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Everything posted by Tom

  1. Part I: How much have you donated for the sever? 20 When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? https://saesrpg.uk/topic/11363/tom-s-reward-change Why do you need this change? My donations are removed Links to your donation topics: Links to your previous donation changes requests: https://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/94154-toms-donation-change/ ======================================================================== Part II: What I Want to be Removed Vehicle 1: Location: (IF PLACED AT A PERSONAL PROPERTY, LIST THE PROPERTY NAME AND OWNER'S USERNAME HERE SO WE CAN LOCATE IT.) Interior: ======================================================================== Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1: Freeway Vehicle 2: Freeway Location: (IF PLACED AT A PERSONAL PROPERTY, LIST THE PROPERTY NAME AND OWNER'S USERNAME HERE SO WE CAN LOCATE IT.) At Gypsy Jokers MC base - username; turbo12345 Username: (YOUR USERNAME ONLY, USE ./DVM FOR ANY ADDITIONAL USERNAMES) tom123
  2. I decided to increase the minimum bid increase to 5million
  3. I'm selling this base because the gang is currently dead (Ripperino) Just for the record this place CAN be used as a level 2 base I asked a Gang Manager about this Starting bid: 20m Buy out: 150m Minimum bid increase: 1M ::: :::
  4. Event ~[(18)]~(sienna) added! Type of event: Lucky tube Prize(s): 1.000.000 Winner(s): @Staifi Helper(s): @Brooks Screenshots: ::: :::
  5. The Silence Of Death (S~D) Discord link: https://discord.gg/89HAwp6
  6. RDMC vice leader
  7. Pro dildo killer
  8. kech van saes
  9. Activity added! Date: 27.08.2019 Screenshots: ::: :::
  10. Honestly he should be unbanned in my opinion. He learned from his lessons fr, he talks about it all the time irl!
  11. Roleplay ~[(8)]~(sienna) added! Title of the roleplay: Silent Deathly Busting Date: 24-08-2019 Participants: @SilenceOfDeath @TaJ Roleplay story: explained below Screenshots: below in the spoiler ::: @TaJ said in Central Intelligence Agency - Media Archive: ^[] ^[~[SILENT DEATHLY BUSTING.]~(#7d5752)] ^[~[R]~(#69514D)ole Play Number: 78.] ^[~[P]~(#69514D)articipants in The RP:] ^[From Central Intelligence Agency : TaJ - @TaJ ; Wolf1 - @Wolf ; Ricarda - @GirlyPrimis] ^[From ~The Silence of Death~ : Tom - @tomplb14 ; Axestos - @Axestos] ^[From The Motor Heads : Harb - @Harb] ^[~[R]~(#69514D)P Scenario:] ^[August 25th, 2019; Evening of a Sunday in late August was rushy, for CIA Agents down at Las Venturas Police Department headquarters.] ^[] ^[The agents were all busy with their basic law maintaining activities when suddenly, the states CCTV operator rushed into the hall trying to approach the CIA Chief Mark Calaway, well known by his nickname TaJ, with some unexpected activities taking place at a warehouse at North Las Venturas, a place generally famous for underworld meetings.] ^[] ^[The agent requested the suspicious footages to have a closer look and as clear as a car approaching the place chasing what we may call, a civilian, the danger to his life was clearly acknowledge able.] ^[] ^[The agent decided to work on the information as soon as possible and with the nearest checkpoints approval of just one vehicle with two men wasnt so harmful, the chief himself decided to raid the place as soon as possible and got into his vehicle and left for the destination.] ^[] ^[Situation at the warehouse being more dangerous than expected and predicted by the agents was known as soon as the gun shots were audible from a far, in fact the mid way of the agent.] ^[] ^[As Mark reached the location, he could see from far, the two treating the victim as bad as anything as they were using all sorts of painful tools from their vehicle's trunk, aka handheld and shootable arms.] ^[] ^[Monitoring the deapth of the situation closely, the agent thus also requested backup from Ms.Ricarda and Mr.Wolf1 to arrive from the East as he went from the West.] ^[] ^[Upon successful reaching of the duo, with radios 1 - 2 - 3 - LETS GO, the agents together raided the place to neutralize the situation.] ^[] ^[With guns pointed towards the two suspects and a person lying on the ground motionless, Agent Ricarda went forward to check his condition who unfortunately was no more now.] ^[] ^[The visitors card found in the wallter of the deceased proved his identity to be a TMH Racer who was a useless liar bitch in words of the head murderer.] ^[] ^[Ricarda then called the forensic ambulance to the location just as TaJ and Wolf handcuffed the suspects who despite clear guilt kept repeating were innocent, he shot himself!.] ^[] ###The