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Everything posted by bas260

  1. @tilong more cars? Have you seen ICE Base?
  2. did you win the lottery?
  3. And I wanted to have it so SAI and PC can use the police motorcycle's again. Right now if we wanted to RP using the HPV1000 we can't.
  4. The Traffic Officer skin mod was removed by a majority voted. Sadly they removed the whole spawn and added a new skin mod over the traffic officer thus making the whole poll useless.
  5. Involved SAI members: [SWAT]Dom, [SWAT]Filippo, [SWAT]Silence, [FBI]DanielRey, SAFP|Niceez Other involved people: SAPA|Dushen Date, time and duration of activity: N/A Activity type: Traffic Check/DUI Checkpoint Details: San Andreas Interceptors set up their regular DUI Checkpoint. Working together with local Law Enforcement and Emergency services. This joint operation was supervised by Commissioner Reed. Multiple Troopers interviewed and performed breath analysis tests on drivers. A few people were taken of the road and cars were impounded. That's the short version. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/TAnueb3
  6. APB: All points bulletin BOLO: Be on look out COMMS: Communications Operator aka Dispatch DOA: Dead on arrival DOB: Date of birth DWI: Driving while intoxicated FAA: Federal Aviation Administration ETA: Estimative Time of Arrival GOV: Government of Los Santos GSW: Gun shot wound SO - Sherriffs Office BC - Bone County HQ: Headquarters HzM: HazMat KIA: Killed in Action LSFD: Los Santos Fire Department LSIA: Los Santos International Airport LSPD: Los Santos Police Department MHD: Mental Health Division MVA: Motor-Vehicle Accident Niner: 9-1-1 call OCI: Office of Criminal Intelligence RO: registered owner SaR: Search and Rescue TC: Traffic Collision
  7. San Andreas Interceptors Policies, Procedures & Guidelines TITLE I - BADGE NUMBER PROCEDURE San Andreas Interceptors have adopted a uniform style of decreeing badge numbers on our deputies. All our deputies will be allotted a 4 (FOUR) digit badge number. However, a convention for the allotment of the badge numbers has been used. 236X - 2XXX (Where X represents any number from 0-9) It is, however, pertinent to note that all badge numbers are unique. A badge number allotted to a deputy will stay with them forever. A badge number allotted to a deputy is never reassigned to anyone else even if they were terminated or removed from service. TITLE II - CALLSIGN POLICY & PROCEDURE San Andreas Interceptors have adopted a rather more flexible policy for the allotment of callsigns. Callsigns are basically the identity by which a unit (or a deputy) identifies themselves whilst on duty. So, basically, it is the callsign that will be used when a unit is communicating with DISPATCH, COMMS or with another unit. All SAI units must always identify themselves with their assigned call sign over the radio. Every unit is assigned a call sign, however, to keep people from forgetting their callsigns, it has been decided that the following system will be adopted. All callsigns allotted to units will be the last 2 DIGITS of their badge number. So, if Deputy A has the badge number 2360, their callsign is going to be LINCOLN-60. In the situation where two deputies pair up to form ADAM patrol, the callsign of the deputy who is driving will be used to communicate over the radio. We will use 1 for State in front of our callsign. 2 for local. TITLE III - RADIO POLICY & PROCEDURE ~[10 - Codes]~(gray) 10-1: Roll Call, all units respond to said location. 10-2: Arrived on scene. 10-3: Negative / No 10-4: Acknowledgement / Affirmative / Yes 10-5: Repeat last transmission 10-6: Stand-by 10-7: Unavailable for calls 10-8: Available for calls 10-12: Backup Required (Specify situation and location) 10-18: Request for MDC check 10-50: Car accident 10-55: Traffic Stop 10-57 Victor: Vehicle pursuit. 10-57 Foxtrot: Foot pursuit. 10-66: Felony Stop ~[Situational Codes]~(gray) Code 4: No assistance required, situation under control. Code 6: Out of car at <location>.t Code 7: Meal break. Special Callsigns LINCOLN (L): Units on solo patrol will be termed as LINCOLN units. ADAM (A): Units on partnered patrol will be termed as ADAM. DAVID (D): Units on special operation duties, such as hostage rescue, counter-terrorism will be termed as DAVID. MARY (M): Units on a motorbike. Special units to help in bike chases, or otherwise, normal patrol. INTERCEPTOR (I): High-speed units, designed to intercept cars regular patrol vehicles cannot keep up with. TOM (T): Traffic units, designated especially for traffic control/flow and/or traffic investigations.
  8. @Angelo I found the function now hoping its not a permission fuck up
  9. Soccer Sucks
  10. Pretty sure in the past you could go to someone's profile and press a button where you could filter out posts and topics from the selected person. Could that be added ?
