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Everything posted by Zombie

  1. Kool Times Newspaper Photographer's edition : Las Venturas - Los Santos Highway bridge is fixed and ready to use again ! Photos : https://imgur.com/a/LOVyAmk
  2. Patrol #16 Personal Patrol #9 Participants:[SAM*]Zombie Amount of healed individuals: 40 mins ScreenShots : https://imgur.com/a/gw2Uw0G
  3. Patrol #15 Personal Patrol #8 Participants:[SAM*]Zombie Amount of healed individuals: 20 mins ScreenShots : https://imgur.com/a/76wtTLC
  4. @paul lol xd everyone knows im buying only epic ones, this isnt epic xd
  5. Event Type :Marathon Personal event :1 Date :13.06.18 Winner\s :Stalin Prize :30,000,000 Screenshots : https://imgur.com/a/MZlWlzI
  6. In this topic we will post our activity as KTN, will post our role playing and our special events. Applicants can post here too. For posting an event use the format (Logos will be added soon) : ##spoiler=Spoiler Event Type : Personal event : Date : Winner\s : Prize : Screenshots : ##endspoiler
  7. @pau said in KTN Kool Times Newspaper: PART 1 Nickname: My nickname is kuyt11 Age: I am 17 Gender: I am male Current Groups: I am not part of any group at the moment. I was HHMC member.It was leading by my friend but it seems like it isn't alive anymore Rate your English (1-10 scale): I can rate it as 7 Have you ever been banned (state why): I have banned once.It was too long time ago. I wasnt aware of the rules. As you know all players have a duration of being noob.And it was mine.I was talking to my friend about saes and he said that he wants to have an account too, I said okay why not.And after one week I got banned for multiacc. PART 2 What job are you interested in? (Reporter/Photographer/Security): I am interested in being photographer Why are you interested in joining this division: My English isn't at best level otherwise I would rather to be reporter. Taking photos and being part of that group will be much fun. I am creative person who will be useful while taking photos and make it realistic. Exactly I don't know what to add more Why do you want to be part of KTN: As I said I am not part of any group at the moment. I didn't want to waste time while writing apply to other organisations(Except PC). I think its time to join an organisation and to known more than a FOX member. I have experiences about News Companies. I think I can be useful at that part.I believe you guys can do something. Good things take time and I want to be there too while those things are happening. I was nervous before talking to Zombie. After conversation he made me to feel comfortable and here I am. State why should we choose you over other candidates: We create our view through our past experiences. At this part my view will be effective. And the most important thing is I am a creative and mature person. @blu said in KTN Kool Times Newspaper: PART 1 Nickname:Blue Age:17 Gender:Male Current Groups:CS,EDM,BES,ENTERNIA,TMH these are official ones. Rate your English (1-10 scale):7 Have you ever been banned (state why):Nope. PART 2 What job are you interested in? (Reporter/Photographer/Security):Security Why are you interested in joining this division:Because i am trusting my gun skills, that means i can secure easily from threats. Why do you want to be part of KTN: This group going to achieve a lot of things.I think I can be useful to you guys while you are trying to make group an official one.That's the reason why I want to be in there State why should we choose you over other candidates: Because, i am mature also i can state myself nolifer i can be useful for KTN. I am active all day. Would be helpfull for KTN. First of all, ty for your interest on our group, You both are Please Contact with Combine in-game for your test. Cheers,Zombie.
  8. Event: Beat the Machos Prize: 10,000,000 Winner(s): Arma Hoster: Arms Assassins Helper Lws/G6: Zombie,Nicus Screens:https://imgur.com/a/JAX4oFZ
  9. gl us ^_^
  10. Patrol #13 Personal Patrol #7 Participants:[SAM*]Zombie,[SAM]Qweezy Amount of healed individuals: 1 hour and 30 mins ScreenShots : https://imgur.com/a/DXQjkqL
  11. Event #2 Personal Event #2 Type:Air Boxing 1v1 Host(s):[SAM*]Zombie Prize:5,000,000 Winner:Quiz ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/bTadxAv
  12. Patrol #11 Personal Patrol #6 Participants:[SAM*]Zombie Amount of healed individuals: 1 hour and 10 mins ScreenShots :https://imgur.com/a/3uHfxU5
  13. Patrol #10 Personal Patrol #5 Participants:[SAM*]Zombie Amount of healed individuals: 30 mins ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/wfVEBZU
  14. New squad !? gl !! <3
  15. KTM
  16. alt text alt text Patrol #8 Personal Patrol #4 Participants:[SAM*]Zombie Amount of healed individuals:patrolled around the 1 hour and 30 mins ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/X9V3Lrd
  17. alt text alt text Patrol #6 Personal Patrol #3 Participants:[SAM*]Zombie Amount of healed individuals:30 minute ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/p8D3vcj
  18. alt text Event #1 Personal Event #1 Type:Knock Zombie from his NRG Host(s):[SAM*]Zombie Prize:500K 4rounds (2m in total ) Winner:Show on screens . ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/mcgExeY
  19. alt text alt text Patrol #5 Personal Patrol #2 Participants:[SAM*]Zombie Amount of healed individuals:40 minute ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/m3D8VbI
  20. alt text alt text Patrol #2 Personal Patrol #1 Participants:[SAM*]Zombie Amount of healed individuals:1 hour and 10 mins ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/qS3kn0C
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