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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Only radar avoiders will get this !
  2. Ingame name: 203|Rizoro Username: hazem007 Country of Residence and Nationality: I'm tunisian ,living exactly in Hammamet. Spoken Languages: Arabic/French/English and a little bit deutsch. Age: 21 Date of the beginning of your SAES career: I have been playing SAES since 2013. Previous organisations and the reason why you left or got kicked out: -VA : It was my first official gang to be in,but after facing too many problems the organization was dead. -UE : Underground Empire was my next step,I spent a joyful time there but I left by mutual consent in order to join yakuza created by my relatives and me. -Yakuza : After a long period the gang was dead and I went inactive. -OC : I came back from inactivity and found OC at the height of it bid and activity so i joined it then I left with a view to recreate yakuza. -Yakuza : Dead again. Write an introduction about yourself personally and your in-game character of 150 to 200 words: I'm Rizoro ingame , my real name is Hazem Mahfoudh, i'm 21 years old, i'm living in hammamet,which is a town in Tunisia. Thanks to its beaches, it is a popular destination for swimming and water sports and is the primary tourist destination in Tunisia.I like gaming and i'm a professional football player. In my spare time,I enjoy playing SAES for fun and training hard.I have many relatives playing with me on the server to entertain, we tried many times to create our gang but we failed and each of us chose his own course.I have been inactive a long time ago since i was studying , but i'm trying my best to adapt with the new server rules and players , i'm a respectful player i do not disturb anyone to serve my own business , calm and prudent ,i do not make hasty decisions , i'm an open-minded person i can serve and help needy gang members , also i'm loyal and enjoy working in team in order to succeed and reach the top .I chose the company as my future gang, because it includes many friends such as elotham and strong ,in addition, it is one of the most mighty and active organization in the server and be part of it is a pleasure to me.
  3. Ingame name: 215|Rizoro Ingame username: hazem007 Previous organizations and leaving causes: -VA : It was my first official gang to be in,but after facing too many problems the organization was dead. -UE : Underground Empire was my next step,I spent a joyful time there but I left by mutual consent in order to join yakuza created by my relatives and me. -Yakuza : After a long period the gang was dead and I went inactive. -OC : I came back from inactivity and found OC at the height of it bid and activity then I left with a view to recreate yakuza. -Yakuza : Dead again. Define Underground Empire: Underground Empire is an organization created by John Dixon, Edward McFarlane, and Judah Davis.They were desperate and hopeless after coming back from war so they decided to get rich but illegally with corrupt politicians. Underground Empire main roles are weapon and drug trafficking,laundering money by converting the dirty money into chips thanks to their own casinos,so that officials have difficulty finding it,bribing politicians and cops and finally killing targets for money. What binds you with Underground Empire: I was a member of this organization a long time ago and I know many members who still belong to this gang, in addtion since I have been in OC I noticed the huge activity of UE and it mighty role in the server.I was an opponent last time during turfs since both gangs OC and UE were almost rivals but the discipline and members attitude caught my attention and i'm now excited to be back. What do you know about organized crime: Organized crime is a group of people run by criminal organizations, such as terrorist groups, are politically motivated ,to engage in illegal activity and their main goal is to make profits.
  4. ~[A]~(#998855)ctivity#68: JailBreak ~[D]~(#998855)ate: 06/10/2019 ~[S]~(#998855)creenshots: ::: https://imgur.com/a/slO8U5T :::
  5. ~[Night activity :]~(#998855)
  6. ~[Evening activity :]~(#998855)
  7. ~[R]~(#998855)oleplay#38: kidnapping and extortion @Vndalos-de-El-Corona ~[D]~(#998855)ate: 27.09.2019 ~[R]~(#998855)oleplay Story: We were 4 bandits patrolling around Las venturas,we didnt move away from our base zone, so that we can easily take down our prey.after few minutes of waiting,we hinted a car which three men were riding it,we followed them secretly by leaving a distance of about hundred metres between us, then we discussed if we can defeat them because we surpass them in number by only one person. We didnt take much time estimating,I got closer to them ,overridden their car ,stopped ours in front of them and we descended directly aiming at them with guns. They were three members of the famous gang Vandalos de El Corona. They didnt resist and surrendered easily of frequent fear,but our mission wasnt just taking what they got and run along, we were more malicious than that, we took one of them as hostage and shot the rest in their foot so they cannot move and react,while leaving we told them that they have a week to save their friend by giving us an amount of one million dollars. After 5 days, we got a call from them saying that they collected the required amount, so we agreed with them on a rendezvous. After few hours we met each other in our base, they gave us the money and we gave them back the hostage without resistance and too much talking. ~[S]~(#998855)creenshots: ::: https://imgur.com/a/gjca0na :::
  8. ~[Night activity :]~(#998855)
  9. ~[Evening activity :]~(#998855)
  10. ~[Evening activity :]~(#998855)
  11. ~[A]~(#998855)ctivity#28: Store robbery ~[D]~(#998855)ate: 09/09/2019 ~[S]~(#998855)creenshots: ::: https://imgur.com/a/tZ0d8ww :::
  12. ~[A]~(#998855)ctivity#27: Store robbery ~[D]~(#998855)ate: 05/09/2019 ~[S]~(#998855)creenshots: ::: https://imgur.com/a/XYoSLy0 :::
  13. ~[A]~(#998855)ctivity#25: ~[Public bank robbery]~(#998855) ~[D]~(#998855)ate: 05/09/2019 ~[S]~(#998855)creenshots: ::: https://imgur.com/a/5V509HW :::
  14. ~[Night Activity :]~(#998855)
  15. ~[Night Activity :]~(#998855)
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