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Dkano's Achievements
Newbie (1/14)
In-game Name: Dkano Role-play Name: Judge Jayo Username: Dka Nationality: Tunisian How often are you on the server? (Hours per week): 3-4 hours per day Current organization: - OverdoseCrime - English proficiency (1/10): 8/10 What position would you like to apply for: Ministry of Economy and Finances Current role-play affiliations (groups): N/A Why do you deem yourself fit for the Liberty Party:I know alot of economics and housing and i also have experience of deciding things since i have worked as MI-6 HQ and Cluckin' bell Drive thru operator leader. But i want you to know that if you dont see me as Ministry of Economy and Finances i would also like to be Senator. For the better life !
Date: 8/11/2019 Screenshots: ::: :::
good Luck :)
Address: 25 Seaview Road Account name: Kyoshiro02 Last seen: 9th september 2019 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/SsVxhXA
Event Number: 14 Event Name: Chicken Shooter Prize: $1.000.000 Winner: Fox Screenshots: ::: :::
Event Number: 11 Event Name: LMS Prize: $1.000.000 Winner: U|PerroLoco[=OB=] Screenshots: ::: :::
Roleplay Number : #3 Roleplay Story : it was a good day when I was hanging around Los Santos suddenly I got a call from an old friend called Elpadrino he said "I got robbed while walking on the street he point a gun right on my head I thought about something to do I tried to remove the gun from his hands and I succeeded we started fighting like 4-5 minute then he started running away I tried to get him but I couldn't keep up with him, but I think I know where he lives but we need something to open his armed door with "I calmed him down first and we met to talk more I told him I will get our profession tools we will meet tomorrow to raid his house When I got there I found him waiting for me . I talked to him a bit then i started opening the door, he told me that he got weapons we need to watch out , finally, the door is open we got in then we started looking for him, we found him in his bathroom washing his hands and the blood was all over the place after we killed him after that we make double sure to get rid of his body and we got out of there With who? : Rocket , Elpadrino Date : 20.10.2019 Screenshots : https://imgur.com/a/t4V1OYH Roleplay Number : #4 Roleplay Story : I was at base once I received a call from "rocket" he asked me to bring him some weed so I accepted and I asked him to meet me in a remote place in Los Santos to be away of cops . after we ended the call, I went to get some weed for them, my gang members started loading it from the base into my car after finishing it, I've made sure that the drugs has been load carefully then I started to move. the way was a hard road but I could reach there safely. when I reached the location. I parked my car and I asked my guards to secure the location. After a while I saw a car, I knew that it's the costumer "rocket", so i got out to talk to him. We started talking about the load and after a long conversation he asked me to check it,so we went to the tank. I have him a bag Of drugs to taste it , and yeah, he discovered that it's a top quality drugs. While I thought that he is going to pay me, he informed me that he doesn't have big amount of money but he asked me if he could replace some of the amount with AK/M4 ammo,honestly it was a great deal to me because the "AK/M4" ammo price is kinda expansive in black market, I took my phone and I called my boss to inform him about the new deal. After discussing him he ordered me to accept the offer. After loading the load in his car. He payed me, I took my ammo. Everything was okay, I've took my car and I went back to my base, it was a great deal. With who? : Rocket , reus , radio Date : 20.10.2019 Screenshots : ::: :::
Date: 18.10.2019 (night activity) Screenshots: ::: :::
Address: 22 Seaview Road Account name: belhaj Last seen: 17th August 2019. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/4wAzxh8
Username: Dkano Ingame nickname: Dka Date of birth: 10.3.2000 Define TBD rp role in your own words: TBD is known as a religiously organized gang and they also carry out many activities such as drug traffic, car theft, selling illegal weapons and doing crimes for their religion. Why are you willing to join our family: Joining TBD will be honor for me honestly, . TBD is full of elite members and leaders who are the really the right person who I need to learn more from them also TBD is an experienced gang which I wanna be a part of it to improve everything's in my Saes life and I wanna make a friendship with them and be a part of this family which really gonna change me and help to do much things Why we should accept you: I won't consider myself really special and I'm not gonna say I'm perfect but I'm capable of doing many good things such as being active, showing an impressive loyalty, act quick less talk and less problems. and I'll be your guy when you need me for sure. Any TBD suggested you to apply: None i suggested my self. Anything else to add: Hopes to be one of you guys. ***Good luck and do more Roleplays for level 1 , apparently he's doing it right ***
Ingame name: Dkano Ingame username: Dka Previous organizations and leaving causes: N/A Define Underground Empire: Underground Empire was found after the american civil war by the team of the 3 (John Dixon , Edward McFarlane , Judah Davis) exactly in June 23, 1866. UE role as any organized crime organisation to many types including weapon trafficking from the purchase, usage to the selling), Drug trafficking (purchase and selling) they dont produce drugs and they mainly sell cocaine, Money laundering its converting the dirty money to make it clean this job is mainly done in UE's casinos also Corrupting cops so they stay in safe by giving an amount of money and corruption can give its own definition finally Contract killing for a particular amount of money UE can make executions What binds you with Underground Empire: Underground Empire is a well organized gang, which they are very respectful and experienced, i would like to join because i'm experienced person on SAES and i would like to expand my experience with such persons like you. But still the main reason is the RP role and it fits me What do you know about organized crime: Organized crime is a nonideological enterprise involving a number of persons in close social interaction, organized on a hierarchical basis, with at least three levels/ranks, for the purpose of securing profit and power by engaging in illegal and legal activities. Positions in the hierarchy and positions involving functional specialization may be assigned on the basis of kinship or friendship, or rationally assigned according to skill. The positions are not dependent on the individuals occupying them at any particular time. Permanency is assumed by the members who strive to keep the enterprise integral and active in pursuit of its goals. It eschews competition and strives for monopoly on an industry or territorial basis. There is a willingness to use violence and/or bribery to achieve ends or to maintain discipline. Membership is restricted, although nonmembers may be involved on a contingency basis. There are explicit rules, oral or written, which are enforced by sanctions that include murder.