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MarquesGaming's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Name: Marques Username: MarquesGaming Team Betting on: CDS Ammount: 25m
  2. I have no more to give
  3. Starting bid: 1.000.000$ Minimum bid Increase: 500.000$ Have Spawn
  4. Address: Cuban Parking Corp213123 Account name: frankie[777] Last seen: 15th May 2018 Screenshots: https://i.imgur.com/wz7Sogc.png
  5. Address: 1Juniper Hill Street Account name: fadz Last seen: 20th April 2019 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/RagFT3Q
  6. Some love other hate, but the truth is that luck is not always on our side, how many of us want the Roulette back?
  7. Cuban Cars Members: none Participants: @Exile @Jesse421 @flusha Activity: Meet New Mechanics, Mechanical Services and Remove Cars from the Street Screen Shoots: https://imgur.com/a/pwmPKPs
  8. Cuban Cars Members: none Participants: @AlNMS @vitoscalato366 @ciann Activity: Mechanical Services and Remove Cars from the Street Screen Shots: https://imgur.com/a/lQHQ7tB
  9. Address: 12 North Street Store Account name: dayler Last seen: 26th April 2019 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/nVCuGIs
  10. Address: Angle Pine Cabinyard 1 Account name: daapgames Last seen: 13th April 2019 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/anv9ATI
  11. Cuban Cars Members: none Participants: @Griffin @NubBob @Genetrix @Nord @Jerome-Valeska @Realzappster @Akysens @General Activity: Mechanical Services and Remove Cars from the Street Screen Shots: https://imgur.com/a/lkYOADM
  12. Cuban Cars Member: @Access Activity: Patrolling and Impounding vehicles. Screen Shots: https://imgur.com/a/doANK2P
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