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Everything posted by BLACKXSOUL

  1. Nickname: BLACKXSOUL Username: atom99 Age: 20 Nationality: Tunisian How long have you been playing on SAES:RPG? : 1 month Do you ever been banned/Admin Jailed ?(If yes, details please):No Have you left or were you kicked from previous gangs/squads/companies?why (Tell The reason) :No Summarize with your own worlds what is Yakuza roleplay: It is to play a gangster role to achieve a great and clear roleplay which introduce a bunch of illegal action like kidnapping, selling drugs, carjacking and also using technical tatto design and getting the intel we need Did anybody recommend you to apply for us?: No why you wanna join us? : Because I like to be gangster and join my friends who rule this gang. I like to join you cause simply I belong to this gang and I like to split blood what can we expect from you? : Activity hardwork loyalty and maturity Any additional information we may need to know?:Let it be a surprise, cause words means nothing. Actions speaks louder than words.
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