criminals were then pushed into the cop vehicle of Calaway.] ^[] ^[The suspects were then driven towards the Las Venturas Police Department.] ^[] ^[Upon reaching, the agents pushed the criminals out of the car and into the Departments premises.] ^[] ^[Walking through the street into the lockup was the moment when the two actually understood the complexity of their actions as they were pleading to let them go.] ^[] ^[Reaching inside despite few cries, the agents pushed the two inside and our brothers would get us out anyways. The Silence of Death bitch! was the last words uttered before locking the lockups and waving them a little bye until next time, at the hearing in front of the judge.] ^[] ^[] :::
  12. Activity added! Date: 26-8-2019 Screenshots: ::: :::
  13. Roleplay ~[(7)]~(sienna,sienna) added! Title of the roleplay: The beginning of a good friendship Date: 24-08-2019 Participants: @Mrwan @SilenceOfDeath @OverdoseCrime Roleplay story: explained below Screenshots: ::: ** We were gathering our members that has grown really big since it started. We had to resupply or drugs stock so we went and try out something new, obviously we've heard of OverdoseCrime before but never really had any contact with them, but I managed to figure out their location and set up a meeting with them. When we arrived we took our cars where the money was kept. Tom and Mrwan went on and had a little chat. I'm pretty sure they were intimidated by the amount of members I brought. We discussed the price and managed to make a pretty good deal, OverdoseCrime would give us the drugs and protein for free this time because it was the first time doing business with eachother. So the members of OverdoseCrime took their protein and drugs and placed it in our car. Mrwan and Tom wanted to have a conversation on their own so mrwan invite tom inside. It all came down on the fact that there are lots of gangs and we need to watch our back. We also agreed on making a great friendship. this is just the beginning of this awesome brothership :::**
  14. Activity added! Date: 24.08.19 Screenshots: ::: :::
  15. bump I really like this idea
  16. Part I: How much have you donated for the sever? in total 20$ When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? https://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/94154-toms-donation-change/ Why do you need this change? for my new gang Links to your donation topics: well it's really complicated but it glitched out when I donated like 2 years ago but @Shaun knows about it. As you can see previous admins already did my donations so its legit Links to your previous donation changes requests: ======================================================================== Part II: What I Want to be Removed Vehicle 1: nothing is added Location: (IF PLACED AT A PERSONAL PROPERTY, LIST THE PROPERTY NAME AND OWNER'S USERNAME HERE SO WE CAN LOCATE IT.) Interior: ======================================================================== Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1: SuperGT Vehicle 2: Turismo Location: It's called "Supermarket" and the owners username = "lion1221" prove of him giving me permission to use it: Username: tom123 Interior: ##endspoiler
  17. Activity added! Date: 22-8-19 Screenshots: ::: :::
  18. @Loay said in ~ The Silence Of Death ~: Good Luck ^^ thx man! @ExtraDip22 said in ~ The Silence Of Death ~: Good luck boyz, hope u succed this time :) We will this time :)
  19. Roleplay ~[(3)]~(sienna) added! Title of the roleplay: Deceased Detective Date: 22-8-2019 Participants: @Shadro @Turbo @McJoni @King Roleplay story: Below Screenshots: ::: Detective Shadro received a call from his boss and was inquired about a body found in ghost town. He immediately responded to that call and went to the sighting. There he found a body which obviously we had left behind there. Once he arrived there he secured the place for further investigation Once he left the sighting we started following him to see where he was going, Meanwhile we were planning on kidnapping him since he had seen too much. We arrived at his secret location and started to intimidate him, the sniper on the roof shot him in his leg and he was now injured. We quickly gather up and threw him in the van. We were headed over to a secret location so we could kill him, without anyone seeing it. Here is where it all ended for our little detective, he simply saw too much and we couldn't let him go. :::
  20. @XgangsterX said in ~ The Silence Of Death ~: Good luck guys! ayyy thx niek <3 @Lightning said in ~ The Silence Of Death ~: Good luck lads thx man!
  21. favorite RDMC oldie
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