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xX.Joker.Xx's Achievements


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  1. .................
  2. Happy birthday nikolai i will never forget you , you too happy birthday ardron but maybe i will forget you very soon
  3. @Brophy said in Show us yourself V3: Nice tits
  4. @Markus said in Show us yourself V3: I almost lost No Nut November because of you what u mean? :consider:
  5. Here we go
  6. Happy birthday my best indian Friend @TaJ hep hep !!!! HORRAY!!!
  7. @Brophy said in SAES Birthday Event: @xX-Joker-Xx said in SAES Birthday Event: Ohh im like SAES im 16 years old too But you can't join the event, cuz you are banned. I know but i Will join it in forum
  8. Ohh im like SAES im 16 years old too
  9. Any @SAES-HQ or @SAES-Member Can solve it please.
  10. @xX-Liyones-Xx said in To @SAES_ADMINS: ( Only admins Can reply please )
  11. i didn't wrote this message juste to back only , i did wrote it to tell you im sorry for my mistakes with you all , and i changed my self and im sure that will not happen again , @Brophy just test me this Time and you will see and trust me if i Will get ban again i will not spam you , and i want thank you for chances and i Hope you will give me last chance because i really want back ... And as @wolferx said if admin will unban me that's mean it's my last chance . Well sir @Brophy , Can i appeal my ban again please.
  12. @Brophy said in To @SAES_ADMINS: I'm not getting involved, you've had more chances than we've given other people. I know sir @Brophy and im really so sorry for that , and im sure that will not happen again.
  13. @SAES-HQ-Leader , @SAES-Probationary , any one Can check this please , thanks .
  14. @Tut-Greco said in To @SAES_ADMINS: I thought you already had your final chance? Yes sir , but i lose it and i did Big wrong and il really so sorry .
  15. @Linkan said in To @SAES_ADMINS: I just feel how these 2 accounts over me is the same person xD Also good luck i recommend doin a ban appeal instead of posting topics like this for the public, first of this topic will be flooded by regular players. Second you wont get unbanned while brag here. Go to @ ban appeals Sir i did and i got denied + peremeant
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