Ingame name: EXE Username: GxngSh1t Country of Residence and Nationality: Estonia, Estonian Spoken Languages: Estonian, English, Russian Age: 15 Date of the beginning of your SAES career: 1 and half year ago Previous organisations and the reason why you left or got kicked out: Organization Zero, i left from there bcuz i dont like that gang much Write an introduction about yourself personally and your in-game character of 150 to 200 words: Im a Nice 15 year old boy who can understand other people im active in pc almost everyday bcuz im a gamer and i play many games on my pc and im living without my dad he died in 2017 and now im depressed basically and i take tablets but that doesnt affect my gaming and i like playing MTA and i like playing in there with a gang i was in z before but i left from there and i now would like to join ThC. / Im a basic criminal doing some business selling guns and drugs doing bank robberys and store robberys and robing people selling cars , stealing cars and buying them. and breaking out of jail and helping others out from jail and killing cops if they come at me and helping people whos new in town and im a Basic criminal and Car dealer.