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  1. Keep the dislike guys
  2. Keep the dislike guys
  3. Keep the dislike guys
  4. Keep the dislike guys
  5. Keep the dislike guys
  6. -133 keep it
  7. so guys today i'll clear everything about the problem with THC , a day someone called xtream wanted to dislike all rikki's posts because Rikki fucked his *** and suddenly xtream find that his father was rikki , so xtream decided to revenge to his mom because rikki went to another country after Xtream born . as i said xtream decided to revenge and think guys how Xtream's think about that revenge ? he decided to dislike all his posts (hahahahahha) but he can't because rikki have many upvotes , so sadly xtream writhe on MOTD in /gang dislike all rikki's posts or u'll get kicked. so guys i want to to see this link (my profile) https://saesrpg.uk/user/rikki
  8. account name : thedark44 name : [FOX]sergams
  9. @Joshbond gl with ur report, and if u have anything to say don't talk here, leading bid 30m
  10. keep the auction seems he is inacrive, leading bid 30m
  11. In-game name: [CDC]RikKi Username: king100 Age: 18 Nationality: Italien but i live in tunisia Previous bans/punishments: banned ( reason : impersonating someone ) Why you think you would be suitable for the role: Such job requires experience in knowing how the game works and the whole map of San Andreas, as SAHA agents we should be able to offer knowledge about the Housing rules and the whole system we can clearly see working in this server nowadays. SAHA agents shouldn't abuse their status or housing panel as well so I think I can do their job wisely and consciously to help whoever requests it. I like to help the new and old players of this server and I'm pretty mature as well, I'm friendly and funny and that's what I think the SAHA agents should be able to offer as an "extra addition" when they're called by someone who needs their help, The agent have to make him sure that he chosen the right guy to help him and that's possible by acting like the way I said above. That's what I can offer and that's why I think I'm suitable.
  12. @Sparrow , @Note and @Curvy99 Haters gonna hateeeeeee. Starting bid 20m
  13. Can u deal with it ?
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