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Posts posted by Connorada

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    TXN ID: 8KG250153G2668036

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    In Game Name: Connorada
    Username: Connorada
    Gender: Male
    Age: 21
    Nationality: British
    Languages: English
    Total Server Playtime 800 or so hours.:
    Previous Gangs/Squads/Companies: GJMC/SAPA
    Current/Previous Groups: Null
    Have you ever been banned, if yes, why: N/A
    On a scale of 0-10, rate your English skills: 10


    **For you, what is C.I.A.: CIA is one of the worlds most organised Intelligence agency with a wide range of resources and aid which would be a great addition to ones career. **
    What unit would you like to join in the future, and why: GRADE ONE Special Agent. I have no interest in management roles.
    What is our main role: To maintain justice within the country while operating if necessary undercover to bring order to criminals.
    What can you bring to the squad: Half decent cop with ability to make arrests and operate on the highest order.
    Describe a short situation (a few paragraphs), on how you would act during a spying mission: My main aim would be to become one with the enemy or target and gain their trust. In doing so I would be able to retrieve more information about the organisation or other wanted targets while trying to maintain my persona


    Any other information you wish to specify:
    Anyone recommended you to apply, if yes, who: TaJ
    Why did you choose C.I.A.:I like the forum post it has good information about the group and I wish to get back into working in a group rather than lone wolf.

  3. Name: Connor
    Username: Connorada
    Rank before kick/leave: Not sure if 2* or 3*
    Do you have PC: No
    How long have you been in sapa: 2 months
    Who kicked you: Unsure
    Date of kick/leave: 2016.
    Reason for kick/leave: Inactive due to workload.
    What happened from your side/why did you leave? : Workload at home became too much. Calmed down alot now. No longer 60 hours a week of work.
    Why do you want back in? : When I play I generally play as Police as I find it more fun but due to only being a trainee I do not get the opportunities others get it seems.
    What have you learned from this? : Give warning if a spell of inactivity is going to appear although its unlikely at this time.
    Who do you want to apologize to? : Null
    Why should we give you a second chance?: I never did anything wrong in game it was only me being slightly inactive that caused the kick.

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