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Everything posted by R1zo0R

  1. ^[] ^[TURF] ^[] ^[BEFORE] [s=]^[[/s]] ^[AFTER] [s=]^[[/s]]
  2. ^[] ^[ASSISTING O BR LV] ^[]
  3. ^[] ^[SF Bank Robbery - (15/06/2022)] ^[]
  4. ^[] ^[Helping O BR] ^[]
  5. ^[] ^[TR Bank Robbery - (18/04/2022)] ^[]
  6. ^[] ^[LV Bank Robbery - (18/04/2022)] ^[]
  7. ^[] ^[#1579] ^[Event Name: Lucky Nade] ^[LWS/G6/CEO: Tamer] ^[Prize: $1 Million] ^[Winner(s): Deep] ^[Screenshots:]
  8. ^[] ^[HS BR Assistance]
  9. ^[] ^[CDC BR Assistance]
  10. ^[] ^[O BR Assistance]
  11. ^[] ^[HS BR Assistance]
  12. ^[] ^[TR BR 8/8 - (08/04/2022)]
  13. ^[] ^[SF PBR Assistance]
  14. ^[] ^[CDC BR Assistance]
  15. Address: Appartement Block 177 Account name: Killer89 Last seen: 17th February 2022 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/OSLa4XJ
  16. Ingame name: RaZo0R Ingame username: razore227435 Previous organizations : VLA /RKMC /OC /FBI /X /GSF Define Underground Empire: its an organized crime syndicate created by 3 mens john dixon, edward McFarlane and judah davis on June 23, 1866 Their main role is to trafficking drug /weapons , money laundering , corrupting politicians /cops And contract killing What binds you with Underground Empire: it is strong gang with good and professional members and its seems good to be one of them and work with good team at turf / br etc .. What do you know about organized crime: everything, spend 80% of my saes career as crims helps me to know everything
  17. RIP TWAT hhhhh AKA most active squad
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