  11. SAI: https://discord.gg/EY84E6y (new link) SAPD : https://discord.gg/Aa7rGGq (new link and server)
  12. ^[] The topic made for SAI members to show their contribution to the group, only SAI members can post here (applicants use their profile). From even a small patrol to the most huge roleplays on the server, any kind can be shared here. With its goal to inspire and motivate other people. And above all, a good presentation to the HQ team so they can maintain a good view upon the members as well. ____ **Involved SAI members:** **Other involved people:** **Date, time and duration of activity:** **Activity type:** *<RP Patrol or General Activity (Roadblocks/Checkpoints)>* **Activity Details:** **Screenshots:** SEND SCREENSHOTS ON DISCORD
  13. ^[] Dear players, Our HQ team decided to create a new way of recruiting. You're now allowed to create a topic where you can continuously display the roleplays you have made. Yes we're still recruiting and this is how we monitor your activity. When posting your Application only include Part I to IV in your application. If you can't find your topic it's probably moved to the archive please ask an HQ to move it back if you're still interested. Any questions should be asked HERE. So if anyone is wondering yes the recruitment is open. Part I to IV should be included in your application ^[When posting a topic: [PROFILE] RP Name ] ex [PROFILE] Thomas Reed Required Format: ::: _____ ### **PART I: Introduction** _____ **Ingame name:** **login name:** **Age:** **How long have you been playing SAES:RPG:** **In 2-3 lines, tell us about yourself:** _____ ### **PART II: Background Check** _____ **Do you speak English:** **Tell us how good/bad you are at RP** *(SAI might be able to teach you things.):* **Rate your radio usage skills and abilities:** **Primary language:** **Other languages you speak:** **Current groups:** **Previous groups:** _____ ### **PART III: Radio Check** ###### *(California Penal Codes are mostly used in San Andreas.)* ###### *https://saesrpg.uk/topic/235/sai-radio-protocol* ____ **Have you read our radio codes topic?** *(This topic can also be found in SAPA.):* **Explain what a 211 is:** **What does it mean if it's a code 3:** **Which 10 code is used when you're going on duty and you're announcing that you're available for duty?** ____ ### **PART IV: Role-Play Character** ____ **First name:** <Thomas> **Surname:** <Reed> **Age:** <32> **Sex:** <Male> **Place of Birth:** <Los Santos, United States of America> **Date of Birth:** (DD/MM/YY) **Country of residence:** <United States of America> **Address:** <El_Sore_Arse Los Santos> **Convictions:** <None> **Tattoos:** <None> **Do you own a driving license, and for how long:** <I obtained my valid driver's license when I was 18 years old.> **Full backstory:** (....This is a Paragraph.....) (.... Small Introduction of your name and where you were born and how large you family is....) (......Describing you early life and what you achieved in your teenage years............) (..............Describing you life as an adult......................................) (..............Describe the reason you're interested in becoming a State Trooper................) _____ ::: PART V: When posting Roleplays **SAI member who you were with** *(Include their RP name and Regular nickname): Thomas Reed (Bas)* **Date, time and duration of Activity:** **Type of Activity:** *<RP Patrol or General Activity (Roadblocks/checkpoints)>* **Patrol details:** *(explanation of what was accomplished during the time you were on duty)* **Screenshots:** *(use spoilers and album link please)* PART VI : Do & Dont's Do Be active in-game. Try to play with SAI members. Use the shown format. Develop your RP Backstory. Be good at English. You may ask if an SAI member would like to patrol but send him a PM and do it once. Dont's No is no when someone doesn't want to play with you it happens. A police car should have 2 people max inside of it. Don't follow SAI Members around when they don't want too. PART VII: Feedback One of our members will be giving you feedback on your profile. If you're not getting feedback please message a Captain to get it. If your profile is inactive for 2 weeks I'll respond to it asking why it is. And it could be locked if you then would like to get your profile back click on my name and send me a message or reply to my profile. I can be found on Discord too. Regards, Bas
  14. Could it be added that we're able to mention ourselves
