak only English in the main chat E. Explain why you should try to play a role before As in real life, have asked to raise these hands or park for a control. It is for re-entry in the insertion of our character I. Write on you in 4 sentences: I am a patient person then I like to do justice and help others when they have need help. II.Write down your strengths and weaknesses: My weakness I don't know how to drive at high speed strong point I know how to fly helicopters III.Why do you want to join FOX compared to others teams ?: I want to join Fox. I saw Fox agents, I was surprised they are always in a group. Then he intervenes very quickly IV. Convince us in 2 lines why you would agree to the team: because, I am a quiet and obedient person. I am always there to help my future Fox comrades when he needs help V. Do you have any additional information to add?: no I have no additional information
  5. * SECTION A * 1- Name: Reda 2- In play 3- name: vixigameur 3- Age: 16 years old 4- Gender: Male 5- Fluency in English: medium 6- Mother tongue: French 7- Other languages: English 8- Do you have a Pro Cop diploma ?: No 9- When did you start playing SAES / MTA?: Mta = 6 months SAES = 2 months 10- Total gameplay (hours): 150 hours 11- Approximate daily gameplay (hours): 7 hours 12- Average FPS: 45 FPS 13- Average ping: 40 PING 14- Previous organizations and reasons for leaving: I never had an organization 15- Are you an active user of Discord ?: yes * SECTION B * A. Defines Our Role (FOX): The Role of Fox and Defending the San Andreas Nation Against (Terrorist and Threats) and Intelligence B. Define the marker stop: C. Minimum stopping level: 10 stars D. Underline and define 4 main server rules: Not to kill a person (criminal or police) with his car Not to kill anyone without valid reason not to pretend to be another player You must speak only English in the main chat. E. Explain why you want to try to play a role before each arrest: As in real life have asked to raise these main hand or from you station or a Control * SECTION C * I.Write on you in 4 sentences: I am a person who is patient and I did justice and help others II.Write down your strengths and weaknesses: My weaken I suck to kill strong point I know how to fly helicopters III.Why would you like to join FOX compared to other teams ?: I have friends in the Operation Fox team then I saw agents in action. I all have a team. I directly mail my application IV. Convince us in 2 lines why you would be suitable for the team: I am a serious and obedient person. I'm always there for my future comrades when he needs help V. Do you have any additional information to add:? no
  6. @ZeKinG merci ZekinG
  7. I would like to join a gang thanks
  8. @MoleyTheMolester merci tu as raison
  9. hello I would like to create a gang but I do not know how to do it
  10. what is the point of buying a shop or parking thank you
  11. s'il vous plait pour pourrez vous abonner sur ma chaine pour me soutenir et de prpare de nouvelle video sur youtube please be able to subscribe on my channel to support me and prepare new video on youtube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCilJfXWl-AA_-HYuOJETsYg
  12. hellos I would like to know what is the zip construction
  13. Hello i cant joind the gang Organisation Des pidmies pls
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