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Everything posted by JelyFish

  1. i wannt give the car to Dkano Part I: How much have you donated for the sever? 15 When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? i have 1 month Why do you need this change? so, the car was on my base when i join Oc i wannt change it in the house Links to your donation topics: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/11775/donation-jelyfish-amount-10-00-gbp https://saesrpg.uk/topic/11916/donation-jelyfish-amount-5-00-gbp Links to your previous donation changes requests: ======================================================================== Part II: Vehicle 1: Glendale Location: in sf Vehicle 2: Location: in SF ======================================================================== Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1: Location: sf Username: jely Pls add donation icon Vehicle 2: Location: sf Username: jely Interior: N/A
  2. i wannt give the car to Dkano Part I: How much have you donated for the sever? 15 When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? i have 1 month Why do you need this change? so, the car was on my base when i join Oc i wannt change it in the house Links to your donation topics: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/11775/donation-jelyfish-amount-10-00-gbp https://saesrpg.uk/topic/11916/donation-jelyfish-amount-5-00-gbp Links to your previous donation changes requests: ======================================================================== Part II: Vehicle 1: Glendale Location: in sf Vehicle 2: Location: in SF ======================================================================== Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1: Location: sf Username: jely Pls add donation icon Vehicle 2: Location: sf Username: jely Interior: N/A
  3. Part I: How much have you donated for the server? 15 GBP When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? 20 days Why do you need to change the location: Not changing the location, just reclaiming i just wannt put a interior Links to your donation topics: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/11775/donation-jelyfish-amount-10-00-gbp/1 https://saesrpg.uk/topic/11916/donation-jelyfish-amount-5-00-gbp Links to your previous donation changes requests: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/11926/jelyfish-s-reward-change/1 Part II: What I Want to be Removed N/A Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1: N/A Vehicle 2: N/A Any small sexy interior on my property named las_colinas_666 would also be great,I'll leave the selection up to you Thanks in advance.
  4. sorry but i changed my mind or app withdrawn
  5. Congratz MMC,
  6. good Luck. BloodZ
  7. Part I: How much have you donated for the sever? 15 When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? i have 7 days Why do you need this change? so, the car was on my base when i join Oc i wannt change it in the base Links to your donation topics: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/11775/donation-jelyfish-amount-10-00-gbp https://saesrpg.uk/topic/11916/donation-jelyfish-amount-5-00-gbp Links to your previous donation changes requests: ======================================================================== Part II: Vehicle 1: Location: Vehicle 2: Location: ======================================================================== Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1: Glendale Location: LV Airport Username: mertt , ennes Pls add donation icon Vehicle 2: Black Shamal Location: LS Airport Username: mertt , ennes Interior: N/A Pls add donation icon
  8. This is an automated post TXN ID: 02445688SY454424C Donation Amount: 5.00GBP Requested Awards: Please edit this topic with your requested rewards. For vehicles please follow the format below Vehicle Type: Glendale Vehicle Colour: Blue Specify any upgrades: Usernames to lock: (your username first, followed by all other usernames) Where you want it placed: OC base For any help with rewards, please check this topic.
  9. This is an automated post TXN ID: 10V43566MC276900B Donation Amount: 10.00GBP Requested Awards: Please edit this topic with your requested rewards. For vehicles please follow the format below Vehicle Type: Vehicle Colour: Specify any upgrades: Usernames to lock: (your username first, followed by all other usernames) Where you want it placed: For any help with rewards, please check this topic.
  10. @Zouka05 said in The Pirus: In-game Name: -910|ZouKa Real Name: -Adb Razak Alright (as discussed in private message) your application goes DENIED. reapply in 2 weeks if still interested. @harakira01 said inThe Pirus: In-game Name: HarakiRa Real Name: Mustafa we'r sorry, you don't seem ready yet. application goes Denied this time, feel free to reapply in 2 weeks from today
  11. After some discussion, Here are the results for the last applications. @Zouka05 You've been hanging with us for a few days and we have seen enough from you, Meet an HQ Ingame for your test, Good luck. @harakira01 A good guy with a very friendly attitude, Keep hanging around with us and you shall be tested very soon, Pending.
