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Everything posted by Shocked

  1. Date: 04/02/2022. Tierra Robada Bank Robbery (8/8). Date: 05/02/2022. San Fierro Bank Robbery (8/8).
  2. Date: 28/01/2022. Las Venturas Bank Robbery (8/8).
  3. Date: 27/01/2022 Turf: Other screens: [s=] [/s]
  4. Date: 20/01/2022. Las Venturas Bank Robbery (8/8). Date: 21/01/2022. San Fierro Bank Robbery (8/8).
  5. Date: 19/01/2022. Doing Store Robberies. [s=]SR 1 SR 2 SR 3 [/s]
  6. Date: 17/01/2022. Doing Store Robberies. [s=] [/s]
  7. Date: 19/02/2021. Las Venturas Bank Robbery (8/8). *** One of the quickest UE bankrobs***
  8. Texas Cartel 1 year @millionaire_ @Calibre-0 @Henry @Jizzy @ChasinTLSN @Thug @Duracell
  9. Hi guys, I don't see a lot of people using the Super GT anymore, so I thought maybe its time to bring back the old super GT mod. If anyone got pictures of old Super GT mod please post below? Here a video from the old Super GT mod: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pA1ylozz7Sg
  10. Date: 04/01/2021 ::: :::
  11. Ingame name: Shocked Ingame username: nielsthekiller Previous organizations and leaving causes: I've been into many gangs. It's a long story. I have been in UE for a few days after T~C died. Define Underground Empire: UE is kinda allround they do things with Weapon trafficking, Drug trafficking, Money laundering, Corrupting politicians & Cops and Contract killing. What binds you with Underground Empire: Well i've known many from UE for a long time most of them are old T~C friends. I went inactive and now due corona shit I want to pick up playing SAES again and have fun with some old friends, who are still playing. Especially Millionaire I have always had a very good connection with him. What do you know about organized crime: Well first the teamworks that's in my opinoin the most important. Other things are listen very well to each other, And follow the things people say to you. Always keep in mind you aren't doing it for you self but for the whole gang.
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