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  1. Remove this one, Edited the topic instead.
  2. This is an automated post for: Kilios Donation: GBP 40.00 GBP Requested Awards: Please edit this topic with your requested rewards. For vehicles please follow the format below Vehicle 1: Police lambo Vehicle 2: Police lambo Vehicle 3: Police lambo Vehicle 4: Police lambo Vehicle 5: Newsvan - Police Vehicle 6: Newsvan - Police Vehicle 7: Police Bike Vehicle 8: Police Bike Vehicle Colour: 5c5c5c Specify any upgrades: NOS Usernames to lock: lion1221 Where you want it placed: My prop at LS ( It's close to LS PD ) For any help with rewards, please check this topic:
  3. Account Name: lion1221 Icon name: Ls South Flats Business
  4. Account Name: lion1221 Icon name: 8 Suxdis Close
  5. Address: Jazz Museum Shop Account name: grandi Last seen: 20th December 2022 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/9kHOEEO
  6. Part I: Link your Donation Tracking topic: When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1: 10x Polive LV 6x Stratum with Police lights Location: Easterboard Farm Corp Personal Prop - lion1221 Username: lion1221 Copy the format from below: Vehicle 1 : Police LV Username: lion1221 Location: Easterboard Farm Corp Vehicle 2 : Police LV Username: lion1221 Location: Easterboard Farm CorpF Vehicle 3 : Police LV Username: lion1221 Location: Easterboard Farm Corp Vehicle 4 : Police LV Username: lion1221 Location: Easterboard Farm Corp Vehicle 5 : Police LV Username: lion1221 Location: Easterboard Farm Corp Vehicle 6 : Police LV Username: lion1221 Location: Easterboard Farm Corp Username: lion1221 Vehicle 7 : Police LV Location: Easterboard Farm Corp Username: lion1221 Vehicle 8 : Police LV Username: lion1221 Location: Easterboard Farm Corp Vehicle 9 : Police LV Username: lion1221 Location: Easterboard Farm Corp Vehicle 10 : Police LV Username: lion1221 Location: Easterboard Farm Corp Vehicle 11 : Stratum with police lights Username: lion1221 Location: Easterboard Farm Corp Vehicle 12 : Stratum with police lights Username: lion1221 Location: Easterboard Farm Corp Vehicle 13 : Stratum with police lights Location: Easterboard Farm Corp Username: lion1221 Vehicle 14 : Stratum with police lights Location: Easterboard Farm Corp Username: lion1221 Vehicle 15 : Stratum with police lights Location: Easterboard Farm Corp Username: lion1221 Vehicle 16 : Stratum with police lights Location: Easterboard Farm Corp Username: lion1221 Part II: What I Want to be Removed Vehicle 1 : Police LV Username: lion1221 Location: Turning Tricks Driving School - SF Vehicle 2 : Police LV Username: lion1221 Location: Turning Tricks Driving School - SF Vehicle 3 : Police LV Username: lion1221 Location: Turning Tricks Driving School - SF Vehicle 4 : Police LV Username: lion1221 Location: Turning Tricks Driving School - SF Vehicle 5 : Police LV Username: lion1221 Location: Turning Tricks Driving School - SF Vehicle 6 : Police LV Username: lion1221 Location: Turning Tricks Driving School - SF Username: lion1221 Vehicle 7 : Police LV Location: Turning Tricks Driving School - SF Username: lion1221 Vehicle 8 : Police LV Username: lion1221 Location: Turning Tricks Driving School - SF Vehicle 9 : Police LV Username: lion1221 Location: Turning Tricks Driving School - SF Vehicle 10 : Police LV Username: lion1221 Location: Turning Tricks Driving School - SF Vehicle 11 : Police LV Username: lion1221 Location: Turning Tricks Driving School - SF Vehicle 12 : Police LV Username: lion1221 Location: Turning Tricks Driving School - SF Vehicle 13 : Enforcer Location: Turning Tricks Driving School - SF Username: lion1221 Vehicle 14 : Enforcer Location: Turning Tricks Driving School - SF Username: lion1221 Vehicle 15 : Police Bike Location: Turning Tricks Driving School - SF Username: lion1221 Vehicle 16 : Police Bike Location: Turning Tricks Driving School - SF Username: lion1221
  7. I can give you 4m, wont give 5m.
  8. Property has now been brought from me, no need to have it opened anymore 🙂
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