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  1. butthurt retards learn how to read
  2. :buffkys:
  3. Thank you brothers
  4. Display Name: Duff Username: fener1907 Link to ALL Donation Topics: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/24666/donation-duff-amount-5-00-gbp https://saesrpg.uk/topic/25239/donation-duff-amount-5-00-gbp https://saesrpg.uk/topic/26082/donation-duff-amount-10-00-gbp https://saesrpg.uk/topic/25796/donation-duff-amount-10-00-gbp https://saesrpg.uk/topic/25417/donation-duff-amount-10-gbp https://saesrpg.uk/topic/24700/donation-duff-amount-10-00-gbp https://saesrpg.uk/topic/18151/donation-duff-amount-10-00-gbp https://saesrpg.uk/topic/13032/donation-duff-amount-15-00-gbp https://saesrpg.uk/topic/14240/donation-duff-amount-20-00gpb https://saesrpg.uk/topic/14059/donation-duff-amount-20-00-gbp https://saesrpg.uk/topic/12081/donation-duff-amount-17-00gpb-3-gpb-from-old-in-total-20/4 https://saesrpg.uk/topic/25312/dontion-duff-amount-30-00-gbp https://saesrpg.uk/topic/18139/donation-duff-amount-40-00-gbp https://saesrpg.uk/topic/18144/donation-duff-amount-50-00-gbp Total number of Donation Points: 375
  5. Sad to hear something like but you guys did good job. we were not close like old days but you were still meaning something to us @voli and @Derrick i wish you you best at your future
  6. dogum gunun kutlu olsun kardesim sana bizzat yedircem
  7. ::: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/828675243156701275/829852754800410644/mta-screen_2021-04-09_01-56-04.png https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/828675243156701275/829852800154337310/mta-screen_2021-04-09_01-55-57.png :::
  8. @Daryl TL:DR; Bank Robberies success decreased by only 0.35%. Amount of BR's dropped from 393 in February to 315 in March, baring in mind there are 3 more days in March. you just lied yourself once again
  9. Vehicle Type: Windsor Vehicle Colour: I will edit this later Specify any upgrades: Armored doors Usernames to lock: (your username first, followed by all other usernames) fener1907 Where you want it placed: I will show that For any help with rewards, please check this topic.
  10. Donation Amount: 10 GBP doneted by @Getskillz
  11. happy birthday zac
  12. https://saesrpg.uk/topic/25796/donation-duff-amount-10-00-gbp/5 TXN ID: <TXN ID HERE> N/A by @Getskillz Donation Amount: <AMOUNT HERE> 10.00GBP Requested Awards: Please edit this topic with your requested rewards. For vehicles please follow the format below Vehicle Type: bullet Vehicle Colour: I will edit it Specify any upgrades: armored doors if its possible Username to lock: fener1907 Where you want it placed: LV X House, I will shot that For any help with rewards, please check this topic.
  13. Vehicle Type: bullet Vehicle Colour: I ll edit it later Specify any upgrades: armored doors if its possible Usernames to lock: fener1907 Where you want it placed: lvx house I ll show that
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