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  1. TXN ID: 5W267874A81098154 Donation: 20.00 GBP Requested rewards: permanent VIP spawn (I have a total of 30 GPB donated with this donation and another one) Unmarked Crown Victoria (completely black) at my house at this location Unmarked FBI cruiser (also completely black) at FCPD, preferably behind the little station above vehicles locked to me (Winterbottom) and the following account names: albdrani, GirlyPrimis, johnnyenglish
  2. FOX crew: Alex, JohnnyEnglish, Hassoni, Lily, Howlze Date and time of the patrol: 11/08/19 (dd/mm/yy), Sunday afternoon Details: Multiple agents of FOX Operations X have been sent out to patrol the streets of San Andreas and keep them clean from criminals. After arresting and sending some of them to the prison in Los Santos, we received intel about a highly wanted suspect hiding in one of the infamous gangs of SA: CripZ. We regrouped at our headquarters and boarded a helicopter, making our way to the base in Santa Marina Beach. After successfully raiding their base and taking several gang members into custody, we resumed our patrol. Screenshots: Click me!
  3. SECTION 1 Name: Winterbottom In-game name: Winterbottom Age: 21 Sex: Male English proficiency: Decent. Native language: German Other language(s): English Do you have a Pro Cop diploma?: No, but I am part of SAPA. When did you start playing SAES/MTA?: I started playing MTA in 2012, SAES 2019 if we're talking about active playing. Total gameplay (hours): 103 hours Aprox.gameplay daily (hours): Depends on my shift at work, usually 3-4 hours or more at weekends. Average FPS: 60 Average ping: 32 Previous organizations and reasons for leaving: FBI - Unfortunately, the squad is inactive and could not provide the quality I was looking for. Are you active user of Discord?: Yes, I have already joined your Discord server as well. SECTION 2 A. Define our role (FOX): FOX Operations X stands for defending and protecting the state of San Andreas and its values. Ranging from local policing to fighting national threats like terrorism, FOX always upholds the law and justice. B. Define marker arrest: Cops camping outdoors or indoors next to markers, waiting for wanted criminals just to immediately arrest them without giving them a chance to escape, can be considered marker arresting. C. Minimum arresting level: 10 wanted points. D. Point out and define 4 major server rules: Players may not deathmatch under any circumstances. Spamming the chat with random and silly symbols or text is not allowed. Players have to speak English on all public chats, local is excluded for example. Camping at the hospital to gain free kills or arrests is prohibited. E. Explain why you should attempt to roleplay before each arrest: As this server focuses on the roleplay and social interaction between players, you should always give any person a chance to roleplay. If someone wants to roleplay an arrest, you should let them do so and act accordingly, as anything else can be understood as stubbornness and ignorance, especially when it comes to representing a squad or group. SECTION 3 I. Write about yourself in 4 sentences: I'm a 21-year-old German who recently started working even though it was an unexpected change in my life. I love gaming ever since I have discovered and started playing games like Need for Speed: High Stakes and Grand Theft Auto 2 which later on made me a huge fan of almost every GTA released. Before I found my way to MTA, I was randomly playing on a few cops'n'robbers and roleplay servers that weren't really impressing for me before 2012. To be honest, I never expected me to find such great friends in MTA that still want and even like to play MTA with me. II: Write your strengths and weaknesses: My strengths are radio usage, communication, navigation and car pursuits. On the other hand, my weaknesses are hasty combat situations, airplane stunts and keeping an overview in huge shootout wars. III. Why do you wish to join FOX over other squads?: I want to join FOX because I think it's the only squad that actually provides high standards regarding their quality of members and roleplay as well as activities. I would love to be a part of this elite squad. IV. Convince us in 2 lines why you would fit the team: I would fit the team because I tend to come up with creative tactics when it comes to facing the enemy in combat. I am also very communicative and I try to remain as professional as possible in roleplay and normal situations. V. Do you have any additional information you want to add?: No, I don't. By posting this application, you are aware of our terms and that this application is only and only written by you, and states nothing but the truth. Retard test: Post a picture of White house in Los Santos to be even considered to join Fox Operations X: Whitehouse in LS
  4. Activity: FBI HQ received intel about CLO storming Los Santos prison to free their mates and several other prisoners. Organized smuggling of drugs and weapons into prison had to be taken into account as well. Multiple agents like Agent Albie ( @Albie ), Agent Holand, Agent X99 ( @NORI999 ) and Agent Winterbottom along with other forces have been sent out to secure LSP and restore peace once again resulting in hours-long gunfires and fights. Date: 25/07/19 (dd/mm/yy) Screenshots: Click me to view an album of the activity!
  5. Activity: Agent Albie ( @Albie ) and Agent Winterbottom have once again been sent out to patrol the streets of San Andreas. While doing regular traffic stops, the agents have received several calls regarding bank and store robberies in several counties. This shift has been action-packed and did not allow any donut breaks except a few minutes to remember our fallen colleagues at HQ. Date: 21/07/19 (dd/mm/yy) Screenshots: Click me to view an album of the patrol!
  6. Activity: Agent Albie ( @Albie ) and Agent Winterbottom have been sent out to patrol the streets of San Andreas. Multiple individuals have been pulled over and some of them have been brought into custody for vehicle theft, first degree murder, prison break and fleeing and evading the police eventually. Later on, both agents have been dispatched to the Whitehouse in order to secure the POTUS with various other units. Date: 17/07/19 (dd/mm/yy) Screenshots: Click me to view an album of the patrol!
  7. Part I: How much have you donated for the server? 10 GBP When was the last time you requested a donation reward change? It's my first time as I have purchased a property just today. Why do you need to change the location: My vehicle is located at LSPD which is kind of useless there. A friend and I have purchased a property between Blueberry and Montgomery, very well located in the center of the map. Links to your donation topics: https://saesrpg.uk/topic/9892/donation-winterbottom-amount-10-00-gbp Links to your previous donation changes requests: - Part II: What I Want to be Removed Vehicle 1: Unmarked Police Buffalo Location: This vehicle at the LSPD Part III: What I Want to be Added Vehicle 1: Unmarked Police Buffalo Location: At my house located between BB and MG. Username: Access for "Winterbottom" and "albdrani"
  8. TXN ID: 2XW16186T48401244 Donation: 10.00 GBP Requested rewards: Money, donator status, donator spawn for me (acc name: "Winterbottom") and Albie (acc name: "albdrani"), POLICE Unmarked Buffalo at LSPD, pure black (access for acc name "albdrani" as well) Screenshot of the requested vehicle: ::: :::
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