  15. -=(navy)San Andreas Interceptors=- -=(blue)Safety, Service and Security=- We are many, we are one Last updated 17th of April, 2021 Group Information Group: San Andreas Interceptors Founded by: Kasimir, Yuu & Byars Founded in: 2012? Member count: ~ Spawn Colour; #323264 Group Colours; #434994 & #ffffff Group Motto: Safety, Service & Security Group Tag(s): Firstname_Lastname, Rank.Lastname Base Information Base Location: Randolph Industrial Estates, LV Interior mapping: bas260 Exterior mapping: bas260 Emergency Vehicle count: 33 Group partners Pro Cops; They can use our base for roleplay purposes whenever. Introduction San Andreas Interceptors is a specialized state law enforcement unit whose main role is enforcing the law and protecting the citizens of San Andreas on its Highways and Interstates. Our main role consists of highway- and interstate law enforcement. To do this we set up Roadblocks and DUI Checkpoints when necessary. We weigh and check the freight of trucks driving around San Andreas. And usually, you'll find us patrolling the highways. We are yours, San Andreas It is our privilege to serve our golden home. We've driven your roads for quite some time Perhaps you've seen our colours A shining point of light amidst your vast and varied landscape. In the desert and the forest. From the mountains to the sea. A road is a place we call home. A world of asphalt and concrete. Rubber and Steel. We are boots on the ground. We are wings in the air. Two wheels and four. We are blood and sweat. Tried and true. We come from every walk of life. And we are many, yet we are one. Backstory San Andreas Interceptors is a special vehicle interceptor unit. It all started in 2012 when the need for a policing unit that solely operated Highway was required. Due to the rising danger created by the growing amount of road users. So, therefore, the Department of Justice in San Andreas assigned 2 Police Officers. Kasimir & Yuu. San Andreas Interceptors first base was located in north Flint County adjacent to 4 of the 6 county's in San Andreas this position gave SAI an advantage as a rural police agency. Yet this did not provide a direct connection to the Highway which SAI was meant for. However, no funding was available to move to a new location as the base had just been made. For years SAI had been stationed in this base and it worked well. Through the years of staying in this location, the San Andreas Interceptors made plans to move to a new location that was more centrally located and that had a direct connection to the Highways and Interstates of San Andreas. In 2017 during the time of Commissioner Ardron Dawson, a new location was acquired and construction began at the Randolph Industrial Estates in South Las Venturas. The 6 storage buildings that were there were demolished and the construction supervised by Chief Thomas Reed. The then Chief designed the building to fit every need. The buildings designation is to be the central hub for law enforcement where the local and state meet and work together closely. The new building interior would include 3 holding facilities, Offices with 10+ workstations for the processing of suspects, Evidence Storage, Training and instruction rooms, a Shooting Range, Interrogation room and a full-size cafeteria. Outside you'll find a small garage containing tools to repair vehicles when they're damaged. We also have our own gas station and dock just south of the base. 2 helicopters can land on the base its roof. The base is also equipped with advanced radio technology to ensure communication is always optimal between our Troopers. In the same year of 2017 construction had finished and everything was moved into the new location. Commissioners Ardron ''Ardron'' Dawson, Joey ''Blade'' Oak & Henry ''Henry'' Fernandez. Together with Chief Paul ''Toreno'' Martin, Len ''Absent'' Robinson and Thomas ''Bas'' Reed the Commissioner started a new era for the San Andreas Interceptors. The previous ranks structure; Deputy, Sergeant, Captain, Commander, Chief & Commissioner was let go off. It was changed to a more fitting system for its time. Time passed and so did Commissioner Ardron ''Ardron'' Dawson and Joey ''Blade'' Oak their time. After years of hard work Thomas ''Bas'' Reed was sworn in as Commissioner. During Thomas his time as Commissioner the group has undergone many changes one of those being assembling a new team to lead the Unit in these times where good law enforcement officers are hard to find. The first to join Reed's team were James ''Joe'' McNulty and long-serving and respected law enforcement officer Andrei ''iTsMe'' Mookie. After a long period of serving Thomas ''Bas'' Reed stepped down along with James ''Joe'' McNulty and Andrei ''iTsMe'' Mookie. They were all honoured and given a place on the Honorary wall. Due to several reasons Commissioner Reed has recently gotten back into the business and is serving as Commissioner once again. Making him one of the longest-serving commissioners going on 4 years now. This was accompanied by the promotion of Sergeant Stone, Swagger and Dupont to Captain. San Andreas Interceptors Roster Commissioner's Office (Leadership) 2262 - Commissioner Thomas Reed (( @bas260 )) 2263 - Deputy Commissioner Ardron Dawson (( @Ardron )) 2275 - Assistant Commissioner (( @Rocoso )) Captain (HQ) 2267 - Captain Frank Stone (( @SAFP-Stone )) 0000 - Captain (( @anas )) SAI Supervisor (Liason) 2287 - :united_kingdom: Captain Derek Dagger (( @luke )) 2264 - :white_circle: Captain