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Nebula's Achievements


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  1. This is an automated post TXN ID: 26M046756J551905G Donation Amount: 10.00GBP Requested Awards: Please edit this topic with your requested rewards. For vehicles please follow the format below Vehicle Type: Infernus Vehicle Colour: Blue -> HEX: 0035BE Specify any upgrades: Engine Type: V8, Drive Type: AWD, Hydraulics, 10x Nitrous, Wheels: Access, Stereo Usernames to lock: [ThC]Nebula, KunkKink Where you want it placed: Opposite LV X, the motel, somewhere on the side road. For any help with rewards, please check this topic.
  2. Event Type: ~[Race]~(green) Event Prize: ~[$1.000.000]~(green) Hosted by: @KARIM Winner: @Rainy Date: ~[12/03/19]~(green) Screenshots: ::: :::
  3. Type: ~[Race Flag]~(green) Location: ~[Los Santos]~(green) Participants: @Gramolas @Ban Winners: ~[1st: Nebula - 2nd: Gramolas - 3rd: Ban]~ Screenshots: ::: :::
  4. Type: ~[Race Flag]~(green) Location: ~[Las Venturas]~(green) Participants: @Axestos @mimyy @TaJ @Harb Winners: ~[1st: Nebula - 2nd: Axestos - 3rd: Harb]~ Date: ~[11/23/19]~(green) Screenshots: ::: :::
  5. Type: ~[Race Flag]~(green) Location: ~[Las Venturas]~(green) Participants: @ugli @GoldMine Winners: ~[1st: GoldMine - 2nd: ugli - 3rd: Nebula]~ Date: ~[11/23/19]~(green) Screenshots: ::: :::
  6. Address: LV Lot Warehouse #2 Account name: xxjojootaxx Last seen: 28th of September - 2019 Screenshots: ::: :::
  7. Type: ~[Race Flag]~(green) Location: ~[Red County]~(green) Participants: @IceCold @GoldMine Winners: ~[1st: GoldMine - 2nd: Nebula - 3rd: IceCold]~ Date: ~[11/12/19]~(green) Screenshots: ::: :::
  8. Type: ~[Race Flag]~(green) Location: ~[Bone County]~(green) Participants: @IceCold @GoldMine @Arone Winners: ~[1. IceCold - 2. Goldmine - 3. Nebula]~ Date: ~[11/12/19]~(green) Screenshots: ::: :::
  9. Type: Race Flag Location: San Fierro Participants: Nebula, Ardron, GoldMine and Ban. Winners: 1. Nebula - 2. Arone - 3. KARIM Date: 11/05/19 Screenshots: ::: :::
  10. Type: Race Flag Location: Las Venturas Participants: Nebula, Ardron and Ban. Winners: 1. Nebula - 2. Ardron - 3. Ban Date: 11/05/19 Screenshots: ::: :::
  11. Type: Race Flag Location: Los Santos Participants: Nebula, GoldMine and zK98. Winners: 1. Nebula - 2. zK98 - 3. GoldMine Date: 11/04/19 Screenshots: ::: :::
  12. Type: Race Flag Location: San Fierro Participants: Nebula, GoldMine and zK98. Winners: 1. GoldMine - 2. Nebula - 3. zK98 Date: 11/04/19 Screenshots: ::: :::
  13. Type: Race Flag Location: Tierra Robada Participants: Nebula, G-fuckera and zK98. Winners: 1. Nebula - 2. zK98 - 3. G-fuckera Date: 11/04/19 Screenshots: ::: :::
  14. Type: Race Flag Location: Tierra Robada Participants: Nebula, Klay and zK98. Winners: 1. Klay - 2. Nebula - 3. zK98 Date: 11/04/19 Screenshots: ::: :::
  15. Type: Race Flag Location: San Fierro Participants: Nebula, SVDDENDEATH, Nicky and Stark. Winners: 1. SVDDENDEATH - 2. Nicky - 3. Stark Date: 10/31/19 Screenshots: ::: :::
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