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Posts posted by Daminko

  1. -=(blue,blue)I - BASIC INFORMATION=-

    Real Name: Amin

    In-game Name: Perkz


    Age: 17

    Primary Language: arabic

    Other Languages: English and french


    How long have you being playing MTA? 3 years

    How long have you being playing SAES? I've been playing in SAES since 2015 and I went
    inactive, now I am back

    Are you PC (ProCop)? No

    Past squad/gang/companies (State if you left or were kicked and why): I haven't been in any
    organizations before

    Current and past groups (State the reason if left or kicked): I haven't been in any groups before

    What is RP? (Explain using 15 words or more): RP or what is it known as RolePlay is to act
    exactly like in real life for exmaple: work as medic / arrest criminals as cop etc..

    What is DM? (Explain using 15 words or more):DM or what is it knows as DeathMatch is to kill
    someone by any way for no reasons and it's not allowed

    What is Park-Killing? (Explain using 15 words or more): Park-Killing is to park a car on
    someone inorder to kill him and it's not allowed

    -=(blue)III - RULES KNOWLEDGE=-

    Did you read and agree with all F1 rules? yes

    Did you read and agree with all SAFP rules? yes

    What is the minimum wanted level for arrest? 5

    Are you allowed to arrest or kill other police officers? no

    Are you allowed to arrest/kill in hospitals? no

    Are you allowed to arrest/kill in events? no

    Is marker-arresting allowed? no

    Explain SAFPs rule 3: I should give the suspect a bit of time to react after doing the binds, also I'd better try to rp before attempting to arrest

    Explain SAFPs rule 4: The minimum arresting level is 5 so If i arrest a criminal that has less that 5 stars counts as rulebreak

    Explain SAFPs rule 8: I am not allowed to arrest any ALT member, since SAFP and ALT are allies, i should bribe them whenever asked.

    -=(blue,blue)IV - MISC. INFORMATION=-

    Your strengths: Driving and Working in a team

    Your weaknesses: Lagging and chasing a big amount of criminals by myself

    Have you received any bans from the server? If yes, why?Yes, There was a misunderstanding
    i'd like to tell my story ingame

    Why did you decide to join our squad? (Use 15 words or more):Well, I want to be in SAFP as it's gonna be my first squad in my career. I liked the members when i played for a couple of hours
    as a cop and i'd like to take part in the team! I am sure you will be happy recruiting me because i am a good guy

    Explain why we should accept you (Use 15 words or more): As i mentioned before, I am a good guy. I love working is a team and I am very helpful and kind to everyone. I am going to accept
    whatever i'll be told to by my superiors

    Who recommended you applying for SAFP? No one did, I decided to apply by myself

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