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Everything posted by Mysticc

  1. FOX crew: Mystic, Marshall, Redlive, Howlze, Johnny, Sultz, Hassoni Date and time of the patrol: 02-19-2020, 21:04+ Screenshots: https://imgur.com/7taN3QM
  2. Address: Uber House 5 Account name: mahdi444 Last seen: 16th january 2020
  3. FOX crew: ~[Mystic, Sam, Johnny, Legend, Enemy, Split, Marko, Hassoni]~(navy,black) Date and time of the patrol: 02-11-2020, 19:21+ Screenshots: ::: :::
  4. @Turbo said in Agents Of Shield: Not smart but good luck I agree, goodluck anyways
  5. Patrol 992# Personal Patrol # Participants: @jonathan959 Amount of healed or Time of patrol: 35mins ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/VKmuMZj
  6. SECTION 1 Name: Berkan In-game name: Mystic Age: 17 Sex: Male English proficiency: 7/10 Native language: Dutch Other language(s): Turkish, English Do you have a Pro Cop diploma?: No, sadly I don't have it. When did you start playing SAES/MTA?: playing saes for few years I guess with a lot of breaks, and MTA should be 8 years. Total gameplay (hours): 1194 Aprox.gameplay daily (hours): 3-6 Average FPS: 60 (Max) Average ping: 15-30 Previous organizations and reasons for leaving: S~D, AA, TST, NNB, ThC, STF, FBI S~D: Closed AA: Decided to join copside. TST: I got kicked for some invalid reason NNB: I got blacklisted, cause we decided to open S~D ThC: Left to join copside. STF: Closed FBI: Wanted to try something else and didn't had that much of fun. Are you active user of Discord?: 24/7 on Discord. SECTION 2 A. Define our role (FOX) FOX is an Intel based agency which focuses on protecting the nation against threats, B. Define marker arrest: Like if a person is in the marker of Jail or Bankrob for example, and you arrest him while he's in a marker, that's count as a marker arrest which is forbidden. C. Minimum arresting level: 10 D. Point out and define 4 major server rules: No deathmatching, like killing people for no reason. No abuses in the game, like abusing things such as slidebugs and few more things, things what a normal player can't do I guess, had struggles to define it No cheats in the game, like having an aimbot in the server and you kill cops/crims with it which is forbidden in the server is called cheating. No avoid arrest, like if a criminal is trying to run away from a cop with like 10% health, and can't hold it longer and he jumps from a roof and gets himself killed, that's called avoid arrest which is also forbidden in the server. E. Explain why you should attempt to roleplay before each arrest: Well, you can easily improve your Roleplay knowledge if you Roleplay before arrest criminals for example SECTION 3 I. Write about yourself in 4 sentences: Well my name is Berkan and I am seventeen years old, Living in The Netherlands, a city called Zaandam is the place where I am born and currently still live, and well I just got 2 hobbies which are Gaming & Listening too music, living with my mom only and no one else. II: Write your strengths and weaknesses: My Strengths, Shooting & Driving, Weakness should be only Roleplaying and Pararjumping. III. Why do you wish to join FOX over other squads?: I prefer FOX over other squads because honestly they display a lot of teamwork in their activities and are well mannered IV. Convince us in 2 lines why you would fit the team: I am a guy which knows exactly how he should communicate with the members within the squad, furthermore, I believe that I can be a good addition to your team with my experience on the server V. Do you have any additional information you want to add?: Not really, just wanted to say that I am a chill person to hang with. Screenshot of the WH: https://imgur.com/a/WQVd5qz
  7. Patrol #5 Personal Patrol # Participants: Johnny, Griffin Amount of healed or Time of patrol: 20mins ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/6e5wvI1
  8. Patrol #4 Personal Patrol # Participants: Myself (Mystic) Amount of healed or Time of patrol: 20min ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/pAk7Ozb
  9. Patrol #3 Personal Patrol # Participants: JohnnyEnglish Amount of healed or Time of patrol: 20-30min ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/MXV7WPl
  10. Patrol #2 Personal Patrol # Participants: JohnnyEnglish Amount of healed or Time of patrol: 30mins ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/akrInvd
  11. Patrol #1 Personal Patrol Participants: JohnnyEnglish & JoNa Amount of healed or Time of patrol: 30mins of patroling it should be. ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/KDcM7rs
  12. Nickname: Mystic Account name: berkanplb Age: 17 Country of residence The Netherlands Primary Language: Dutch/Turkish/English Since when have you been playing on SAES:RPG: should be like few years with a lot of breaks Current S/G/C and rank: FBI, Field Agent Other RP groups you're in: N/A Past groups you were involved in (Include reason for departure): N/A Mention (with reason) about any past punishments you have received: Adminjail some years ago for DMing outside of jail, killed a cop from a far distance, ban few years ago for bug abusing when jail was in FC there was a friend of my coming with a NRG and when you press G you get out of your jail ^[] Section B: General Questionnaire: Describe SAM in your own words: (Not less than 30 words) It's a paramedic group that's patroling around the SA healing people at SRs and around the SA, roleplaying with a lot of RP groups in the server, and ofcourse having fun when ever it is needed. What is the SAM motto? Always there when you need us most. Who founded SAM? Joe aka Daryl. Who is the current leader? JohnnyEnglish. For how long have you been playing as a paramedic on the server?: were playing this some years ago when I first started with SAES but decided to do it today once again. Mention one rule that applies to the "Paramedic" spawn: They should be acting their role, and not ramming people with ambulances Mention one rule that applies to SAM Paramedic: Do not disrespect someone, as being spawned as SAM and using the tags. Can you ensure us certified periodic activity ?: Yes. ^[] Section C : Aptitudes: 1. How would you respond to criticism by a superior? Would ask him what I am doing wrong, and how I did it wrong. 2. Why exactly are you applying today? Well I got interested cause of a RolePlay that happend today, and talked with Johnny that I got interested in joining. 3. What are your strengths and weaknesses? Helping people is my strenght, and weakness would be, Talking on a HighLevel English 4. Why should we accept you to our team? I got interested in this group, and eehh, I am active and a loyal guy who likes to help people out around.
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