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Everything posted by RyZee

  1. Your ingame username:iso Your ingame alias: RyZe Your year of birth 27/07/1998 Your gender: Male Nationality Azerbaijani : Country of residence Warsaw/Poland : How long you have been playing SAES I've been playing on SAES since 2011 : Qualities you can offer I vision myself being alongside my friends and people with experience. I would want a strong bone and a connection between every member. This is assential as It would minimise the amount of untrusty activity within the gang. I'd want an active selective amount of people as this is always great to have in a populated community. I speak 5 languages which would make me think that I could potentially take care of five aspects of the server; Azerbaijani/Native Russian/Native Turkish/Native English/Fluent Chinese/Fluent (Spent my almost 3 years in China due to education.) My second role within the gang would be in the development team. Since I think I'm good at coming up with original and unique concepts, suited for a specific team. This would ensure the community can enjoy new game play to It's full potential which would lead to the server improving and gaining a new larger audience (because 200+ isn't enough >smiley<) Huge increase in player base leads to an increase in demand on the administrator online. Taking this into account would suffice the players as I'm aware how to keep everything in tact while following the guidelines and procedures of an administrator. Because this community is growing rapidly in a short amount of time. It would be necessary for the staff to give as much input as possible. I'm capable of listening to the community and their needs and demands. I'm active daily in which I can take advantage of. I'll be able to administrate the server, keeping everything and everyone looked after as well as disciplining the unwanted. : *Your weaknesses One of the drooling weaknesses I have luck of encouragement. What I mean by this, when I see other people feeling low and not up to for the task, I tend to sulk and not bother. I believe this is partially due to wanting me to complete the task without anything interrupting me. This leads me to (mostly) working too hard which can potentially exhaust me. I also tend to be a perfectionist and can linger on the details of a projects which can threaten deadlines. I'm always aware of how what I'm doing affects my team and management. I've learned how to find balance between perfect and very good and being timely; however It's not a guarantee that I overcame this issue. *: Preferred Position (CS/SAHA) CS. : Do you have Discord Installed Yes, I do. : Reason for application One of the main reasons that I would love to join SAES is because I feel like SAES is a stable community that has never really disappointed. It has existed for many years and is delivering a great experience for hundreds of players daily. In addition to that the SAES server delivers a great experience of meeting new players daily which you can get to know and talk to. The size of the clan also attracts me to apply because there would always be tasks to fulfill, as an administrator I tend to love being occupied with things to do. By joining a gang that has countless of things to do, would make me enjoy my time even more which would be a plus for both parties. What I lastly think is that there are moments on the server where an administrator is missing and that's where I could possibly use my set of skills being a responsible administrator and showing a good example to the active players. : Server Memberships None : *Additional information My real name is Ihsan. Right now I'm 21 years old I was born in 27th July, 1998 and I'm originally from Azerbaijan but I'm currently studying as an Architecture and Urban planning student, which justifies my time in Poland. *: Previous (legitimate) punishments on the server: None Previous (legitimate) bans None : Do you eat pork: There are some times I ate without knowing that It was a pork but I've never eat it intentionally, so no.
  2. Happy Birthday #PuSsYMagnet
  3. Ma carball mates are da best @Teddy , @Groove
  4. This is an automated post TXN ID: 1LL68329020886017 Donation Amount: 30.00GBP Requested Awards: Ill contact with one of you in game.
  5. Happy Birthday Buddy, enjoy your day!
  6. Happy Birthday my old friend, hope your havin a great day!
  7. Starting Bid: 6.000.000
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