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Everything posted by Anderson09

  1. our saver is and would for sure be Ghost722. that guy has more ideas for the gameplay than anyone . he would make the game so much better with his ideas @Ghost722nd
  2. @Moley or at least just a zone of where he is not the correct exact location of the guy , its so easy for cops to know what we are doing at any moment while we are playing ...
  3. CAN WE TALK ABOUT THE K PANEL ?!?!?!? @Terry
  4. my god filex representing my country , thats gonna be such a shame for us :(
  5. Nickname: Anderson Age: im 20 years old Country: im from Tunisia Languages spoken: i speak French/English/Arabic/Tunisian and a bit of Deutsch From 0 to 10, how would you rate your english proficiency? (?/10): 9 How long have you been playing on SAES: i'v been playing on SAES since 2011 , so nearly 8 years now . In a quick and short summary, tell us who are Arms Assassins and their roleplay: Arms Assassins was originally a group of assassins, they started selling Guns in San Fierro , People Started Calling them The ''Arms Assassins'' and it was the new name they will respond to. .then they became the most prestigious gang in San Fierro they are like the knights of the crime, the Noble Gangsters In San Andreas . Their roleplay is about selling arms and Delivering them. Previous clans on the server (include the reasons for leaving): well in 8 years i had the chance to get a lot of experiences Biker-Boyz: it closed GJMC : left due to the immaturity of the members. Black-Bullets: i wasn't feeling comfortable with that family. ALT: left , it was Dead i was the only one playing. Secret-Service : it became a Group. The Strike Team : It Closed . ( i got My ProCop There) Organisation Zero: left because i cant give my full potential in it. I also wanna play in Teamwork and in a friendly Atmosphere Previous bans on the server and reasons for them: only once it was a mistake , back in the days me and my brother were both playing on the same computer , the admins took it for a Douple Accounting , but the problem got fixed as soon as i contacted an admin on Teamspeak Name 3 BR rules: 1-never BR without The HQ's authorisation. 2-never Use Grenades in a BR. 3-Dont Suicide to leave the bank. Name 3 GR rules: 1-Never GR alone without your gang mates. 2-Use of Grenades is forbidden. 3-Dont Spawn Kill. Name 3 Turf rules: 1-in a Truf war you are not allowed to spawn as a cop/medic to Assiste Your gang. 2-Dont Camp on unclimbable Roofs. 3-you are only allowed to spawn at your Gang spawn or the Hospital. What is Roleplay?: Roleplaying it like its mentioned in its name. playing a role, a Scenario in the game . the point is to act like in real life, to make it as realistic as possible , for exemple taking the role of an Assassin . making a contract with someone, taking the Monney , searching for the hunted person , Kidnapping or Killing him/her , giving proofs to the client ... What is Deathmatching?: Killing/Damaging Players or Damaging Their Vehicles without a Valid Reason. its Against the Server Rules . and it may result in a Ban Someone DMs you. What do you do?: I take a Screen , Use /report to Report the DMer , i dont flame because its useless , and i also dont take any kind of revange cuz its imature and against the rules. You're passing by one or several cops, who do not attempt to arrest you. What shall you do?: Continue on My Road , if they are not chasing me, shooting them would be considered as DMing . Do you know anyone from the gang, or have made connections with anyone inside the gang, before you applied?:Yes, i had the change to hang this week with a lot of AA members. I realy enjoyed and had a great time Turfing , Robing , and Hanging with: -Avanger -Cobra -Gal -Haseen -Pazoo -Pierceek -Gonza -Kybalion -Licano -Hotfire -Zombie -JoGe and a bit with Bartman and Exile (the are busy most of the time) Application text (tell us something about yourself or anything you want to try to convince us): Well my name is Amine , Im 20 years old , im a Student. I Would Like To Say That Im Just A Players Who Is On SAES For Fun And Enjoyment , im a respected player who respects everyone . i connect to Saes To talk with ppl , make new friends , enjoy the plenty of Ways Proposed By Saes To have a great time (mostly in teamwork). if we forget about the past year ( had some problems irl, i had to assist my GF in all the basic tasks of normal life ,she had a surgery and wasnt able to make things by her self ) im very active, i play 6 to 16h per day, if im not at school im surely on Saes. Personally for me my gang means my family, i always had good relationships with my gangs/squads, im extremly loyal and meticulous , i never had any kind of problems with any other players. im calm , im an experienced player on Saes. so if im in search of something , its a respected family to enjoy the game with in teamwork , and give my best to make my family gain more respect and glory . Edit : i added Zombie to the List Forgot about him . Edit: i added JoGe , ( Realy sorry mate ddnt mean to , ur the first i had fun with ).
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