Len Robinson (( @Absent )) Other members Honorary Many Commissioners have been at the wheel since the creating of San Andreas Interceptors. Here, you can find those who have led and or helped SAI in the past and are considered Honorary. These people are allowed to stay in the group regardless of inactivity. Rules & Regulations SAI is a Roleplay Group, when you're on duty always offer the chance to roleplay and react for people who you attempt to pull over. You mean even try to initiate it when the vehicle pursuit ended by the suspect car crashing. Respect and obey the server rules. In SAI you have to maintain a reputation. Players in SAI are Roleplay makers. We expect good role plays organised by our members. Stay in your role outside the base. When you leave the base you act your role. When you leave the base you're in your role. So when you do you're required to wear your RP name. (You are allowed to attend events as SAI. Remember it's only an event when there is LWS or an Admin on sight. Do not go to it if there isn't one there.) Respect the other SAI members. Do not argue and if you have issues with another player in SAI report it to your superior. SAI has a hierarchy. You must follow the Higher ranked commands. You are not allowed to go to Bank Robberies, Store robberies and/or Turf Wars. ( Failure to follow any of these rules will result in the appropriate punishment. This may be a warning level or result in the offender being removed from SAI. Have you seen any SAI breaking these rules? Please contact any member of the HQ team. ) Rank Structure & Roles Our rank structure has been slowly changing over the years. In 2015 suggestions were made to change the rank structure containing the; deputy, inspector, captain, commander and chief rank. In 2017 a majority of the Leadership of SAI approved a change to the rank system. Taking into advice the information provided by DevilJ and Epic SAI's ranks were changed to (lowest to highest); cadet trooper, state trooper, state trooper I & II, sergeant I & II, staff sergeant I & II, second lieutenant, first lieutenant, captain and commissioner. Later on, when the activity went down again we cut down on the number of ranks. We simplified the ranks as a base we used a system that's used by SWAT that SeBa wrote. It's a system where if you're interested in a rank you can just obtain it after reviewing by the leadership. The other big change in 2018 was that Commissioner will not be spoken to directly anymore everyone will have a task. Troopers will report their problems to their direct superior. Of course, anyone may contact a member of the HQ at all times regardless. But we prefer to give everyone some level of responsibility. Sergeant. A sergeant is a person responsible for 5 Troopers. Every sergeant then has 1 Captain above him. The Captain is someone who leads a group of 3 Sergeants (15 Troopers and 3 Sergeants in total). He is to oversee the activity of the Sergeants under his command and keep his members informed. Maintains SAI as a group as well as overseen day to day activity. Maintains the forums and fulfils inactive ranks to maintain an active status. The Captains are the HQ's and are the people you'll be in contact with regarding questions. Emergency Vehicles 3x Police LS 6x Police SF 6x Police LV 4x Police Rancher 2x FBI Rancher 2x FBI Truck 1x Enforcer 3x HPV 1000 1x S.W.A.T. 2x Police Helicopter 2x Predator Civilian Vehicles 1x Bullet 1x Admiral 1x Bus Donation vehicles in SAI Base 4x Police LS 2x FBI Rancher 6? x Police LV
  16. San Andreas Police Department SAPD HQ Chief of Police @DROT Deputy Chief of Police @kain RPG Commander <vacant> TSG Commander @magnus SAPD Staff Director <vacant> SAPD Staff Senior Instructor @JohnnyEnglish Instructor @Sou Instructor @niceez Instructor @Legend Instructor @LandShark SAES Members in Pro Cop SAES>Angelo (( @Angelo. / ryanmiller )) SAES>Ardron (( @Ardron / king1992 )) SAES>Fyrr (( @Fyrr / fyrr73 )) SAES>Arse (( @Arse / lokkaas )) SAES>Bambook (( @Bambook / bambook )) SAES>Brophy (( @Brophy / brophy )) SAES>Craig (( @Craig / craig )) SAES>Delin (( @Delin / delin )) SAES>Dennis (( @GameZoneX / gamezone )) SAES>Dequ (( Dequ // dequ )) - 2121 SAES>Dezzolation (( @Desolator / desolator )) SAES>Ghost722nd SAES Henry (( @Henry / mierburns )) SAES>Jasem SAES>Kain SAES>Kasimir SAES>Kenny SAES>King SAES>Lior SAES>Luke SAES>Mac Taylor SAES>Magnus SAES>Martijn SAES>Niklas SAES>Panther SAES>Rabbit SAES>Rares SAES>Ronseal SAES>Rampage (( Rampage / deadoralive )) - 2069 SAES>Shaun SAES>Siddman SAES>Taser SAES>Tilong SAES>Tombaa - Police Officer 313 SAES>toast SAES>Nanoboobs SAES>Joe Pro Cops 140 - Police Officer Name (( Cristian / 9509cristian )) - 140 141 - Police Officer Name (( Zaba / 9lctpe6 )) - 141 000 - Police Officer Name (( Ahmed / ahmed000702 )) - 142 000 - Police Officer Name (( @Alexdvla / alexdvla )) - 143 000 - Police Officer Name (( @MafiaMan / alexrud )) - 144 000 - Police Officer Name (( Tony / als5 )) - 145 000 - Police