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Everything posted by Auto

  1. Part I: Link your Donation Tracking topic: When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? 3th June 2022. Part II: What I Want to be Removed Vehicle 1: forklift Location: https://imgur.com/undefined Interior: NO ----------------- Vehicle 2: Glendale Location: https://imgur.com/JYzKBnF Interior: NO ------------ Vehicle 3: Comet Location: https://imgur.com/mjCEXtk Interior: NO ------------------ Vehicle 4: Burrito Location: https://imgur.com/wud28HT Interior: NO ===================================== Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1: FBI Rancher Location: Pars BASE Username: Mongols123 Interior: NO ----------------------- Vehicle 2: Police car Location: Pars BASE Username: Mongols123 Interior: NO ------------------------ Vehicle 3: Police car Location: Pars BASE Username: Mongols123 Interior: NO ------------------------- Vehicle 4: Tank water Location: Pars BASE Username: Mongols123 Interior: NO
  2. Type of activity: Refueling gas stations Date: 14/09/2022 Participants: Auto,Solrac,Djang Screenshots: [s=]link text[/s]
  3. Type of activity: Deliverying & Fueling Date: 24/08/2022 Participants: Auto Screenshots: ![alt text] https://imgur.com/a/OzlETtY
  4. Type of activity: Fueling gas stations Date: 03/07/2022 Participants: Auto Screenshots: [s=] https://imgur.com/a/UfFeQ8j [/s]
  5. Type of activity: Fueling gas stations Date: 9/9/2022 Participants: Auto Screenshots: link text
  6. Type of Activity: Trucking & Fueling gas stations around SA Date: 07/06/2022 Participants: Auto Screenshots: [s=] https://imgur.com/a/HwCY7Qk [/s]
  7. Link your Donation Tracking Topic https://saesrpg.uk/topic/32327/donation-point-balance-auto When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? https://saesrpg.uk/topic/13566/auto-s-requesting-adding-to-the-donator-spawn?_=1654268080648 ======================================================================== What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1: Shamal Location: LV AIRPORT [s=]https://imgur.com/WOg5GHO[/s] Username: Mongols123 Interior: Special Interior. [s=]https://imgur.com/8nku2LE[/s] What I Want to be Added Vehicle 2: SGT Location: LV House [s=]https://imgur.com/a/C7QvCW5[/s] Username: Mongols123 What I Want to be Added Vehicle 3: Forklift Location: HS Base [s=]https://imgur.com/undefined[/s] Username: Mongols123 What I Want to be Added Vehicle 4: Broken Glendale Location: HS BASE [s=]https://imgur.com/a/WP45PL9[/s] Username: Mongols123 What I Want to be Added Vehicle 5: Burrito Location: HS BASE [s=]https://imgur.com/QHkiUmA[/s] Username: Mongols123 What I Want to be Added Vehicle 6: Infernus Location: SF House. [s=]https://imgur.com/undefined[/s] Username: Mongols123 What I Want to be Added Vehicle 7: Cheetah Location: LS House. [s=]https://imgur.com/undefined[/s] Username: Mongols123 ======================================================================== What I Want to be Added Vehicle 8: Comet Location: HS BASE [s=]https://imgur.com/2sXmOzR[/s] Username: Mongols123
  8. Display Name: Auto Username: Mongols123 Link to ALL Donation Topics: https://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/72360-donation-auto-amount-1000/ https://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/72223-donation-auto-amount-1000/ https://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/72140-donation-auto-amount-2000/ https://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/71053-donation-auto-amount-1000/ https://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/71051-donation-auto-amount-3000/ Total number of Donation Points: 80
  9. @Linkan Fuck sake, i don't know what's funny !!!!
