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Everything posted by Daglow

  1. Happy Birthday mate
  2. Happy Birthday AA Bro !
  3. Outbreak Activity - Jailbreak- 21 - SS : https://imgur.com/a/J2TXNwN
  4. ~[Outbreak Activity - Jailbreak]~(maroon) Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/PGKoE0V
  5. joyeux anniversaire frre :p
  6. Username: Twister17 Last seen:21st October 2018 https://imgur.com/a/QLKBXIj
  7. @PUNCH Meet me Ingame
  8. Starting Bind ~~> 1.000.000$ ScreenShots :
  9. @TaJ said in The Motor Heads - TMH | Media Archive: ^[~['Correct decision to head over here miss.']~(#bf1f54,#4b8a08)] Role Play Number: 250. Participants in The RP: [AA]Daglow ( @Daglow ); TMH|TaJ|L ( @TaJ ) & TMH|Final|P ( @Final324 ). RP Scenario: The sunshine of the evening brought along with it a lot of work for TaJ and his technicians who had just gotten back at TMH's Los Santos garage after meeting his old AA friend and then completing some pending tasks at TMH Headquarters. He, now, was with Final. And old and loyal technician. Final was work on a long time project when TaJ just arrived who then lighted up a cigar and was just chilling. His chill time continued until another important task came on his way. This time the customer was from the very own new friends Arms Assassins. The person's name was "Daglow" and she had came representing the AA and getting some personal work done, as well as make some new friends. Daglow was there with her very own vehicle, which, after a little chase with local authorities of some county nearby, had gotten a little damaged even tho Daglow later pulled over and got convinced to be just in a hurry and not suspicious in any criminal action. After the cops let her go freely, she came straight to the new friendly automotive group TMH's garage as Daglow had been keeping an close eye on TMH from the past and hence knew our locations. After this little introduction, Final got on the vehicle's inspection and checking on what all was wrong with it. It was found that the car's tires had completely lost their vulnerability and hence it wasn't advisable for her to keep using the same tires. This then resulted in her asking to "make my car fully safe please". Along with this the engine compartment was checked and some fuel injectors were found guilty, which were then replaced. The new tires were also installed and hence the car was back to its original shape, with the bodywork also fixed to what it earlier was. TaJ then had a little chat with Daglow and when she asked about the payment, TaJ denied of taking any because it was the first time any Assassin had come to their garage herself and hence it could be more like a "Welcome gift" from the leader himself to not charge anything. Daglow was very happy with the services and asked to be counted in "one of the new permanent customers, but with a payment!". This then marked her saying "See you!" and leaving the place with the vehicle which was now as good as new. ^[] To know more about The Motor Heads and Arms Assassins' RP Agreement, Click here. -Thanks Arms Assassins for participating.
  10. @viewperz Meet me Ingame
  11. 39
  12. Starting Bid >>> 5.000.000$ ScreenShots :
  13. @Licano Meet me In game amigo
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