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Newbie (1/14)

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  1. Activity: Store Robery Date: 29/11/2021 Screenshot(s): [s=][/s] Activity: Store Robery Date: 29/11/2021 Screenshot(s): [s=][/s]
  2. SECTION I : PERSONAL INFORMATION Nickname: hazy Username: gothboi Nationality: brazilian Age: 21 SECTION II - ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Have you ever been banned from SAES? if so, why?: No Previous memberships? (including why you left/got kicked): I've been to some gangs, the last one I was in was jumbo and it unfortunately closed Did any CDC member suggest that you should apply? if so, who?: No Why shall we consider accepting you?: I've been playing saes for a few years and with my experience I can help get back to the top, like I used to. How will you be benefiting CDC: I'm an experienced player, I can help doing activities, events and other things, I also have experience as a hq, I know how to lead and recruit members.
  3. ~[hbd lukinhas]~ <3
  4. Address: Its My Threehouse Account name: peu2425 Last seen: 28th May 2020 Screenshots: ::: :::
  5. Address: Alfas bug Account name: peu2425 Last seen: 28th May 2020 Screenshots: ::: :::
  6. happy birthday kYba <3
  7. feliz aniversario
  8. minimum: 1m
  9. Locate: The General Shop Minimum: 20.000.000$
  10. Address: Sugar Puff Monsters Retirement House Account name: amine133 Last seen: 10th July 2019 Screenshots: ::: :::
  11. Event type: Sanchez Race LWS/G6: @Filex Prize: $1.000.000 Winner: @zKill98 Screenshot: https://imgur.com/a/wAjb42l
  12. Dirt Members: @Dippo Location to Location: Our base, to Flint County. Date: 22/08 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/8zWyzJv
  13. Activity from 22/08
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