  10. Username: mongols123 Amount Donated: 80GBP Links to all previous donation topics (including archive): https://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/89256-donation-change/?tab=comments#comment-1669109 https://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/72360-donation-auto-amount-1000/ https://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/72223-donation-auto-amount-1000/ https://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/72140-donation-auto-amount-2000/ https://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/71053-donation-auto-amount-1000/ https://archive.saesrpg.uk/community/topic/71051-donation-auto-amount-3000/
  11. I tried in some places and it's asking for money https://imgur.com/a/PZeu7Sq @Daryl
  12. SECTION 1 Name: Gerald In-game name: Auto Age: 17 Sex: Male English proficiency: 7/10 Native language: Hebrew Other language(s): English,Russian Do you have a Pro Cop diploma?: No When did you start playing SAES/MTA?: November 2014 or so. Total gameplay (hours): 5500 Aprox.gameplay daily (hours): 3-5Hours Average FPS: 66 Average ping: 70-100 Previous organizations and reasons for leaving: B~Bx2,TST,VA,Outfit and ThC, That's all i don't remember more. From B~B i got kicked for multiaccount and second time i had something, don't wanna talk about it here. TST got kicked for rulebreaking and second time i left cause i didn't like cop life. VA i got kicked for dming. ThC i got kicked because i killed adistar by mistake when i had war with another members. Outfit i left it cause it dead. I think that's all, not sure because i dont remember. Are you active user of Discord?: Yes, abit SECTION 2 A. Define our role (FOX): Protect state of SA from national threats. B. Define marker arrest: Marker-arrest it's when you arrest someone when he just entered to the interior and he didn't have chance to run/move away, you gotta let him get away from the marker then you have permission to arrest him. C. Minimum arresting level: 9/10 D. Point out and define 4 major server rules: Do not deathmatch. Do not avoid. Do not abuse. Do not insult. E. Explain why you should attempt to roleplay before each arrest: SECTION 3 I. Write about yourself in 4 sentences: I'm Auto, I live in Israel a lot of years, this year is my last year in school and i gotta go to army service, i'm working and earning some money for me and i like to spend it with my friends on fridays or holidays or just, on normal days. We are meeting a lot of times in a week because we're doing funny stuffs and talknig about interesing things. I like to play on my computer/saes on my free time or when i just getting bored then im playing to spend my time and enjoy with some friends. II: Write your strengths and weaknesses: My strengths are, shooting,arresting,driving and flying. My weaknesses are flying big planes,drive slow cars and low fps/high ping. III. Why do you wish to join FOX over other squads?: I wish to join FOX because i have friends there and as i've seen that's the most active squad in saes thosedays. IV. Convince us in 2 lines why you would fit the team: I fit the team because i'm really skilled and i can give me tactics,skills to my new friends and my new squad,loyality and i'm friendly player so i can teach my friends a lot of things and help them. V. Do you have any additional information you want to add?: Wishing good luck and that's all :)
  13. Username: egyptiancriminal07 Screenshot: https://imgur.com/a/MAcefGN
  14. Nvm, doesnt work.
  15. #427 Event name: Find the forklift LWS/G6/CEO: Fyrr Prize: 5.000.000$ Winner(s): Fesko Screenshot: https://imgur.com/a/owsAX2s
  16. #417 Event Name: TDM LWS/G6: Expert Prize: 4.000.000$$, 2.000.000$ Per person. Winner(s): Pump,Flappy (K2gay)team Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/xEFHTDl
  17. Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1: Shamal x3 Location: Add them at LV-A,SF-A And LS-A Alternatively, if you're placing the vehicle at a personal property, list the property name and owner's username as well as providing us with images. Username: Mongols123 Interior: i dont care which house but add :) Vehicle 2: Infernus Location: LV ::: https://imgur.com/IU9XIRK ::: Alternatively, if you're placing the vehicle at a personal property, list the property name and owner's username as well as providing us with images. Username: Mongols123 Vehicle 3: Sandking Location: SF ::: https://imgur.com/zPWDQ13 ::: Vehicle 4: SGT Location: LS ::: https://imgur.com/yWW0Hwa ::: Vehicle 5: Bullet Location: LS ::: https://imgur.com/NCAcnrM ::: Vehicle 6: Stuntplane Location: Next to ThC base ::: https://imgur.com/xaQeKMo ::: Vehicle 7: Kart Location: Outside ThC base ::: https://imgur.com/aDUfXPH ::: Vehicle 8: Alpha Location: ThC base ::: https://imgur.com/vndu2ey ::: How much have you donated for the sever? 80GBP When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? Last year Why do you need this change? Because my donations gone Links to your donation topics: Well, I dont know where i can find it Links to your previous donation changes requests: I don't know where those links..
  18. My new babe Yfz250f http://imgur.com/iwyBHNn http://imgur.com/qaRG4FO
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