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UnderJapan's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. ~[I Agree]~(#998855)
  2. Happy Birthday sexy lad!!?! @Patrol
  3. +1 ~[I agree but, maybe SR should stay and HR added back.]~(#998855)
  4. ~[ Sold to @BusterMcBadass ]~(#998855)
  5. Now 3.5mil
  6. @Piercee Oh then i was wrong about them years.
  7. ~[VEHICLE SOLD]~(#998855) Cost [4,000,000$] to make. Added V8 & AWD [2,500,000$] Official Cost 6,500,000$ Took 3 hours to make Max Speed: 270 mph Lights fucked up Tires gotta be default or they will show out little bit. 5x Nitrous. If 10x Nitrous applied then it will look dumb ~[Screenshots:]~(#998855) ~[https://imgur.com/a/jQu2I2Z]~(purple)
  8. @VinnyBL ~[Rockstar Reversed the run from shift to space because Win7 and older versions back in the days had a thing called ''Sticky Keys''. Do ya'll remember when pressing shift too many times made a message pop up about Sticky Keys. It made a sound and a message came up and most of the times people got moved to desktop because of the pop-up.]~(#999155) ~[https://www.techrepublic.com/blog/windows-and-office/quick-tip-disable-the-sticky-and-filter-keys-in-windows/]~(red) ~[- This is how it looked.]~(#999155) Edit: in 2004-2009, There wasn't an possibilty to disable the ''sticky keys'' And when windows 7 came in 2009 people were able to disable it but Rockstar left the sprint on the spacebar because everyone was already used to it.
  9. @Zei As i have understood, i think cops are little faster than crims so the autorun wouldn't help alot. !!! Im Not Sure!
  10. @Bumers ~[Welcome Aboard!]~(#998b52) ;)
  11. Teamchat for Official Gangs could be a pretty useful thing but would it be worth it? *1 Official gangs have enemies / allies so that means they would be in same teamchat. *2 There would be normal criminals teamchat and then official criminals teamchat?!? Better idea would be to add Officials to normal crim chat. *3 I am pretty sure that this idea has already been suggested many times.
  12. Nickname: UnderJapan Username: UnderJapan Age: 15 Nationality: Estonia How long have you been playing on SAES:RPG? : 2,2 years. retired from SA:ES a year ago and now im back. Do you ever been banned/Admin Jailed ?(If yes, details please): No. Have you left or were you kicked from previous gangs/squads/companies?why (Tell The reason) : No. Summarize with your own worlds what is Yakuza roleplay: YakuzA is a criminal organization that: Dismantles vehicles and selling them & Carjacking & Kidnapping and Assasination and counted as getting homicide job done for other person. Did anybody recommend you to apply for us?: N/A why you wanna join us? : Because i see YakuzA being a gang that would fit for me and started to see activity it again since YakuzA came back from dead. what can we expect from you? : I could be helpful on many things & help members & INGAME: Good Driving & Assasinating & Good to handle bussiness. Any additional information we may need to know?: I might be starting to be less active than before. Reason: School & Life, since playing games doesn't achieve alot in life. :) UnderJapan :)
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