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  1. Ingame name: My Ingame name is Zacklen. Ingame username: My Ingame username is Zacklen. Previous organizations and leaving causes: ICE: I didn't like their promotion system. Define Underground Empire: Underground Empire Was founded on 23,1866 after the american civil war by the team of the 3 (John Dixon, Edward McFarlane, and Judah Davis). And There are too many types of roles that "UE" do, Weapon Trafficking(They Purchases weapons from trust worthy Criminal groups,and most of these weapons are stored for self protection turfwars,hit contracts) Drug Trafficking(They Don't Produce drug and they sell cocaine to UE partners) Money Laundering(They convert the dirty money into chips at one of UE's own casino then cashed out it in a check) Corrupting politicians&cops(They offer money to Corrupt Politicans and cops) Contract killing(Costumers pay a particular amount of money and then UE's executioners do the job for them) What binds you with Underground Empire: Whenever i started hanging out with them, I felt like They are My family they taught me alot of thing in this game i would never know it, they respected me,I saw many beautiful things from them,They represent a good criminal organisation,They show me how to be a good and loyal soldier. For me The meaning of UnderGround Empire is ( Hope,Faith,challenge,Never Surrender,Loyalty,Fulfillment),All these attributes made me attracted to them. What do you know about organized crime: As Far as i know,Organized crime is a way of a crime that is done by Specialised people in the field of crime,they do this to achieve tasks, This tasks maybe(Stealing,killing,Robbing bank,Selling illegal things).
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