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  1. ~[Ingame name:]~(black) 215|wayOut ~[Ingame username:]~(black) dania1 ~[Previous organizations and leaving causes:]~(black) I was not a member of an organization. ~[Define Underground Empire:]~(black) The underground Empire was founded by three men John Dixon, Edward Macfarlane, and Judy Davis on June 23, 1866. UE afraid because it indirectly affects the activities of other gangs and the lives of people.UE is also different by other organisations and does not have limits.A gang that keeps everyone at Bay. ~[What binds you with Underground Empire:]~(black) I really liked the well-coordinated work with UE , everything was at such a high level that our opponents had no chance against us when attacking, and we captured territories without feeling any resistance. Robbing stores, fighting off effectively from the cops(I don't like cops). I like a sufficient number of duels, training and just entertainment. What do you know about organized crime: The most dangerous form of crime, which includes a set of crimes committed by structured groups of three or more persons existing for a certain period and acting in concert with the purpose of committing one or more serious crimes.
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