  12. Rolay Number: 94 Story: The gang known as The Outfit recently had robbed a Bone Country bank and they knew that cop might raid their base so they decided to transfer the money from their base to some where else where money could get more safer. One of Seth friend was going near by Outfit base when he saw a guy loading money in a car, Seth already had told him everything so he took the picture of the car and the person and sent it to "Seth", when Seth saw the picture, Seth quickly called Overdose Crime helper "IronClad" who decided to assist him in this robbery. When the Outfit member made the move to transfer money, Seth waited a while to find an abandoned place, When the car reached Red Country's small mountains, Seth went from a short cut and blocked the way so Outfit member couldn't pass through their. After pulling over The Outfit's member, Seth asked him to get out of the car and open the trunk on which the driver aka the Outfit's member punched Seth and started to run, He even didn't ran 10 meter while he got taken out by IronClad. When Seth and IronClad tried to open the trunk, It was locked by some sort of new technology which only verified person could open. After trying for a while Seth contacted his new friend "Jose" who was experts in car technology and asked him to reach at the given position. When Jose reached at the point, Seth told him everything about robbery and the trunk, Seth offered him 10% cut from the money they were about to find out so Jose accept the deal and in few mins Jose opened the lock. Seth and Jose loaded the money in Ironclad's car and then burned "Radio aka The Outfit member" and then took the money to Overdose Crime's base where Seth gave everyone their cut and kept the remaining money. Screenshot(s): ::: ::: Participants: Radio . reus . IronClad . Jose and JelyFish
  13. Rolay Number: 93 Story: One day when I was driving my car, I thought of stealing a bank for financial needs. The weather turned into a storm and I realized that this could be an obstacle to the police. So I decided to take this opportunity but I needed help. So I went to the base of the cripz and asked them, they accepted my help. We took a truck and I mean the bank, and when I arrived, we and my partner took us to do the job,and after the end I invited him to my base to celebrate Screenshot(s): ::: ::: Participants: Cripz . The Pirus
  14. Rolay Number: 92 Story: I was at base once I received a call from "reus" he asked me to bring him some weed so I accepted and I asked him to meet me in a remote place in Los Santos to be away of cops . after we ended the call, I went to get some weed for them, my gang members started loading it from the base into my car after finishing it, I've made sure that the drugs has been load carefully then I started to move. the way was a hard road but I could reach there safely. when I reached the location. I parked my car and I asked my guards to secure the location. After a while I saw a car, I knew that it's the costumer "reus", so i got out to talk to him. We started talking about the load and after a long conversation he asked me to check it,so we went to the tank. I have him a bag Of drugs to taste it , and yeah, he discovered that it's a top quality drugs. While I thought that he is going to pay me, he informed me that he doesn't have big amount of money but he asked me if he could replace some of the amount with AK/M4 ammo,honestly it was a great deal to me because the "AK/M4" ammo price is kinda expansive in black market, I took my phone and I called my boss to inform him about the new deal. After discussing him he ordered me to accept the offer. After loading the load in his car. He payed me, I took my ammo. Everything was okay, I've took my car and I went back to my base, it was a great deal Screenshot(s): ::: ::: Participants: Reus . Morena . Josesito
  15. Rolay Number: 90 Story: Today when I was talking to a group of criminals, I heard that Cripz needed some weapons for their war. So I decided to sell them the required weapons. I went the next day to their base and one of their menbers checked the weapons and accepted it.In the end he thanked me for that and invited me to their party Participants: ElPadrino ::: :::
  16. Rolay Number: 89 Story: On a normal day, as usual, I was on my way to San Feiro to take some goods from Heron and Marijuana to our dealers. I did not notice that I was on the wrong side of the road. Suddenly I heard the voice of a policeman shouting "Stop the car." I tried to escape because I got some taboos, but I could not lose when he was chasing me. The members of his team told me to stop and chase me for about an hour and then sign me. They interrogated me about the reason for carrying this amount of drugs. I told the center to do research with me. I thought I would not take a word to survive. He grabbed me and took me to jail for my punishment.. Participants: Josesito Screenshot(s):
