Personal Information: Ingame Name: RUZO Account Name: RUZO Age: 17 Country In-Residence: Selangor Nationality: Malaysia Languages Spoken: English, Malay Server Knowledge: Have you read F1 rules?: Yes On a scale, rate your imagination(0/10): 9/10 On a scale, rate your roleplaying skills(0/10): 8/10 On a scale, rate your server knowledge(0/10): 7/10 Tell us your weaknesses and strengths: My strength is I am very friendy and love to making friend with all the player in the server, I always take lesson from my mistake and always improve my skill while my weakness is, I am a honest person and dont like to keep secret, that why I afraid if I hurt any person with my word. Tell us GEAs fifth rule on your own words: Attitude and behavior in saes must be good, be patient while roleplaying, must obey rules in f1, dont ask for promotion and dont ask or disturb HQs to see the application. In-game Information: How long have you been playing on SAES:RPG?: 3months What is your current G/S/C: Vndalos de El Corona Are you participating any group, If yes, write them: 8th Street Have you ever banned from server ? If yes, explain: N/A ** Have you ever warned by an admin ? If yes, tell us why:** N/A Group Informations: Explain GEAs role with your own words(minimum 100 words.): We do research which is collecting information from people and protect people in San Andreas, we always be there for San Andreas people day or night and whenever whereever they are, at land, sea, mountain and sky. Which force would you like to participate and who is the chief of these force? Mountain Rescue Forse the chief of the force is @Asgal Why should we accept you ? I am a active player in saes, I love to making new friend by joining new group, I love roleplay so I want to make lot of roleplays in our group so we can promote our group and make GEA name well known in the server. What can you bring to GEA ?(min 100 words) I will promote us to all saes player, so we can be at top of group in saes and we will not be underestimated by other and I will often do roleplay, activity and event. Tell us about yourself: I am Ruzo from Malaysia, I am 17 and still study at mid high school. I am a introvert person but in saes I became more outrovert and freindly if you accept me I will be happy and will help our group all my best to make our group success and became official.