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Everything posted by Zombie

  1. SAM RP With [SAM]Zeking,[SAM]Zombie,[SAM]Marko,O|Sira,Shukai_Nailatos. RP Story : Me and Zeking was patrolling around Las Venturas, suddenly [SAM]Marko called us in the radio to come as fast as possible to his location,bad accident has happened on the LV<SF Highway road, O|Sira said he couldnt move his leg so we had to take him with the stretcher to the ambulance and then we drove to SF Hospital to give him the best medical help he could get. Screenshots : https://imgur.com/a/jLrYaIm
  2. Patrol #42 Personal Patrol #21 Participants:[SAM]Zombie,[SAM]Zeking,[SAM]Unique,[SAM*]Dom Amount of healed individuals:3 Hours and 30 mins ScreenShots https://imgur.com/a/TrRqgDn
  3. SAM Activity ! 14.07.18 - https://imgur.com/a/bl34Blc
  4. SAM Rp with SAFD- me and my team mates was patrolling around the San andreas ,suddenly we heard from the radio about a fire that happened near the LV Spray, we took 2 ambulances and 1 helicopter and we moved as fast as we could to the area, SAFD did a great job with the fire, there was 2 victims ,1 was stuck on the roof, the SAM Air unit rescued him. after a lot of work, everything was fine and i can be proud and saying, we (SAM And SAFD) did a great job ! Screenshots : https://imgur.com/a/v65GpcB
  5. Patrol #39 Personal Patrol #20 Participants:[SAM]Zombie,[SAM]Bozi Amount of healed individuals:45 minute ScreenShots https://imgur.com/a/LwRmKts
  6. Patrol #38 Personal Patrol #19 Participants:[SAM]Zombie Amount of healed individuals:45 minute ScreenShots https://imgur.com/a/IqbyuOd
  7. Event Type :Be the First to Personal event :6 Date :11.07.18 Winner\s :Mr.Wan Prize :3,000,000 Screenshots : https://imgur.com/a/Y2vcoPg
  8. Kool Times Newspaper Photographers edition:A shop in Las Venturas was robbed by bunch of criminals, the police took control and saved the store. Screens below. Screenshots : https://imgur.com/a/ZbTmQXe
  9. Kool Times Newspaper Photographers edition: a plane crashed in LV X, 69 wounded people (pilot's words) watch the screens below to see more. Screenshots : https://imgur.com/a/VIfOjSM
  10. Event #5 Personal Event #5 Type:Fallout Shooter Host(s):[SAM]Zombie Prize:2,000,000 Winner :pato ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/e0f29IY
  11. @Kain My opinion about this update is that i do agree about that the cops had almost no chance to stop the bank robs which was really unfair,But im also think that you maybe forgot that there is some new guys on the server with not much experience as Groove and nemesis have, and for those players it can be too much hard etc, i think you should make the numbers maybe a little bit lower, about the idea of forcing the criminals to stay on the safes room and not camping on the 2nd room is a good idea in my opinion. 1 more thing as few guys said above, you should also raise the money the offical gang gains while bring. Over all i think it good update, which will make things be more fair between the two sides Cheers.
  12. Event Type :Be the First to Personal event :5 Date :09.07.18 Winner\s :Revonex Prize :3,000,000 Screenshots https://imgur.com/a/RKR1Ait
  13. Event #4 Personal Event #4 Type:Knock Zombie from his nrg Host(s):[SAM]Zombie Prize:1,500,000 (3 rounds, 500k each) Winner :at screens ScreenShots:https://imgur.com/a/oWbIT6w
  14. Patrol #30 Personal Patrol #18 Participants:[SAM]Zombie, Medic.Sparrow , Medic.Josefrags Amount of healed individuals:30 minute ScreenShots :https://imgur.com/a/EGQdIKc
  15. Event:fallout shooter Prize: 2,500,000 Winner(s):Light Hoster: Arms Assassins Helper Lws/G6: Zombie Screens : https://imgur.com/a/Hrz09Io
  16. Turfs around SF - 05.07.18 https://imgur.com/a/x47rqBA
  17. Bank Robbery Las Santos 8\8 5.7.18 https://imgur.com/a/YJdAg8f
  18. Event:Kill the LWS - Zombie, Koko , Velona Prize: For killing Zombie\Velona -2.5M each, For killing Koko - 5,000,000 . 10M In total. Winner(s):Pump , Nicky , N0vis0ry Hoster: Arms Assassins Helper Lws/G6: Zombie,Koko,Velona Screens :https://imgur.com/a/EIsOlc6
  19. Patrol #27 Personal Patrol #17 Participants:[SAM]Zombie Amount of healed individuals:1 hour ScreenShots : https://imgur.com/a/SH3H3dA
  20. Event:Chicken Kicker-Fists only Prize: 1,000,000 Winner(s):Pump . Hoster: Arms Assassins Helper Lws/G6: Zombie. Screens : https://imgur.com/a/R58g8ua
  21. Event:TDM Prize: 4,000,000 Winner(s):Jeaven , Tefa . Hoster: Arms Assassins Helper Lws/G6: Zombie. Screens https://imgur.com/a/Jd9Z14K
  22. Event Type :"Be the first to"- Be the first one to reach my location as a Reporter and with a News van to win. Personal event :4 Date :03.07.18 Winner\s :Sparrow Prize :3,000,000 Screenshots :https://imgur.com/a/AtAtPXs
  23. Kool Times Newspaper Photographer's Edition: Woke up earlier today to get you some Breathtaking images of the morning of San Andreas and the views we have here, hope you'll like it. Screenshots : https://imgur.com/a/aHbZvuV
  24. Patrol #26 Personal Patrol #16 Participants:[SAM]Zombie Amount of healed individuals:1 hour and 10mins ScreenShots :https://imgur.com/a/sk61JaR
  25. BR LV & SF https://imgur.com/a/fHMxzTc
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