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Everything posted by Dalb

  1. ~[San Andreas Federal Police]~(#004B98) ~[Date:]~(#004B98,black,red) 07.01.2020 ~[Type:]~(#004B98,black,red) Kill me first with colt ~[LWS/G6:]~(#004B98,black,red) ColdPlay ~[Prize:]~(#004B98,black,red) :cooldoge: ~[10.000.000 $]~:moistpepe: ~[Winner:]~(#004B98,black,red) Element ~[Screenshots:]~(#004B98,black,red) ::: :::
  2. ~[San Andreas Federal Police]~(#004B98) ~[Date:]~(#004B98,black,red) 07.01.2020 ~[Type:]~(#004B98,black,red) Kill me first with colt ~[LWS/G6:]~(#004B98,black,red) @ColdPlay ~[Prize:]~(#004B98,black,red) :cooldoge: ~[10.000.000 $]~:moistpepe: ~[Winner:]~(#004B98,black,red) @Element ~[Screenshots:]~(#004B98,black,red) ::: :::
  3. Hbd!
  4. Hbd!
  5. Hbd!
  6. :police_car: ~[San Andreas Federal Police]~(#004b98,red):police_car: ~[Date of Activity :]~(#004b98,red) 03.01.2021 ~[Activity :]~(#004b98,,red) SR Stopped ~[Involved Members :]~(#004b98,red) @Dalb @SAFP-Stone @Halo @Swal ~[Screenshots:]~(#004b98,red) ::: :::
  7. hbd man
  8. Hbd man!
  9. ~[San Andreas Federal Police]~(#004b98,black,red) ~[Date of Activity :]~(#004b98,black,red) 01.01.2021 ~[Activity :]~(#004b98,black,red) SR Stopped ~[Involved Members :]~(#004b98,black,red) @Dalb @LAPD_Spanish_VEN @B22 @Rocoso ~[Screenshots:]~(#004b98,black,red) ::: ::: :hype: ~[!!!HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!]~:hype:
  10. ~[San Andreas Federal Police]~(#004b98,black,red) ~[Date of Activity :]~(#004b98,black,red) 30.12.2020 ~[Activity :]~(#004b98,black,red) VIP Rescue ~[Involved Members :]~(#004b98,black,red) @Dalb @Halo @samuel3021 @LAPD_Spanish_VEN ~[Screenshots:]~(#004b98,black,red) ::: :::
  11. ~[San Andreas Federal Police]~(#004b98,black,red) ~[Date of Activity :]~(#004b98,black,red) 30.12.2020 ~[Activity :]~(#004b98,black,red) Stopped SR/Patroling ~[Involved Members :]~(#004b98,black,red) @Dalb @Halo @samuel3021 ~[Screenshots:]~(#004b98,black,red) ::: :::
  12. @nicky You have won, find me in the game. @San-Andreas-Housing-Agency ,can be locked
  13. @Ferthis You have won, find me in the game. @San-Andreas-Housing-Agency ,can be locked
  14. when lws? xD hbd
  15. Last bump
  16. Last bump
  17. ~[Bump.]~ ~[will be sold with interior]~(gray) ::: :::
  18. hbd!`
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