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Ez lucky

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Everything posted by Ez lucky

  1. @Ez-lucky
  2. @Ez-lucky said in The Company: ~[Ingame name:]~(blueviolet,navy,red)Lucky ~[Username:]~Aivisty ~[Country of Residence and Nationality]~(black) latvija Spoken Languages:russia/English/Latvian Age:15 Date of the beginning of your SAES careersince: since 2017/2018 Previous organization:TST T~[he reason why you left or got kicked out:]~(teal) -I Leave a TST LEADER no acvite,I got out of the group because I didn't like it there because there were no active people ~[Write an introduction about yourself personally and your in-game character of 150 to 200 words]~(purple) My name is Lucky, I live in latvijua, I'm 15 years old,playing video games expicially Mta (saes rpg) my favourite hobbie swiming started playing Mta 2017\2018 Im good at handling helicopters, airplanes and shooting. I like to socialize, talk and role play. I Lile play CS GO, fornite,Pugb . i play SAES;RPG 2YEARS , i join tst and i play 8 months i leave tst no acvite leaders and HQ , i love the movie vidijo that i play cs go fornite,I drive A bike.my first game of computer was cs go and minecraft, i love a songs and remix,will work to the end because I love the THC clan.SAES;RPG IT my life i play ever day 7 hours-3,4,5 my THC i best GROUP i speak a english and russia my fps it 59 and 60 and yya yay COPS IT SIT BIG KILL ALL COPS and no DM hospital and more city i gave Latvij ir small city. I gave a big doog Andris small cat my house name virsaii . I gave 2 pings 6, cat i gave gow 21 i gave a big house
  3. ~[Ingame name:]~(blueviolet,navy,red)Lucky ~[Username:]~Aivisty ~[Country of Residence and Nationality]~(black) latvija Spoken Languages:russia/English/ Age:15 Date of the beginning of your SAES careersince: since 2017/2018 Previous organization:TST T~[he reason why you left or got kicked out:]~(teal) -I Leave a TST LEADER no acvite,I got out of the group because I didn't like it there because there were no active people ~[Write an introduction about yourself personally and your in-game character of 150 to 200 words]~(purple) My name is Lucky, I live in latvijua, I'm 15 years old,playing video games expicially Mta (saes rpg) my favourite hobbie swiming started playing Mta 2017\2018 Im good at handling helicopters, airplanes and shooting. I like to socialize, talk and role play. I Lile play CS GO, fornite,Pugb . i play SAES;RPG 2YEARS , i join tst and i play 8 months i leave tst no acvite leaders and HQ , i love the movie vidijo that i play cs go fornite,I drive A bike.my first game of computer was cs go and minecraft, i love a songs and remix,will work to the end because I love the THC clan.SAES;RPG IT my life i play ever day 7 hours-3,4,5 my THC i best GROUP i speak a english and russia my fps it 59 and 60 and yya yay COPS IT SIT BIG KILL ALL COPS and no DM hospital and more city i gave 1 car v8 adw landsteaker i gave read life audi r8
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