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Everything posted by tryhardkicks

  1. Hello, At the moment i jsut see class standard prices for drugs and arms. Why not make it so people have to work for cheaper prices? I.E arms for M4 are $13 - make it $30 then people have to make alot of deliveries and the more deliveries they do it does down for example after 100 deliveries it goes to $25 after 2 months it resets so people dont just have the advantage is stay there, Instead of minus 1 say why its a minus 1 Edit- Can some one move it to the suggestion feed of the forum? Thanks
  2. Nickname: suck Username:aceit Age:23 Nationality: british How long have you been playing on SAES:RPG? : 13 Do you ever been banned/Admin Jailed ?(If yes, details please): yes, revenge dm Have you left or were you kicked from previous gangs/squads/companies?why (Tell The reason) : SS- they died DE- was only in it for like 3/4 days, preferred crims Bcrew- also died Summarize with your own worlds what is Yakuza roleplay: operate more like a triad than typical gangs, with tattoos kidnapping and all sorts of crims Did anybody recommend you to apply for us?: elo why you wanna join us? : it looked active, until it isnt. and its a new gang, i like new gangs what can we expect from you? : skill and experience Any additional information we may need to know?: na
  3. Address: Toasts woodland enema company Account name: truckertoast Last seen: 24th may 2019 Screenshots: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/609427491114844192/609427547880554542/mta-screen_2019-08-09_17-38-49.png https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/609427491114844192/609427543803822104/mta-screen_2019-08-09_17-38-47.png https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/609427491114844192/609427534035157005/mta-screen_2019-08-09_17-38-38.png
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