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Everything posted by Animator11

  1. SECTION I - PERSONAL INFORMATION Nickname: 157|Animator Username: junxe18 Nationality: Pilipino Age: 15 going 16 SECTION II - ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Have you ever been banned from SAES? if so, why?: not Previous memberships? (including why you left/got kicked): GSF on my old acc buy i forgot it and i kicked bcz im join on other gang while on im on GSF but i will not do it again Did any CDC member suggest that you should apply? if so, who?: @MilkySky Why shall we consider accepting you?: cuz ill make activity with CDC member![alt text](image url) How will you be benefiting CDC: DOING ACTIVITY Important! Post pictures interacting in-game with CDC members (use a spoiler): https://imgur.com/a/WWKmkGq
  2. Part I Real name :Junes Username :Karltzy In game name :Animator Age :10 PART II Nationality :Pilipino How long have you been playing on SAES:RPG?3 or 2 years Have you ever been banned or adminjailed before? If so, why?I have 1 Admin jail because accident I got kill the AFK PLAYER Please list your previous squad/gang history:None How many hours do you have in-game?14 Hours Because my old account got hacked in my old acc is have 400+ hours RP Skills 0/10:7/10 Driving Skills 0/10 :8/10 English Skills 0/10:8/10 PART III Explain Roleplay(RP)What does it mean:Its acting Like in Real Life Explain Deathmatch(DM) What does it mean:Killing player for no reason Explain Marker Arrest What does it mean:Arresting Player by Entering In door or Bank* ~~``` italicised text
  3. MIT - Application Form Username:Animator Account name: junes64 Age:10 Nationality:Filipino Languages:Tagalog and english English skills (1-10):9-10 Discord ID:/ How long do you play SAES:RPG: 3years How much in-game hours do you have: 245hours Do you have Procop Diploma:yes Previous Gang/Squad/Company: Nothing Actual group membership: Nothing State, if you have, your last punishments: Adminjail because im dm Have you ever been banned before:No Read the MIT rules and explain them in detail: Explain Rule 3:Do not patrol alone if there are officers available. Leaving a collective activity supervised, intended and timed by at least one Major (3) is strictly prohibited. Except for urgent and administrative missions with the server. Explain Rule 4:It is strictly forbidden to arrest players under 5 stars. Always privilege tough criminals. Let the criminals 5 seconds to react for your RP ask. Explain Rule 6:Deathmatching, Mark Kill, Marker Arrest, Park Kill and Park Arrest is strictly prohibited. Ramming on criminals is highly discouraged. MIT tolerates this type of action only once against a criminal. Ramming on a criminal more than once is prohibited. Explain Rule 8:Do not arrest at Hospital and in Events Why do you want to join us ?: Because i really really want Squad Like MIT and I want to help The MIT to Level up.
  4. ![alt text](imagD:\mta sa\screenshots\mta-screen_2021-03-21_12-54-34.png'e url)
  5. Ser im hang
  6. First Part Nickname:Animator Account Name:junes64 Gender:male Age:11 Nationality:Philippines Primary Language:Tagalog Secondry Language(s):english spanish For how long have you been playing SAES? 5 hours or 6 How many hours have you spent in server? (Use TAB):2:22hours Which G/S/C have you been in? :None Why did you leave (get kicked) from your previous G/S/C? :None Have you ever been kicked/banned by any admin? If yes, why? :avoid arrest im jumping in building or killed my self with no reason Third Part What is your motivation to join BBMC? :i want to be BBMC to help the gang And to be with my Friends What can you bring to the gang? :I want to help the gang and like this Did anyone suggest you to apply for BBMC? If yes mention who :[BBMC]Axel|M he said to me to join in BBMC
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