Officer Name (( Anderson / anderson9 )) - 146 000 - Police Officer Name (( @Angry / angrycop )) - 147 000 - Police Officer Name (( Markus / apocalipto )) - 148 000 - Police Officer Name (( Arkcleo22 / arkcleo22 )) - 149 000 - Police Officer Name (( Cake / armour )) - 150 000 - Police Officer Name (( Katze / arne99 )) - 151 000 - Police Officer Name (( dsl / ayisael )) - 152 000 - Police Officer Elliot Spencer (( @MrPhrost / alper35 )) - 153 000 - Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 154 000 - Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 155 000 - Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 156 000 - Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 157 000 - Police Officer Name (( Pedro / babs38 )) - 158 Police Officer Name (( @BMaster / baffousam )) - 159 Police Officer Name (( Bart / bardo45 )) - 160 Police Officer Ray Givens (( @bas260 / bas260 )) - 161 Police Officer Name (( Twix / bas564 )) - 162 Police Officer Name (( Bertje / bedirty )) - 163 Police Officer Name (( Bad_Nightmares / benardikhalia )) - 164 Police Officer Name (( Berker / berkersaes )) - 165 Police Officer Name (( Kendo / bigboss2708 )) - 166 Police Officer Name (( Marko / blackflage )) - 167 Police Officer Name (( Blanck / blanck )) - 168 Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 169 Police Officer Name (( Garfio / bly809 )) - 170 Police Officer Name (( Absent / bobi02 )) - 171 Police Officer Name (( Genetrix / bootes )) - 172 Police Officer Name (( Halo / buch )) - 173 Police Officer Name (( Buddler / buddler )) - 174 Police Officer Name (( Bunny / bunnyxd )) - 175 Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 176 Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 177 Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 178 Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 179 Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 180 Police Officer Name (( Sanek / cahek23 )) - 181 Police Officer Name (( PuerQuero / canelo )) - 182 Police Officer Name (( Chronic / captainchronic )) - 183 Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 184 Police Officer Name (( Cash / cashisback )) - 185 Police Officer Name (( Soohappy / catarpg )) - 186 Police Officer Name (( Jarhead / chives )) - 187 Police Officer Name (( Alfa420 / chrilleberg )) - 188 Police Officer Name (( BrianL / clubmimo123 )) - 189 Police Officer Name (( Payn3 / cok1e )) - 190 Police Officer Name (( Trump / colqmanzz )) - 191 Police Officer Name (( Corla / corla )) - 192 Police Officer Name (( Yei / crazyloc )) - 193 Police Officer Name (( Crizz / crizz )) - 194 Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 195 Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 196 Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 197 Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 198 Police Officer Name (( CyberGhost / cyberghost )) - 199 Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 200 Police Officer Name (( DanielP / danielhehe )) - 201 Police Officer Name (( DanielRey / danielrey )) - 202 Police Officer Name (( Ginger / daoal )) - 203 Police Officer Name (( BassDrop / denisvalisev )) - 204 Police Officer Name (( Pio / desmond )) - 205 Police Officer Name (( Dian / dian96 )) - 206 Police Officer Name (( Kasmet / dinozavur )) - 207 Police Officer Name (( DmitrY / dmitr789 )) - 208 Police Officer Name (( DominBoss / dominboss007 )) - 209 Police Officer Name (( Matio / doudou98 )) - 210 Police Officer Name (( Doufa / doufa )) - 211 Police Officer Name (( Dovah / dovahkiin23 )) - 212 Police Officer Name (( Dreeze/ dreeze )) - 213 Police Officer Name (( Maikel / dutchmaikel )) - 214 Police Officer Name (( Dyam / dyam98 )) - 215 Police Officer Mahoney Towers ((Dragous /Dragous )) - 216 Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 217 Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 218 Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 219 Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 230 Police Officer Name (( Psilocybin / eatalia )) - 231 Police Officer Name (( Elias / eliasmajid31 )) - 240 Police Officer Name (( El_Kebeer / elkebeer )) - 241 Police Officer Name (( Fallen / emank )) - 242 Police Officer Name (( @Heaton. / emerge )) - 243 Police Officer Name (( Printer / emresx43 )) - 244 Police Officer Name (( Vitamin / enebish )) - 245 Police Officer Name (( Mert / ennes )) - 246 Police Officer Name (( @Eren / eren97 )) - 247 Police Officer Name (( @Estinoge / estinogen )) - 248 Police Officer Name (( Pinky / eversman )) - 249 Police Officer Name (( JohnPrice / ezel1996 )) - 250 Police Officer Name (( Ezio / ezio0826 )) - 251 Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 252 Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 253 Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 254 Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 255 Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 256 Police Officer Name (( Whoop / fabiovezzoli )) - 257 Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 258 Police Officer Name (( Jim / Falco )) - 259 Police Officer Name (( Cpt.Price / fantom97 )) - 260 Police Officer Name (( @FTH / fatihgo )) - 261 Police Officer Name (( Death / fatko )) - 262 Police Officer Name (( Fear / fe4r )) - 263 Police Officer Name (( Fhal / fhal )) - 264 Police Officer James Ramirez (( @Flame / flameeagle )) - 265 Police Officer Name (( jacks / flappieheesch)) - 266 Police Officer Name (( Flippy / flippy10 )) - 267 Police Officer Name (( Frank / frank12 )) - 268 Police Officer Name (( Ricarda / frankstan12 )) - 269 Police Officer Name (( Freddie / freddy95 )) - 270 Police Officer Name (( @Freeze_Monkey / freezemonkey )) - 271 Police Officer Name (( @CheGuevara / frickov )) - 272 Police Officer Name (( Fusion / fusion0 )) - 273 Police Officer Name (( @Fyrr / fyrr73 )) - 274 Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 275 Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 276 Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 277 Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 278 Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 279 Police Officer Name (( Galaxy / galaxy )) - 280 Police Officer Name (( Dennis / gamezone )) - 281 Police Officer Name (( @Gene/ gene48 )) - 282 Police Officer Name (( @Gheri / gheri )) - 283 Police Officer Name (( iTsme / guyfusfus )) - 284 Police Officer Adam Malcomson (( Split / g3tknock3dup )) - 285 Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 286 Police Officer Name (( @Harry98 / harrystt )) - 287 Police Officer Name (( WorldEdit / haj )) - 288 Police Officer Name (( Hamza / hamza2012 )) -289 Police Officer Name (( Swal / Hannun )) - 290 Police Officer Name (( Hassoni / hassoni )) - 291 Police Officer Name (( @Haveer / haveer890 )) - 292 Police Officer Name (( Henk / henkie )) - 293 Police Officer Name (( @Herrjorss / herrjorss )) - 294 Police Officer Name (( @Alperreis / Hextech )) - 295 Police Officer Name (( HunHarcos / hunharcos )) - 296 Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 297 Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 298 Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 299 Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 300 Police Officer Name (( @IamEmkay / iamemk )) - 301 Police Officer Name (( @IG8820 / ig8820 )) -302 Police Officer Name (( Thomas / igthomas )) - 303 Police Officer Name (( Remco / ikamikazenl )) - 304 Police Officer Name (( @potatoes / impactomar )) - 305 Police Officer Name (( @Blaze. / irililike )) -306 Police Officer Name (( @ironorange / ironorange )) -307 Police Officer Name (( Batman / isky )) - 308 Police Officer Name (( Anti / ivanrk )) - 309 Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 310 Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 311 Police Officer Name (( Arma / jaja55 )) - 312 Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 313 Police Officer James Aran (( @Aurora / jamesmpf )) - 314 Police Officer Name (( @jamy6 / jamy6 )) - 315 Police Officer Name (( @Striker / jan_kneta )) - 316 Police Officer Name (( @jccalvin / jccalvin )) - 317 Police Officer Name (( Jerku / jerkkui )) - 318 Police Officer Name (( @Lumen / jom )) - 319 Police Officer Name (( @Blade / joey11 )) - 320 Police Officer Name (( Joge / joge )) - 321 Police Officer Name (( Abdallah / Johnk )) - 322 Police Officer Name (( John Turner / johnturner )) - 323 Police Officer Name (( Jonas13362 / jonas13362 )) - 324 Police Officer Name (( Pika / jpoperes )) - 325 Police Officer Name (( Juan / juanfernando1 )) - 326 Police Officer Name (( Jurian / jurian )) - 327 Police Officer Johnny English (( @JohnnyEnglish / johnnyenglish )) - 328 Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 329 Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 330 Police Officer Name (( #John / kakoki )) - 331 Police Officer Name (( Gray / karlshooter )) - 332 Police Officer Name (( Kemolove / kemolove )) - 333 Police Officer Name (( Ketsh / ketsh)) - 334 Police Officer Name (( @Dakota / kieespada )) - 335 Police Officer Name (( Koeno100 / koeno100 )) - 336 Police Officer Name (( KSA /ksa4fever70 )) -337 Police Officer Name (( Fabian / kut1 )) - 338 Police Officer Name (( @Ramos )) - 339 Police Officer Stanley McStagg (( @Denox / kavkazets )) - 340 Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 341 Police Officer Name (( @Laza / l4ki1)) - 342 Police Officer Name (( @iLazy / lasanhapt )) - 343 Police Officer Name (( Alain / lavellop )) -344 Police Officer Name (( Lethalis / lethalis )) - 345 Police Officer Name (( Tram / linikusa )) -346 Police Officer Name (( Lior / lior )) - 347 Police Officer Name (( Lopov / lopov )) - 348 Police Officer Name (( Freezs / lsdriftking )) - 349 Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 350 Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 351 Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 352 Police Officer Name (( Crotch / m4nder )) - 353 Police Officer Name (( James.K / madmens )) - 354 Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 355 Police Officer Harold Tayberson (( @Tayber / magma )) - 356 Police Officer Name (( Mayer / mahmut119 )) - 357 Police Officer Name (( Majore / majoreystick )) - 358 Police Officer Name (( Makefoo / makefoo )) - 359 Police Officer Name (( Malik / maliks )) - 360 Police Officer Name (( Mac Taylor / mallone)) -370 Police Officer Name (( Scooter / mamo )) -371 Police Officer Name (( Mark / manrsko )) - 372 Police Officer Name (( UglyOne / marxmarx )) - 373 Police Officer Name (( mcRain / mcrain )) - 374 Police Officer Name (( Matheus / mctouch )) -375 Police Officer Name (( Panther / meanpanther )) - 376 Police Officer Name (( Jake - menaphos )) - 377 Police Officer Name (( Mike906 / mike906 )) - 378 Police Officer Mike Busk (( @Mike_Busk / mikebusk )) - 379 Police Officer Name (( Mikson / mikson )) - 380 Police Officer Name (( Alex / mineboss63 )) - 381 Police Officer Name (( Ming / ming1434 )) - 382 Police Officer Name (( Pup / mlbshowdown )) - 383 Police Officer Name (( Modasser / modasser )) - 384 Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) -385 Police Officer Name (( Charmania / mormor323 )) - 386 Police Officer Name (( @Zer0. / morters )) - 387 Police Officer Name (( CiViC / mrcivic )) - 388 Police Officer Name (( @Caucasian / murat35606 )) - 389 Police Officer Name (( Mush / mushaid001 )) - 390 Police Officer Zack_Looker (( Zack_Looker/ mootjess)) - 391 Police Officer Jason Letterman (( @Bizzle / marinagodoy)) - 392 Police Officer Steve Elliot (( @MrTheBank / mrthebank )) - 393 Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 394 Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 395 Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 396 Police Officer Name (( Trickshot / n30 )) - 397 Police Officer Name (( Nathan / nathan )) - 398 Police Officer Name (( Nara / niella )) - 399 Police Officer Name (( MoneyMaker / noes )) -400 Police Officer Name (( N-FUN / nvb )) - 401 Police Officer Frank Smiten (( Niceez / nice3549 )) - 402 Police Officer David Webb (( @JasonBourne / nejc1234567 )) - 403 Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 404 Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 405 Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 406 Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 407 Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 408 Police Officer Name (( Teddybear / officerraven )) - 409 Police Officer Name (( DCActvitity / oobanooba )) - 410 Police Officer Name (( Chrome / oradidas )) - 411 Police Officer Name (( Oscar / oscar1999 )) - 412 Police Officer Name (( Toretto / owanko )) - 413 Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 414 Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 415 Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 416 Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 417 Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 418 Police Officer Name (( Panchito / panchito )) - 419 Police Officer Patrol Martinez (( @Patrol / patrol )) - 420 Police Officer Name (( Dude / payzone )) - 430 Police Officer Mike Lowrey (( @Pera98 / pera98 )) - 431 Police Officer Name (( Piem / piemonster11 )) - 432 Police Officer Name (( Piercecro / piercecro )) - 433 Police Officer Name (( Pilcrow / pilcrow )) - 434 Police Officer Name (( Kaj / pitbike )) - 435 Police Officer Name (( @NextRoman / poiuyt )) - 436 Police Officer Name (( Polat / polat12 )) -437 Police Officer Name (( Ghost / price7 )) - 438 Police Officer Name (( Paradox / professorparadox )) - 439 Police Officer Name (( Psibot / psibotfx )) - 440 Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 441 Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 442 Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 443 Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 443 Police Officer Name (( Qweezy / qweezy331 )) - 444 Police Officer Name (( Ranger / ranger )) -445 Police Officer Name (( Rapture / raptureknight )) - 446 Police Officer Name (( Reem / reamazriel )) - 447 Police Officer Name (( Reda / redahida )) - 448 Police Officer Name (( Redeye / redeye )) - 449 Police Officer Name (( Infrared / redhotita1 )) - 450 Police Officer Name (( Ricardo / ricardobbj )) - 451 Police Officer Name (( Borat!! / rickmickey111 )) - 452 Police Officer Name (( Vulture / rjxd )) - 453 Police Officer Name (( Kostya / rkbvfn )) - 454 Police Officer Name (( G-Force / roaann )) - 455 Police Officer Name (( Spooky / robkiller )) - 456 Police Officer Name (( Robert / robtje )) - 457 Police Officer Name (( Z / rocky779 )) - 458 Police Officer Name (( Ronnie / roni2799 )) - 459 Police Officer Name (( Royal / royalbreedx )) - 460 Police Officer Name (( Royalty / royalty )) - 461 Police Officer Name (( Rozloo / rozloo )) - 462 Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 463 Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 464 Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 465 Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 466 Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 467 Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 468 Police Officer Name (( Legend / s007 )) - 469 Police Officer Name (( Replaysam / sam465 )) - 470 Police Officer Name (( Jackson / sawadogo1 )) - 471 Police Officer Name (( Wu / seattlewu )) - 472 Police Officer Name (( Seba / seb123 )) - 473 Police Officer Name (( ExziBit / senorbrick )) - 474 Police Officer Name (( Haydar / severe )) - 475 Police Officer Name (( Shah / shahchaki )) - 476 Police Officer Name (( Sharon / sharon123 )) - 477 Police Officer Name (( Becki / sixhundreder )) - 478 Police Officer Name (( Hunter / skander1 )) - 479 Police Officer Name (( @skann / skann )) - 480 Police Officer Name (( Snake / snakeer )) - 481 Police Officer Name (( SniperX / sniperxnl )) - 482 Police Officer Name (( Sam# / sparky )) - 483 Police Officer Name (( Leon / spifioy )) - 484 Police Officer Name (( DDerek / spkultimate )) 485 Police Officer Name (( Squar / squarlight )) - 486 Police Officer Name (( Elzbieta / srendy )) - 487 Police Officer Name (( Stoner / staaaven )) - 488 Police Officer Name (( iStar / starwarsfan02 )) - 489 Police Officer Name (( DevilJ / stickkillers )) - 490 Police Officer Name (( Stiffler / stiffmister )) - 491 Police Officer Name (( Darius / suporter )) - 492 Police Officer Name (( Fattie / stoprunningimfat )) - 493 Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 494 Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 495 Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 496 Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 497 Police Officer Name (( Tarber / tarber )) - 498 Police Officer Name (( Smoon / taysoun )) - 499 Police Officer Name (( Amon / tazg7 )) - 500 Police Officer Name (( MrGamer / testedgamer )) - 501 Police Officer Name (( torbjorn / texmanskillz )) - 502 Police Officer Name (( trident / tgoossens )) - 503 Police Officer Luke McCarthy (( Sou / thedamnboss )) - 504 Police Officer Name (( Turismo / theflyingdutchman )) - 505 Police Officer Name (( TheKiller / thekiller101 )) - 506 Police Officer Name (( @KaKush KaKush / thepilot )) - 507 Police Officer Name (( Rock / thepro1711 )) - 508 Police Officer Name (( Deu / thereis41 )) - 509 Police Officer Name* (( TIlin / tilin1000 )) - 510 Police Officer Name (( @tim260 tim260 / timmoto )) - 511 Police Officer Name (( Titan / titan )) - 512 Police Officer Name (( @Hapro / toohapro )) - 513 Police Officer Name (( Toolbox / toolbox )) - 514 Police Officer Name (( jelmer / tseard )) - 515 Police Officer Name (( tut / tut )) - 516 Police Officer Name (( Kristiina / twister )) - 517 Police Officer Alcott Cardwell (( Alcott_Cardwell/ tedfrost)) - 518 Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 519 Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 520 Police Officer Name (( Vacant )) - 521 Police Officer Name (( @vektor / vektor )) - 522 Police Officer Name (( Velo / velo )) - 523 Police Officer Name (( Leblanc / vempkiller )) - 524 Police Officer Name (( Euphoria / w0keronnn )) - 525 Police Officer Name (( George / wease )) - 526 Police Officer Name (( Carl / xirokax )) - 527 Police Officer Name (( @-Pegasus- / xpegasus )) - 528 Police Officer Name (( xSkillz / xskilzz )) - 529 Police Officer Name (( Yarin / yarin1559 )) - 530 Police Officer Name (( Platinum / yarinraz155 )) - 531 Police Officer Name (( Yasin / yasinkl )) - 532 Police Officer Name (( Yasso / yassin )) - 533 Police Officer Name (( @Yoav Yoav / yav123 )) - 534 Police Officer Name (( Younes / younesa1 )) - 535 Police Officer Name (( McGarret / yuvaleraz )) - 536 Police Officer Name (( Zoogata / zax44 )) - 537 Police Officer Name (( Noisyboy / zizou123 )) - 538 Police Officer Name (( Zpilot / zohar872 )) - 539 Police Officer Name (( Ostkaka / zoro )) - 540 Police Officer John Davis (( @Coma Coma / zoomspeed )) - 541 San Andreas Police Academy Police Officer Mahmoud_Elnashar (( @Fire Fox / firefox201791 )) - 800 0-100 :: San Andreas Interceptors 101-600 :: Pro Cops 610-690 :: SWAT 700-790 :: FBI 800-950 :: SAPA 950-1020 :: SAFP 1030-1130 :: NNB 1140-1240 :: Vacant 1250-1350 :: FOX
  17. SAES:RPG The group to which this spawn belongs to is a Roleplay group. How can we act our role properly if a British officer skin is added to it. Remove it and just keep the original.
  18. SWAT General Activity 25th of April with FOX @Bozi ![Image](https://i.imgur.com/LSkP37L.png
  19. @flex said in New forum discussion: Can you please add Fonts and Colors funtions to "Describe yourself" http://commonmark.org/help/
  20. OFFICIAL MEDIA ARCHIVE OF S.W.A.T. ACTIVITY Date: DD/MM/YYYY Activity: Participants: Screenshots: ORGANIZATION ROBBERY Date: DD/MM/YYYY Organization Robbed: Participants: Screenshots: EVENT Date: DD/MM/YYYY Event Type: LWS Host: Prize: Winner(s): Screenshots: ROLEPLAY Date: DD/MM/YYYY Roleplay Title: Participants: Story: Screenshots:
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