  17. Rolay Number: 88 Story: it was a good day when I was hanging around Los Santos suddenly I got a call from an old friend called Elpadrino he said "I got robbed while walking on the street he point a gun right on my head I thought about something to do I tried to remove the gun from his hands and I succeeded we started fighting like 4-5 minute then he started running away I tried to get him but I couldn't keep up with him, but I think I know where he lives but we need something to open his armed door with "I calmed him down first and we met to talk more I told him I will get our profession tools we will meet tomorrow to raid his house When I got there I found him waiting for me . I talked to him a bit then i started opening the door, he told me that he got weapons we need to watch out , finally, the door is open we got in then we started looking for him, we found him in his bathroom washing his hands and the blood was all over the place after we killed him after that we make double sure to get rid of his body and we got out of there Participants: Beckham Elpadrino Screenshot(s): ::: https://imgur.com/a/t4V1OYH :::
  18. Rolay Number: 87 Story: I was on the way to deliver drugs to a single band clients and in my way and I found a policeman on the edge of the road and he suspended me and started talking to me a strange deviation like knowing that I own drug and then asked me if I was carrying something in the trunk of the car and I answered no but I I was shaking a little Fashk in ordered me to open the trunk of the car and I did Malk He found the drugs and caught me Participants: Zoro Carl Screenshot(s): ::: :::
  19. Rolay Number: 86 Story: After getting away from the annoying police cops, we managed to escape with all the guns.Btw it wasn't easy to do, Ritta just got cought, and we don't know if he is alive or dead. Anyway, our first exchange was with the cripZ gang. But, the problems were always chasing us, we knew that a police cop was chasing us and watching our moves from far, so we decided to bait him to another place and our gang members and the cripZ moved to a safe place. Then, after finishing our exchanging, we went to the cripZ base, and we got our drugs. Participants: Jirak Screenshot(s): ::: :::
  20. Roleplay Number: 85 Story: We were chilling around our base when we got a piece of information about a cops van which contains a load of arms, it was our chance to make some easy money with selling it. we took our cars and we interrupted their way. 30 minutes later I saw them coming, they were 2 special forces cops. we kill them, we unloaded the load in my car then we came back to our base with a great victory Participants: Raf Orkko Klay Screenshot(s): ::: :::
  21. Roleplay Number: 84 Story: It was our first deal with 'OC' and my Boss has asked me to join it, it was about a new load of drugs(the price, the amount...).everything was coll, The drugs were a high quality and the price was appropriate. while we were loading the drugs in my car's trunk I've noticed a camera lights coming from the entrance of our base ,and I was choked when I saw a guy with a special forces suit taking pictures of our meeting, I showed him to my boss, he was surprised too. after a long chasing, we kidnapped and killed him, and before leaving we made sure to get rid of his body and all the directories Participants: Raf . Reus Screenshot(s): ::: :::
  22. In-game Name: - JelyFish Real Name: - Fouad Age: - 24 years old Country of Residence: - Tunisia What made you applying for The Pirus?: - Joining Pirus will be honor for me honestly, This gang is the most powerful one on SAES. Pirus is full of elite members and leaders who are the really the right person who I need to learn more from them also Pirus is an experienced gang which I wanna be a part of it to improve everything's in my Saes life and I wanna make a friendship with them and be a part of this family which really gonna change me and help to do much things What is the main role of The Pirus?: - The Pirus: It's a respected and experienced family, which is specified on street fighting. Trained in a couple of different fighting tactics, for example Martial Arts & Wrestling. Also I am pretty sure, ''fun'' is written big in here. ~No one will be left behind, everything will be done together. Let us know a bit about you: - Hello, My name is Adem Fouad im 24 years old i live in Tunisia also i am a quite experienced player in saes i started playing like 4 Month ago and been obeying to rules since then. And i'm quite respectful to people and avoid agressive behaviour. Do you have access to Discord and a properly working microphone ?: - Yes, i have Why shall we give you the chance to be one of us ?: - Well, I should be a The Pirus member because I'm skilled and i have experience and most of The Pirus skiiled.
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