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Everything posted by JoeX

  1. I'm happy that I got a week off from my job to be free today and open SAES like the old days I downloaded GTA SA and MTA and gonna get back but not like before. I'm not a newbie anyway hehehehehe. I am ex Red Devils MC - Generation X - The Motor Heads and former from other organizations that I can't remember JoeX - Joe117
  2. Participants: @Martin @Huffleruff Story: While I was eating the dinner and going to sleep Two men come to me with baby blue Hotring racing, They asked me If I can fix this car I scanned it and found the engine wires are got cutted by the heat of the fan, I took my things and started fixing the engine and the fan batteries and started changing the wires and ,Scanned the car again and found, a big problem in the engine fan that cutted the wires by it's heat I went to our Store and started searching about the fan And found it and changed the last one by a new one and everything went good and better I gave them the car in a good condition and I took my money and slept. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/5bNwTsW
  3. Roleplay: Fixing a Firefighter Fire truck Participants: @Darude Story: A friend called me to help him fixing his car I went to the garage and got my suppliments and went to him his Fire truck don't throw water an that's a big problem I jumped to check it and see that's it want to get a new board that open the hole of the water, I opened the trunk to stop the truck engine and started fixing it, I forgot about the board thing, I left him and went to the garage and got it and went to him and fixed this hole then we tried to fix the engine of it and it's got right and done with it then he gave me 20$ service and 80$ Board price then I went back to the garage ScreenShots: https://imgur.com/a/vOLoryt
  4. TMH Technicians Working on [Date and Time of working]: 2020-03-23 Location: Las Ventarus Estimated Duration of Working: 10 minutes.. Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/abg4GLB
  5. TMH Technicians Working on [Date and Time of working]: 2020-02-19 Location: Las Ventarus Estimated Duration of Working: 10 minutes.. Screenshots: ::: https://imgur.com/a/SyucNpK :::
  6. Participants: @Shadro Story: I got a call from my friend Shadro That his car got crashed while he was driving to home, from Bone County and going to Terira Robada road, I went to get my things and my car from the garage in Bone County and went to him Fixed his car, as the engine fired and get smoke out and he couldn't move with it I changed everything with new one and went back to the garage to the work again Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/9BKq0Oz
  7. Good Luck Brother <3
  8. ThC Spammer
  9. Participants: @ICE-Immigration-Customs-Enforcements Story: San Andreas now days, at a bad days cause the new elections and the criminals, My friends were patrolling around Los Santos, as some Criminals jumped with there weapons and cars on them and damaged the car my friends escaped cause they were only 2, and the criminals were alot, My friends escaped and called me, they waited me in tennis yard in Los Santos, I jumped in my Sanchez and drove to them, The car shaped was bad, and they can't return back to the department with this bad condition, So I fixed the engine, as it was bad and getting out bad smoke, and fixed the whole car, I finished and he payed me and gone away Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/Lqbr0do
  10. TMH Technicians Working on: 01-09-2019 Location: LVx & LS Estimated Duration of Working: 20 minutes Estimated Number of Vehicles Repaired: around 15 Screenshots : https://imgur.com/a/Yzgvczi
  11. Participants: @Rizoro Story: In the morning I as watching the TV, and drinking my beer in the garage, My phone ringed and a friend called me for a help in Las Venatrus, He wanted me to help him quickly as I can, I put off the TV get my tools in the car trunk, get the car keys and drove to him as He sent me his location, I went to him we talked about his car and what happened with him, He was driving and heard a bad noise sound getting out from the car, I opened the engine and drove the car and heard the sound I opened the car hood and the engine was good and the oil filter was great and the whole car was fine but the fuel filter isn't cleaned, I took his car and went to my garage and prepared my tools and get for him a new fuel filter and Fixed it to him Screenshots: ::: :::
  12. TMH Technicians Working on: 19-08-2019 Location: LV Estimated Duration of Working: 20min Estimated Number of Vehicles Repaired: 15 Screenshots : ::: :::
  13. Event Type: Low Truck Racing Event Prize: $1.000.000 Hosted by: @KARIM Winner: @Rivals Screenshots: ::: :::
  14. Participants: @flora06 Story : In the evening I was smoking in my garage, and starting my day, getting ready for the work, I got a call from a customer wanna a help in Bone county beside my garage I drove my low truck and went to him I asked him what happened and he didn't know anything he was driving the car stopped, I opened the hood and the problem were in radiator wire was cutted I took my low truck and get his car up and went to my garage to change the wire I changed the wire and he was happy so he can return back to his house in los santos ScreenShots: ::: :::
  15. Kutchup
  16. Starting Bid: 1M Minimum Bid: 500k ::: :::
  17. Address: Everything Musty Go Business Account name: lambaa Last seen: 6 June 2019 Screenshots: ::: :::
  18. ?!
  19. @Zei I feel bored when I press it 5 minutes, I drove and have lag make me drop in the sea or in the ground, that make me feel bored to press while I search for a disk, to spawn a car or to respawn, that will help a lot of us I think, as "C" help me driving the car automatically when I text someone in PM or in LocalChat
  20. Hang-Around Number: #7 TMH Members Involved: 1 @Freezom Duration of Hang: about 15 min Screenshots: ::: :::
  21. Hang-Around Number: #6 TMH Members Involved: 1 @TaJ Duration of Hang: about 10 min Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/fW4ojJ4
  22. Date and Time : 12-8-2019 Activity : Hanging around Las Ventarus [Fixing players cars] ScreenShot(s) : https://imgur.com/a/sLokelc
  23. At the old days of SAES we could start a Store Robbery as we enter and kill the cashier man, Now we cant start it, We have to wait 30 Minutes, and it starts automatically, We don't see fun on it, I want to return it back, Kill the cashier man and the store robbery starts > Deliver it to receive money > Wait 15 Minutes to start it. :call_me_hand:
  24. Hang-Around Number: #5 TMH Members Involved: 1 @TaJ Duration of Hang: about 15 min Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/rOMUGbI
  25. Hang-Around Number: #4 TMH Members Involved: 1 @hope Duration of Hang: about 15 min Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/ZnHCRa7
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